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Everything posted by PKL

  1. I changed my mind. I will join.
  2. To be fair, the only rule that i dont like and will probably cause the most frustration for those who play, is having to recruit everyone and keep them alive. I do love me some gaidens in 11 H5 because they give me a chance to train. Tbh, ive never tried keeping everyone alive and probably never will. Its just too crazy.
  3. He is decent accurate earlygame chip. His bases are terrible and he will never be able use his growths even if they were amazing. Because archer syndrome. Hes pretty terrible outside of earlygame chip and should ideally be benched ASAP. He gets a 2/10 from me.
  4. I was extremely interested until i saw the recruit everyone rule. :( This means I wont join sadly.
  5. Yeah i did. I even counted your super late vote lol. She got a 4.9.
  6. @ quint- dont be so mean to my noob self. I know i failed back then xD.@ boron- that isnt so bad. At least u finished an FE8 draft unlike me. I tend to get stuck every single draft in the desert trying to kill caellach...@CR- i once did a solo of the dragon map with kurth too lol. I wonder, how did i have so much patience back then? >_> I can never go back to playing normal FE, u know, without limited units. Even when i first played FE12 the other day, i was playing as if it was a draft. Completely ignoring some units for others thinking they gave me a penalty every time i used them >_>. Does that happen to any of you?
  7. @ harpoon- i still dont know what went on in that draft. You got tanith jill and boyd...come on >_>. @ boron- what did u get? Also, we all do badly in our first drafts :p. Like me in my first FE10 draft, which was hard mode to boot! I got like 300 turns and now i can get like 100 lower than that lol. RD keeps a record of ur last 30 TCs and everytime i look at them...shrug. The first TC i got when i played the game was 908 haha. Oh and my MVP was rolf wtf.
  8. Day 65: Volke. Rating these last units is so boring...also, oliver and bastian ratings in a sec. EDIT: Oliver got a well deserved 0.9. Thats not recruited territory in the tier list lol. Bastian got a 1.7. God, that is awful. Time to rate volke. He comes in 4-5 with great bases and a lethal (lolpun) skill. He costs 3000 G to recruit but lol @ money at that point of the game. He is decent. Being able to ORKO izuka after a rescue charge from elincia or walking up to him since has thief bush move which is cool. He comes extremely late though and probably wont be doing much after 4-E-1...he gets a 2.5/10 from me.
  9. Oops. My Team: Jill, Nephenee, Tormod, Rolf, Lucia, Ena + Free units: Ike, Titania, Reyson and Sothe. Hard Mode Fixed Mode. Its hard to beat the current FE9 records btw, since they were on random mode and Normal mode but I think it is doable with a flier + an earlygame unit to help with ch7.
  10. Wow good job horace! 12 turns below ur previous record :o.
  11. I completed FE9 in my Tellius Draft in 148 turns.
  12. Finished the FE9 portion of my Tellius Draft in 148 turns.
  13. Finished! Chapter 28 4/146 Ike puts Tibarn on Halt and eats a Pure Water. Jill rescues him and cantos. Reyson vigors. She flies and pure waters. Then, she drops him in Turn 2 and he murders pretty much everything. She then kills boss in Turn 4 for Ike to seize. Neph trained. Unit Lv/Xp/HP/St/Mg/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs WLvs Ike 17/20/57/26/10/26/28/18/23/15 Sword S Titania 16/39/46/20/07/22/24/18/16/13 Lance B Axe S Rolf 06/94/36/17/06/23/22/14/15/09 Bow C Neph 14/22/41/21/07/27/26/12/21/10 Lance B Jill maxed out with same stats Tormod 13/46/37/08/27/20/22/16/11/23 Fire B Thunder C Wind D Staff E Reyson 06/54 lolheron Lucia 12/92 base Ena 10/11 base Endgame base: BEXP Nephenee to 20 and gave her an Energy