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Everything posted by PKL

  1. I agree. Brolan wouldnt be so great without dat beard of manliness. Its probably what gives him such epic growths.
  2. No, no. I meant in general that eddie is really fun to use. I know he cant resolve wrath in that map. Its not like he needs it anyways lol.
  3. Lol with those plans i think u beat me by 2 turns. I will forever draft elincia from now on xD. That penalty hurts.
  4. There is nothing as fun as watching eddie tear that map in 2. Brolan has nothing on eddie. Damnit, i miss eddie. Hes so fun to use with his wrath resolve shenanigans...
  5. Integ. Shouldnt hammerne on rescue be banned in FE12?
  6. I might redo Part 3 because im ashamed of my TC of 3-1. I blame shinon. Also, isnt the 5 turn of the desert super rig-needy? >.> I tried it and was surprised at how unreliable everything was. But that could be due to bio. Is rhys in good bio in that map? Also, miccy doesnt ORKO some enemies in the desert >.>. Probably the same with rhys.
  7. Oh. I also have a save at the beginning of the split. Actually, i left a save at the beginning of every part lol.
  8. CR, whats your plan for 4-5 and 4-4?
  9. Rate the Unit...Ewan...unit?...what is this madness? I thought it was known ewwwwwan is not a unit. I give him a 0/10. Worst unit, ever.
  10. I give Ulki a 6.5. Hes worse than janaff because he cant ORKO as well as janaff can. His avoid is super overkill. That means ulki gets a 6.9. Day 55: Sigrun. Shes hot. Decent bases except for str and comes ready for promotion. Shes a flier, so shes obviously useful. Her growths suck though. With an abysmal 25% growth in spd and 10% def...her str starts slow so even with an energy drop and a javelin forge...she wont be ORKO'ing much in 3-11 unlike tanith and marcia can. She can obviously ferry ike without ever having to face the crossbow guy and will be in best bio against the bow wielding dudes so she has good chance to survive while ferrying him. Her str picks up decently quickly and she will be ORKO'ing with a javelin forge by 4-P. Her abysmal spd means she wont avoid as many bows as tanith and marcia can and she might even miss doubling the 4-P boss, which means shes not very...reliable. Shes almost always at bad to worst bio in the desert, just like Tanith. Although she can ferry others around to do their dirty work while she cleans up easier parts with her move. She also has good base weapon ranks. Shes not so bad in drafts tbh. Shes just worse than the other peggies by a lot. I give her a 6/10.
  11. How long til marth gets RNG'd? Seriously, its been much longer than a day...
  12. I meant rescue with the sisters* and of course some again uses.
  13. Yeah. Rescue on the sisters. Then a marth crit or have enough firepower to KO him with your units.
  14. Wow ur lyn and florina are both at base def >.>
  15. I just realized i suck at math. You break even. +2 from malliesia, +4 from hammerine = 6. -2 from agains = +4. Repair. +2 more agains = +2. Repair. +2 more agains = break even. Repair. And the normal 3 agains. You might have more again uses then everybody in endgame though which could lead to a 1 turn of medeus.
  16. Its ok. And i didnt know that levin! artur is suspect for banning. Thats how much i know of FE4, lulz
  17. Ok cool. Its not useless though. You get more again staff uses, which i think breaks even. +2 from getting malliesia, + 4 from hammerne. 2 agains save 2 turns so ur at -4. repair. 2 more agains. -2. repair and 2 more agains means +1, not to mention the remaining 3. Heh, she makes up for it with +1 again over everyone else. But that is more balanced than 4+4+4+5 rescues...which means like 12 turns over the others...shrug. Also, correct me if im wrong, but isnt levin! artur beaten all the time by the broken 3 players of FE4? (horace, integ and shin)
  18. Well, i for one didnt pick her first because i thought hammerne was banned from being used on rescue as of late...but i was wrong. Why should we appeal to only one person as opposed to everyone? I play drafts for fun, and im sorry i cant have fun if i know that whatever i do, i will lose the draft. Its just...dumb. If i had malliesia, i would still vouch for a rule change, mind you. Im not selfish. Also, you only really need palla to low turn an H1 draft. Stop being so butthurt because your first pick was "devalued" when you have freaking palla of all people.
  19. There is one FE12 draft that wen hosted that banned it. Also, what part of malliesia + hammerne/rescue breaks the balance of the draft, do you not understand? This is a 4 man FE12 draft, normally they are 6-7 player drafts. We get more units than normal, making up for the malliesia first pick...You dont need more than 3 earlygame units to beat the game in the same amount of turns as the rest of us. But if you have hammerne on rescue allowed, marth and I will lose by 6+ turns no matter how brilliant we play. If you dont see anything wrong with that then, wow...also, when is marth gonna pick? >.>
  20. Alright sure. But we have to see what Integ says first. Btw, shin, i havent heard from the other team members in a good while...Whitefang disappeared, naglfar hasnt posted in SFDTT FE8 anymore since chapter 5 or so...and idk about the other ones. Also, shin for leader.
  21. Warper. Good bases. Great combat in desert. Decent growths. Best warp range in the game. 9/10
  22. PKL

    Blame draft threads :p. I dont consider myself a spammer. Silver harpoon on the other hand...Also, happy (late) birthday.

  23. Banning rescue completely poses problems in chapters where marth HAS to visit villages like ch9, ch18 and ch21. Im all for banning hammerne on rescue always but it would be kinda unfair for refa i guess. On the other hand, marth and I could stand a chance against refa...which motivates me to play :p. He could grab hammerine to use it on again anyways which makes up for the turns malliesia and hammerine take...without the stupid brokeness of rescue repairing lol. And its not like malliesia is such a terrible first pick without the rescue repairing...
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