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Everything posted by PKL

  1. I must be crazy then. I put her in the frontlines in the desert and she did pretty much everything. Theres 2 resolves. Who uses resolve as well as miccy/sages in the desert in part 4? But ok, i will count ur vote.
  2. And i have my most hated placing ever in a draft...fourth ugh.
  3. Creeper, can you provide better reasoning for ur vote? Voting closes in 3 hours...
  4. ok boron, fine, ill join >.>. And ok @ creeper.
  5. Maybe u should finish some of those shitload of FE9-FE10 drafts you have before joining every single new draft...just saying
  6. Oh for the love of...stop spamming FE7 >.>
  7. I didnt join because i dont see the point :p. I rarely use healers anyway >.>. And my backlog is almost as big as sharpoon's. If you guys need another player, then i can give it a whirl. FE7 doesnt take too long anyways.
  8. You are if you dont let sharpoon enter ^-^. If sharpoon wants to enter some more drafts, he should finish some more drafts first. Also, i swear silver harpoon must be starting to hate me lulz.
  9. Oh god not another draft for creeper...
  10. Im not counting that vote since you dont provide any reason other than "bias".
  11. I want marcia. EDIT: i need to learn english comprehension. lol. Marcia badge already exists, so i want Caeda please.
  12. I give her a 5/10. Comes late but can be made a mini-calill in silver army. She can never hope to wield rexflame but she does fine with fire forges throughout the game and cymbeline if she ever needs more attack.
  13. Refa, ur final TC is actually 223 since u didnt count 31x. Correct me if im wrong.
  14. Get the gems. Sell weapons. Problem solved.
  15. Why make everyone free until deployment?
  16. And here i thought u were gonna log for once. Ur so boring :/
  17. Oh, sorry, didnt spot the changes. Its all good.
  18. Warren i guess. Also, u didnt update rules.
  19. Huh? I dont see anything...EDIT: it seems im going to clear in 151 turns if all goes as planned. Thats much better than the last time i played this game :). I doubt i can go any lower than this in fixed mode and without a ch 7 unit.
  20. Haha, i gave him adept and he freaking crit shiharam >.>. Also, im at chapter 23 atm again...lets see how i do this time that i have elixirs. Biatchy chapter wont know what hit it.
  21. Guys, quick question. What would be better? Adept on Tormod so he can double meteor shiharam or save the adept for jill? I also have the option of energy drop on tormod so he can double naturally...but that could mean no str transfer for jill/neph...also, i know this is a double post, but if i dont bump this, no one would see.
  22. Whoever gets reyson will be able to remove boyd once a turn which almost always translates to a turn shave. Boyd will be everyones best unit no doubt and only one player being able to re-move him is kinda unfair. But thats just me, i am of the people that think dancers should always be free for everyone. Im not bothered if he isnt free.
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