Drop. She capped str skl and spd. Ike is given all my remaining BEXP and he reached 19.27 Endgame 2/148 Ike moves up. Jill rescues. Reyson vigors. Jill drops Ike and cantos. Ashnard attacks Ike and Ike kills him. All the enemies SD'd to Ike and Ike leveled up and capped hp and def. Then, Ike kills Berserk Ashnard in PP. Kills: Sothe 0 Wins Reyson 0 Wins Ena 0 Wins Lucia 4 Wins Rolf 27 Wins 5th Tormod 60 Wins 4th Nephenee 64 Wins 3rd Ike 104 Wins 2nd Jill 177 Wins 1st Titania 185 Wins Turncount confirmation with the Eplilogue: P- 4 C1- 3 C2- 4 C3- 3 C4- 2 C5- 6 C6- 5 C7- 10 C8- 8 C9- 5 C10- 4 C11- 5 C12- 8 C13- 7 C14- 3 C15- 3 C16- 5 C17- 17 C18- 7 C19- 2 C20- 2 C21- 6 C22- 1 C23- 4 C24- 4 C25- 4 C26- 4 C27- 6 C28- 4 Endgame- 2 Total: 148 Transfers obtained: Ike- HP Str Skl Spd Def Jill- Str Skl Spd Nephenee- Str Skl Spd
  14. He has meteor shenanigans and good staff rank. Thats pretty much it. Availability sucks and spd is lol. 1.5/10
  15. Chapter 25 Base: Recruited Largo. +50 BEXP to Tormod, Ike, Nephenee and Rolf Another Hand Axe forge Chapter 25 4/132 Jill flies north with a push from Reyson. Tormod and Ike handle east. Neph handles west. Bolting was amazing and shaved a turn. Unit Lv/Xp/HP/St/Mg/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs WLvs Ike 09/56/51/22/08/22/24/15/19/12 Sword A Titania 14/01/45/18/07/21/22/17/16/12 Lance B Axe S Rolf 04/48/35/16/06/21/21/13/14/08 Bow C Neph 09/47/38/19/06/24/26/11/19/09 Lance B Jill 20/--/55/27/10/26/27/14/25/12 Lance A Axe S Tormod 10/50/35/08/25/19/21/15/10/21 Fire B Thunder C Wind D Staff E Reyson 05/54 lolheron Lucia 12/32/ base Chapter 26 base: Ike x Reyson B +50 BEXP to Ike, Nephenee, Rolf and Tormod Silver Axe forge for Jill Savior on Jill Chapter 26 4/136 Jill ferries Ike with a push from Reyson. Jill 2RKO'd Bertram. Unit Lv/Xp/HP/St/Mg/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs WLvs Ike 10/18/51/22/08/23/25/15/20/12 Sword A Titania 15/19/46/19/07/21/23/17/16/12 Lance B Axe S Rolf 05/66/36/16/06/22/22/14/14/09 Bow C Neph 10/90/38/20/07/25/26/11/20/09 Lance B Jill maxed out with same stats Tormod 11/44/36/08/26/19/21/15/10/22 Fire B Thunder C Wind D Staff E Reyson 05/84 lolheron Lucia 12/51 base Chapter 27 base: +50 BEXP to Ike, Neph and Tormod Hand Axe forge for Jill Chapter 27 5+1(6)/142 First part was 5 turns because I could do arrive with Jill in Turn 4 but that would have skipped Resolve since no matter what combination, Titania cant get there in time for a 4 turn. Then, Part 2 was all about Ike being a pussy and escaping. What a MAN. Unit Lv\Xp/HP/St/Mg/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs WLvs Ike 12/41/53/24/09/24/26/16/20/13 Sword A Titania 16/30/46/20/07/22/24/18/16/10 Lance B Axe S Rolf 06/60/36/17/06/23/22/14/15/09 Bow C Neph 12/31/40/21/07/26/26/12/20/09 Lance B Jill Maxed out with same stats Tormod 13/24/37/08/27/20/22/16/11/23 Fire B Thunder C Wind D Staff E Reyson 06/24 lolheron Lucia 12/82/ base Chapter 28 base: Ike x Titania A Resolve and Provoke on Ike. Pure Water for Ike.
  16. Oh, sorry. Alan gets a 8/10. Lance gets a 9/10. I prefer the green cavvy in every game and lance seems to have more skl and spd, so he gets to doubling faster. Alan may have trouble at the beginning at ORKO'ing things with his meh spd. Both will probably turn out fine though.
  17. Horseas with great availability. Can support eliwood. Oh wait, no thats not eliwood...and can support each other. I prefer the green cavity in every game myself since they seem to better. So lance gets a slightly higher vote from me. 9/10 (5 for lance and 4 for alan)
  18. haha nice tech. ggs magnus. its official, my peach is one of my worse online characters despite being as reliable as my mains offline. actually my online marth and toon link are also bad lol.
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