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Everything posted by PKL

  1. the vid would have been a lot more interesting if it wasnt super speedy. I wanted to look at everyone's stats. But it was too fast to see them. Also, Wolt's bases still suck compared to the other dudes from what I saw :/.
  2. 2-P 8 2-1 5 2-2 4 2-3 5 2-E 1+4 27 turns for Part 2. So, my TC right now is 84. Currently experimenting on how to tackle 3-1 with my team. Soren was BEXP'd for awesome speed. Although, hes pretty much at base def and HP which is sad. Ike's level ups make me cringe lol, he procs every stat in 3-P except the one thats the most important for him, SPEED. Had to sacrifice a few levels of BEXP on Nephenee for the usual 3 levels of BEXP I give to Elincia in 2-E. Proc'ing stun is like, 16% chance and I dont want to rig. Neph left Part 2 @ level 12. Her str is pretty good and she has capped skl and spd and res obviously. She might cap str with Part 3 BEXP and be ready for promotion.
  3. Calill's average is 6.2. Day 38: Ike Err...hes Jesus. The dude is ridiculous. His bases are amazing, even godlier with transfers. He doesnt promote til part 4 but he's usually fine in Tier 2 anyway in Part 3 maps. Especially since he has Ragnell...Speaking of Ragnell, its the most broken thing ever. 18 MT, 1-2 range, +5 def and available for 3-11, 3-E, 4-1,4-4 and endgame? YES plz. His only downside is that he doesnt fly. I give Ike a 9.9/10 -1 for not flying but +.9 because we're speaking of Ike here.
  4. IIRC yes. But not too sure atm. It doesnt say anything in the rules about it.
  5. This game is very amazing so far. I just beat Academia 400 AF. Its a lot better than 13 IMO.
  6. Ive done 7 turns in 3-P with only Ike and Rolf before. Yet Soren cant do it LOL. 7 move is just that good over 6. You need a unit that can get rid of as many enemies as possible that Skrimir could target to make him keep advancing. Soren lags behind too much. Boyd's chance to 7 turn the map is ridiculously low due to his low crit rate with the Killer Axe.
  7. She died in the no-reset draft in chapter 7...and I didnt CARE. She was at base level. 0.5/10
  8. Lmfao. *grabs popcorn*
  9. Danved's average is 4.4. Next up, Day 37: Calill Available starting in 2-E, although she cant do much of note in that map. The boss is usually too far away for her to be able to meteor him...Then, she is available in 3-9. She can receive a lot of BEXP there and get Crowned + given Adept for a great performance. She can 3 turn the map if she can double the boss with Meteor or with Adept. But, realistically, its going to be a 4 turn, so she CAN theoretically save a turn there, but cant, most of the time. Then, she is available in 3-11. Her low move makes her extremely mediocre in the map. 3-E, the same story except she can actually do something. Where she shines, is with her Part 4. She is IMO the best mage in the game to get for Silver Route. Fire Magic's MT rocks and her naturally good speed + decent mag and resolve makes her pretty ridiculous and able to tank the whole northern enemy group of 4-P. She also shines in the desert. Being able to double everything in Resolve and possibly having 32 Spd by then to double most of the enemies without it. (she misses some swordmasters). She has Rexflame usage for Endgame too which makes her able to double Auras with Nasir and 35 spd is just generally, really good. She also has pretty decent MT with it. I give the Calill a 6.5/10. I love her but I have to set my bias aside. Like I said in the paragraph, she has issues in most of the maps before Part 4.
  10. So, first I had to reset in ch 14 because Eirika got berserk'd and decided to attack freaking Franz of all ppl. Then, in chapter 15, calleach decides to 4% critblick Gerik. >.>
  11. Is that even allowed? What a dick move 13th
  12. Nope. It didnt give me 7 turns. It just gave me 1 more level up than last time for Soren (and amazing ones, at that)
  13. Apparently, there is no way to pull of the 7 turn of 3-P with just Ike and Soren or Ike and Boyd for that matter since I already tested it too. Heck, I got 9 turns with Ike and Soren first time because Skrimir and his gang decided to be complete idiots although I got 8 turns now in the not-a-test run. EDIT- Actually, Im gonna test again since Im pretty sure I messed up somewhere. I gave Soren Provoke, Vantage and Miracle this time and he seems to have very good chances to survive in the first few turns because of the thicket tiles + good bio + the skills and attract the enemies for Ike to keep advancing. IDK if this will give me 7 turns or not though.
