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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Shouldnt reyson be free? Ill join since i can finish PoR in like...2 days. No titania will be annoying for the beginning though...expect terrible TCs xD
  2. Summons can be really useful in ch16 and ch18. Summons can also rescue a unit and "fly" over some terrain, effectively shaving turns in ch20 if u lack warp and fliers. But thats about it. His lck is lol. His combat is lol. And his staffing is terrible thanks to E staves...I give him a 3/10.
  3. Balcerzak kindly offered to update it. I can get on my dads comp ocasionally.
  4. Oh, i see. Ive never found myself needing healers that often in drafts. I would definetely not have "drafting a healer" as a top priority in an exp draft seeing as how they always have a turn limit and my playstyle sucks for healers. Also, can i shadow a team? Preferably one with nessie/franz...
  5. @boron- why would you draft a healer in PoR? titania needs no healing :p
  6. As you probably already noticed, I can update now. Chapter 8 Base: BEXP: Ike's level is completed. (11.00) 34/10/3/12/13/9/9/3 Bought 4 Hand Axes for Titania. Funds left: 1000G BEXP: 1416 Chapter 8 8/45 BEXP: 1666 Derp. Defense. Again. Tits got boss kill. Unit Lv/Xp/HP/St/Mg/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs WLvs Ike 13/89/36/11/03/13/14/10/10/04 Sword B Titania 06/62/38/15/05/16/16/13/1/308 Lance B Axe S Chapter 9 Base: BEXP: Ike- +50 BEXP (14.39) 37/12/4/13/15/11/10/5 Sold Red Gem and Ashera Icon. Iron Bow forge with Max MT and +5 Hit for Rolf. Funds left: 3610G BEXP: 1609 Chapter 9 5/50 BEXP: 1909 Titania ferries Ike. Rolf gets to chip from behind Lethe and Mordy. Unit Lv/Xp/HP/St/Mg/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs WLvs Ike 15/17/37/13/04/14/15/11/10/05 Sword B Titania 07/44/39/15/05/17/17/14/13/09 Lance B Axe S Rolf 01/43/base Chapter 10 Base: BEXP: Rolf to base level. (10.00) 24/8/1/12/11/8/8/3 Ike x Titania C support. Bought 4 Steel Axes for Tits. Iron Axe forge with Max MT and +5 Hit. Bought an Iron Blade for Ike. Funds: 15480 BEXP: 1104 Chapter 10 4/54 BEXP: 1414 Titania rescues Ike and cantos. Rolf follows closely. Then, Tits full moves and drops ike with Iron Blade equipped and he weakens two soldiers in EP. Tits kills one and cantos towards the escape point. Rolf kills the soldier with the door key. Ike full moves and makes sure to be right below to Titania so that he cant get his move blocked by the soldiers. Then, Tits uses her Axe to ORKO the halberdier. Rolf opens Neph's door and Ike escapes. Unit Lv/Xp/HP/St/Mg/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs WLvs Ike 15/51/37/13/04/14/15/11/10/05 Sword B Titania 07/68/39/15/05/17/17/14/13/09 Lance B Axe S Rolf 10/28/24/08/01/12/11/08/08/03 Bow E Chapter 11 Base: Got a Laguzslayer. I gave Neph a Knight Band. BEXP- Neph to base level. (10.00) 24/9/2/11/13/7/10/3 Rolf- 50 (10.78) Ike- +50 (16.01) 38/13/4/14/15/11/11/5 Iron Lance forge with Max MT +5 Hit and Max Crit for Neph. Bought 4 Hand Axes for Tits. Funds: 13411 BEXP: 999 Chapter 11 5/59 BEXP: 1499 Took house route with Tits and Rolf. Ike got the Draco village. Rolf got a lucky crit on a horsie. Tits KOs the myrm blocking the way and cantos. Tits couldnt kill boss. Rolf got the Killer Lance village without attracting Ziharks attention. Unit Lv/Xp/HP/St/Mg/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs WLvs Ike 17/36/39/13/04/15/16/11/11/06 Sword B Titania 07/97/39/15/05/17/17/14/13/09 Lance B Axe S Rolf 11/17/24/08/02/13/12/08/09/04 Bow E Neph 10/59/24/09/02/11/13/07/10/03 Lance E / Chapter 12 Base: Recruited Sothe. BEXP: +50 to Neph and Rolf. Iron Lance forge with Max MT and Hit for Jill, but I give it to Ike of course. Bought Javelins. Funds: 9856 BEXP: 1392 Chapter 12 8/67 BEXP: 1592 Rolf chipped. Neph and the others killed stuff. Jill is fed kills with the forge after she was recruited. Neph wrath crits the last crow in EP 8. Just as planned. :) Unit Lv/Xp/HP/St/Mg/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs WLvs Ike 18/00/40/14/04/15/17/12/12/06 Sword B Titania 08/91/40/16/05/17/17/14/13/09 Lance B Axe S Rolf 12/27/25/08/02/14/13/09/09/04 Bow E Neph 12/99/25/10/03/12/14/07/11/04 Lance E Jill 09/45/25/11/00/10/10/06/11/02 Lance D Chapter 13 Base: Ike x Titania B Support. BEXP: +50 to Neph and Rolf. +2.XX to Jill. (12.00) 26/12/1/12/11/7/12/3 Gave Jill the Speedwings, Dracoshield and Seraph Robe. Another Iron Lance forge for Jill. Sold Blue Gem. Funds: 12436 BEXP: 1211 Chapter 13 7/74 BEXP: 1511 Looted chests to make the crows flee. Tits got boss kill...AGAIN. This is getting old... Unit Lv/Xp/HP/St/Mg/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs WLvs Ike 18/42/40/14/04/15/17/12/12/06 Sword B Titania 09/90/40/16/05/18/18/15/14/10 Lance B Axe S Rolf 13/40/26/09/02/14/13/09/09/04 Bow E Neph 15/09/27/12/03/14/16/08/12/04 Lance E Jill 14/92/35/13/01/13/14/07/15/03 Lance D Sothe lol base
  7. Id like to see marcia, rolf, tanith, sigrun, soren, oscar, boyd plz.
  8. Well, hes a better pick than norne in my experience...but ok ;(.
  9. Wtf? why are u guys letting me have navarre? Not that im complaining. Navarre
  10. Because theres a lot of antiarmor and antihorse-weapon-using-enemies, amirite?
  11. PKL

