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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Huh? Why? Dude, test it out. Or look at a chapter map or something. Jill has enough move to get there and drop ike. Ike then got hit by the rexaura dude and ashnard then attacked and hit. Resolve wrath ike wtfpwned him and every enemy there and proceeded to destroy him in PP. I also couldve just waited until EP and use elixir and he would've SD'd, giving me a 2 turn clear anyways. So, getting lucky with ashnard missing on the counter meant nothing. It was 60 display hit. Fun fact just for you soul: it only took 1 try. You dont seem to have a problem with resetting like a thousand times for chapter 2. What exactly bothers you about my perfectly replicable and safe ( with elixir in PP 2) strat?
  2. PKL

    ...gonna play it. I dont want to do all that again lol. Ill get to it eventually. I hate 5 turning the desert >_>.

  3. PKL

    Lol. We have the same ideas. I did a test run to the end too mostly because i wanted to see what i could get in each chapter and because i need a new completed file to play another draft where i have pelleas and i had erased everything. I wont restart btw. I figured its impossible to shave any turns in 3-1 anyway with my team. Also, i have a save at the route split but i shudder whenever im gon...

  4. PKL

    Hey CR. Any progress on SFDTT?

  5. -_-. There should be a turn limit lol. Im so javelin spamming caeda to promotion in ch1...
  6. If earlygame is important and bors performs like utter trash in earlygame...why the high rating? Does not compute...
  7. I dont feel comfortable with them online. Specially marth for some reason. There wasnt any lag with us for a while, except the usual 6 frame input lag (which tends to ruin my marf's timings). Also, everyone im free from college for today and tomorrow. Ill have a tourney on saturday so ill be gone. So, any of you with plans to play me on the weekend, try to play me today or tomorrow since i also have plans on sunday...
  8. 0.5/10. Low move. Shitty bases. Too slow to double. terrible accuracy in axelandia...etc.
  9. Wait what? How is he ready for promotion by chapter1 and A rank bows o_O
  10. I have more fun with franz than vanessa because he saves me so much trouble. I love vanessa a lot lot more though. Also, can you please stop criticizing my drafting? I know i am extremely robotic and only go for the best units left. No need to remind me. Garcia and Saleh
  11. Hes always free. Could be interesting if he was draftable though xp.
  12. Alright. Also, make ewan's level a bit higher. Like, 10/5 is more reasonable. Amelia to 10/1 works fine but 10/1 for ewan leaves him unviable anyways. Put a clause saying that the player should retreat ASAP when he gets to level 5 though. That's just my opinion though and you dont have to do it :p its not like ewan will ever be decent anyways :/.
  13. Btw, can trainees be towered to 10/1?
  14. Err, wing spear is free. Also, i assume forges are fine right? because i dont see any rule adressing that in the OP.
  15. Hey Queen. You need to put a units list in the OP. It will make drafting easier ^_^. You can find one in the general drafting thread. Cant link you atm because im on phone.
  16. I vote for free resetting until chapter 4 too.
  17. I explained it in the log didnt I? Jill with 11 move rescue dropped ike with a push from reyson. And she had leftover move to canto. Tits then did the usual rescue reyson out of danger canto and have some take drop him.
  18. How long did you guys wait for me? You should have just RNG'd me. I didnt know it was my turn and was online and even checked the thread >_>. First time that happens.
  19. I can play today, right now. PM me if you can play.
  20. Barst performs better for me than the altean cavs in H5 so barst it is.
  21. What do you mean? Ike killed the normal ashnard in EP 1 and berserk ashnard in PP 2. It certainly did count. Also, why did ur ike not get hp transfer? :o
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