  14. Makalulz's average is 5.0. Day 36: Danved Lol danved. A 7 move lance locked unit in chapters where most units are sporting 9 move...anyway, his growths suck. His bases are meh. BEXP tends to favor unimportant growths a lot. I guess he can climb the ledge in 3-9, but I doubt that shaves a turn. What do you get in exchange for your work? A worse Sentinel than Nephenee that didnt exist throughout Part 3 Greil...yeah, doesnt look good for Danved. Oh hey, he also cant double Auras like Nephenee due to a shit spd cap. I give Danved a 3.5/10
  15. And I always get 1 or 2nd in EVERY SS draft i play lol. I want fourth so I can, u know, actually try Saleh for once. >.>
  16. Oh God no...oh god no...plz not another one. PLEASE. Im NOT in. MUST resist...
  17. Chapter 10 Eirika Route 7/88 Resets: 1 Eirika played at being Marth. Franz opened her way. Artur gathered CEXP. Unit Lv/Xp/HP/St/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs Support WLvs Eirika 13/11/23/07/16/17/12/07/02 Sword B Artur 09/57/24/10/11/12/04/02/10 Light D Franz 08/89/39/19/15/24/14/14/04 Sword B Lance S Gerik 10/00/32/14/13/13/08/10/04 Sword C Tethys 01/00/18/01/02/12/10/05/04 Chapter 11 Eirika Route 8/96 Resets: 1 Franz went south with Tethys help. He killed the Venin Bow guy. He then killed the southern enemy pack (the one with the red flying thing that is really strong) and doubled back with Tethys help and killed the guys west of Dozla. Gerik and Artur did stuff east. Eirika killed reinforcements. Unit Lv/Xp/HP/St/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs Support WLvs Eirika 14/52/24/07/17/18/13/07/02 Sword A Franz 10/68/40/20/16/24/14/14/04 Sword B Lance S Artur 11/10/25/12/12/13/04/02/11 Light C Gerik 02/39/37/15/16/15/08/13/07 Sword C Axe C Tethys 01/40/18/01/02/12/10/05/04 Chapter 12 11/107 Eirika was so fail that she had to unequip herself after a while for fear of death near the start. Gerik made his way to Eirika and helped her. Artur got 4 barriers in before end of chapter. OMG I forgot I have Dozla drafted...couldve helped xD. Oh well. Unit Lv/Xp/HP/St/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs Support WLvs Eirika 16/19/25/07/17/20/14/07/04 Sword A Artur 02/55/29/14/13/13/05/05/14 Light B Staff C Franz 12/40/42/20/17/24/15/14/05 Sword B Lance S Gerik 03/42/38/15/17/15/08/13/07 Sword C Axe B Tethys 02/31/19/01/02/13/11/05/05 Damnit...I just did ch 12 and had a lot of trouble with eirika near the starting point. Then, I realized I have Dozlol drafted and couldve made him stay there and prevent all that Eirika trouble. Ugh. Oh well, it isnt worth it to reset now anyway.
  18. And then Ford died xD. Good shit Ford.
  19. Chapter 9 13/81 Resets: 1 Killing Edge helped a lot. Franz rushed got the Draco and the Killing Edge. Sending them to Convoy. So eirika could use them. Eirika and Artur struggled a lot. I had to constantly retreat with them and strategically lured the enemies to the starting point. After Eirika had weakened stuff up enough. Artur (who stayed just out of range of everyone except a Hand Axe bandit) and Eirika teamed on the enemies. Franz couldve done his part in 12 turns but a figher didnt chase him, costing me a turn. Unit Lv/Xp/HP/St/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs Support WLvs Eirika 12/73/23/06/16/16/11/07/02 Sword B Franz 07/29/38/19/14/24/13/14/04 Sword C Lance S Artur 08/76/23/10/11/11/03/02/10 Light D
  20. No Reset FE8 Draft My Team: Franz, Gerik, Artur, Dozla, Knoll Prologue 2/2 Resets: 0 Burn RN burn and traded swag to Eirika. Unit Lv/Xp/HP/St/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs Support WLvs Eirika 02/45/16/05/08/10/06/03/01 Sword E Chapter 1 5/7 Resets: 0 Did the usual strat. Franz battled reinforcements. Surprisingly, Eirika didnt even get hit by anyone. Franz's level wasnt too shabby. Unit Lv/Xp/HP/St/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs Support WLvs Eirika 04/46/17/05/09/12/06/03/02 Sword D Franz 02/46/21/07/06/08/02/06/01 Sword E Lance D Chapter 2 6/11 Resets: 0 Undrafteds rescue each other and stay north. Eirika goes down with Franz Turn 1. Eirika then puts her Rapier in Convoy and the Steel Sword too, she