    FRLG tier list

    Vap's hp makes her bulky in both sides though. With EVs in def shes a pretty cool tank. But ok, this is ingame >.> so she probably wont be EV trained.
  12. PKL

    FRLG tier list

    Ah, right. Didnt remember master ball existed so early in the game. Ok, zappy is cool. I still think jolt is underrated in this list :( but thats probably because its my favorite pogeymanz.
  13. PKL

    FRLG tier list

    When do you receive master ball in FRLG? I dont remember but if its when you get surf, i concede defeat. If not then, BS on capturing zappy in a reasonable timeframe.
  14. PKL

    FRLG tier list

    I know this is ingame, creeper, no need to "yell". (hint: ur not actually yelling) I was just saying that she is known to be bulky unlike what ur saying. Doesnt matter if she cant wish here. Also, if u can get zapdos at level 50 as soon as u get surf...then ur a god or grinded like crazy. Wont ur pkmns be like 30-35 by that time and get OHKO'd?
  15. PKL

    FRLG tier list

    Vaporeon is an amazing physical wall. At least in player vs player, shes always been known to not die easily thanks to wish/protect and 240 def + 448 hp...Shes a tank. Idk why u say she cant take cross chops to the face...
  16. Duracell is pretty amazing. Triple A ranks. Wtf str and def bases. Pony. 6 move hurts though and unwinged duracell will stop doubling soon. I give him 7/10 but bias (bcuz beard) increases the score to an 8/10
  17. PKL

    FRLG tier list

    I lost my fire red, sorry. I can join platinum heartgold soulsilver drafts though.
  18. PKL

    FRLG tier list

    Wow im so rusty at pokemon that im having trouble remembering the damage formula. Was it like this? 2*level/5+2*atk/satk*move power*life orb/choice multiplier*STAB/defending pokemon's def or sdef/50+2*1 if neutral, *2 if super effective, *4 if double effective, *0.5 if not very effective, *.25 if double not effective and finally RNG between .85 and .100 right? Completely unrelated u might think but i wanted to some calcs on jolteon and raichu vs lorelei :p
  19. PKL

    FRLG tier list

    You missed a key point there. Zapdos has no availability at all. Jolt joins as soon as u get to erika. For zappy u have to wait til surf iirc. What is pikachu doing in earlygame that is so important? ill concede misty but hes terrible vs brock and surge. The jolteon joins and suddenly pikachu isnt looking so hot anymore...sure, raichu might dent lorelei but he will be taking counters and with that def...he doesnt like counters, not to mention that it gives lorelei a chance to full restore. Also TB is 95 u noob. Also, zappy takes a freaking long time to catch even with 1 hp and sleep...so its incredibly time-consuming.
  20. PKL

    FRLG tier list

    Jolteon uses TB better than voltorb ever will. Jolt actually OHKOs things, which lets it not eat counters...a pokemon that completely trivializes water type trainers and lorelei should be higher than that. You seriously underestimate the power of STAB TB from jolteon...raichu will have trouble OHKOing lorelei's pokemon unlike jolt. Dont even get me started on electrode...that thing's satk is terrible. Why give it to voltorb or pikachu when u can bench either one of them for jolt and give TB to it instead? Also, vaporeon should be higher too. STAB surf from 110 satk? Can learn ice beam, bite and stuffz and dat hp lets it take beatings like crazy.
  21. PKL

    FRLG tier list

    Dude, tackle and wing attack have terrible earlygame coverage, specially for gyms. Even availability cant save such a bad pokemon from being in the depths of low tier...IMO. Also, how is jolteon doing the same as a freaking pikachu when jolteon has much better spd and 110 satk? Please explain that to me because i dont seem to be getting it.
  22. Skrimir got a 6.6. I give nestling a 7/10. His combat is pretty amazing. Tear vantage and possibly adept...its a shame he only has S strike at base but SS should be obtainable before or in E-1. He has formshift, flight and canto...but lack of 2 range as always, puts him down a bit and of course, his availability isnt so hot.
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