then buys an Iron Sword. Franz follows her. Ross and Garcia handle themselves pretty well. They cleaned up the east with Ross dodging lethal blows like a baws and taking an archer arrow to the face and surviving with 1 hp. Turn 3, Franz goes down. Eirika gets in range of one of the reinforcements. The reinforcement and the first bandit are attacked in EP. She stays in range of them next turn and attacks and kills the first reinforcement. Franz gets the Pure Water and Cantos. Turn 5, Franz kills the bandit that went after him, and he is now in range of the boss. Franz can 3RKO boss but instead he decides to critblick him in EP. Turn 6 Eirika gets the last bandit by attacking him in PP and finishing it in Turn 6 EP since Franz isnt in range. Unit Lv/Xp/HP/St/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs Support WLvs Eirika 06/07/18/06/11/12/07/03/02 Sword D Franz 03/76/21/08/06/09/03/06/01 Sword E Lance D Chapter 3 8/19 Resets: 0 This was harder than it should have been. Stupid low hitrates hitting Eirika and her having to heal every PP was irritating. She got hit by a hand axe at 18 display I mean, come on. Neimi failed to kill the bandit with chest key.... Unit Lv/Xp/HP/St/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs Support WLvs Eirika 07/34/19/06/12/13/07/03/02 Sword C Franz 05/83/22/09/07/10/03/07/01 Sword E Lance D Neimi 01/70/17/04/05/06/04/03/02 Bow D Chapter 4 6/25 Resets: 0 Franz and Eirika were done with stuff on Turn 5. But surprise, Neimi's uselessness and Artur not ORKO'ing the last wight costed me a turn. Weeee. Unit Lv/Xp/HP/St/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs Support WLvs Eirika 09/27/20/06/14/14/08/03/02 Sword C Franz 08/94/25/11/07/12/03/08/02 Sword E Lance C Neimi 01/83/17/04/05/06/04/03/02 Bow D Artur 04/54/21/07/08/09/03/02/06 Light E Chapter 5 5/30 Resets: 0 Franz built Sword rank. Got the Armorslayer and rushed. Neimi got the Dracoshield. Franz had to heal and park in the forest tile with the armorslayer but he didnt get hit by the boss anyway in EP Unit Lv/Xp/HP/St/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs Support WLvs Eirika 09/70/20/06/14/14/08/03/02 Sword B Artur 04/54/21/07/08/09/03/02/06 Light E Franz 12/73/29/12/07/15/07/08/02 Sword D Lance C Neimi 01/83/17/04/05/06/04/03/02 Bow D Chapter 5x 9+8 Eph died/47 Resets: 1 Eph is stupid. Dumb. Dumbass. Most shittiest. F. ing. Lord. Ever. I. HATE HIM. Unit Lv/Xp/HP/St/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs Support WLvs Ephraim 06/43/23/09/10/13/09/07/02 Lance D Orson 04/11/34/16/13/11/04/13/07 Sword A Lance A Chapter 6 4/51 Resets: 1 Franz rush to the boss. Neimi almost died, but Franz got attacked by boss before that happened. Unit Lv/Xp/HP/St/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs Support WLvs Eirika 10/04/21/06/15/15/09/03/02 Sword B Franz 16/04/31/15/09/17/10/10/02 Sword D Lance B Chapter 7 9/60 Resets: 1 Gave the Dracoshield to Eirika before chapter. Franz rushed. Had to make sure Eirika could survive so I had her wait for Franz. Neimi sacrificed herself meatshielding so that Eirika could stay safe a while longer from the northern enemies near the start. Artur helped with mages. Unit Lv/Xp/HP/St/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs Support WLvs Eirika 10/93/21/06/15/15/09/05/02 Sword B Franz 18/81/33/16/09/18/12/10/02 Sword D Lance B Artur 05/65/21/07/09/10/03/02/07 Light E Chapter 8 8/68 Resets: 1 Whew. Franz was at 14 hp and didnt get hit by 38 display Silver Lance thanks to God. He also missed a few Armorslayer hits that couldve allowed me to 7 turn the map but alas. I almost took a kyle penalty but the cavs targeted Eph instead. Whew. Artur survived somehow. Unit Lv/Xp/HP/St/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs Support WLvs Eirika 11/31/22/06/15/15/10/05/02 Sword B Franz 04/41/37/19/12/21/12/13/03 Sword C Lance A Artur 06/24/22/08/09/11/03/02/08 Light D Franz is amazing. Going Eirika route although Im about to bench her for good >.>. Stupid Ephraim too costed me a penalty.
  21. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwan and Niemi.
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