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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Im at 3-1 and i have it all logged. Ill post the rest of part 1, part 2 and 3-p later today or tomorrow. EDIT- wow oscar is a beast...
  2. The square is by the longbow archer. It makes no difference if u kill that archer since ludveck is forced to attack at 1 range anyways. Base-Lincy needs to proc stun to 1rko ludveck. But u can give her 3 levels of bexp (make sure to get str in all 3) to make her orko naturally.
  3. I think dheg 1rkos capped hp def ilyana :(. Its sad.
  4. Alright ill do that. The problem with bexp fiona is her skl and str but i guess a steel forge will help with that :).
  5. I know :p. Just looking for advice because i have no idea what to do with her. I figured i'd ask kitty on how she used her.
  6. kp drafted fiona for me and i have no idea how to use her -_-.
  7. I find his turncount extremely dubious too...i had worse or equal turns to him and i had mia/rolf AND mist. I know its normal mode, but theres not enough bexp to insta-promote a unit like mist who starts at lv.1 and cant see much combat due to being frail.Plus, she sucks at combat, i find extremely dubious that a mist can 4 turn 3-5 let alone survive the paladin horde. Theres also the things rfof and sal pointed out. Mist cant promote with a crown and thanks to canto and sol, celerity+pass is impossible. Oh and 3-e is imposible too. I had marcia rolf mia ike mist and ranulf and i still struggled to get a 5 turn. 3-10 is imposible too...sigrun being able to equip celerity pass too in 3-11. Wtf must be a broken game or i call bull...
  8. Dont deploy rafiel fiona and astrid. Have boyd go east to the generals, heather to the west(less mt- demanding side than the generals), ike going down to catalena. My ike had 29 speed too. I assume u want to 5 turn right? Edit- is heather promoted? She should have ridiculous avoid by now. So she should survive the west i think.
  9. Ah, no. Not because i dont want to. Its just my phone being a ****. I cant even click it :(.

  10. What happened?

  11. @soul- i fixed it sorry. 1-2 6 turns + 4 nolan 10/29 got the thani but not the energy drop. Having laura undrafted was an advantage because she could get shoved... Micaiah 4.40 17 2 9 8 9 13 4* 7 Sothe 1.14 base 1-3 7 turns 7/36 took the LHS for cexp. Mic got the boss and aran. Poor aran... Micaiah 6.05 18 2 11 9 10 15 4* 8 Sothe 1.71 base 1-4 7 turns 7/43 Used the rfof/sho strategy. Got the robe and beastfoe. Beast killer broke. Micaiah 7.49 18 2 11 9 10 16 5 9 Sothe 4.53 36 19 5 22 22 18 15 10 1-5 6 turns 6/49 the problem was jill as always but pretty standard. Mic got some cexp. Micaiah 8.81 26* 2 11 9 11 17 5* 10 wrath Sothe 4.94 same 1-6-1 5 turns 5/54 Mic got resolve. Sothe cancel and 3 forges with max mt and 2 more in the convoy. Crits on the armors made this easier. Mic handled the generals to the north and some pegasus. 1-6-2 3 turns 3/57 battle saved just before boss attacked but to my surprise, sothe crits with his first knife throw. Mic tauro volug hid while zihark killed stuff. Micaiah 11.99 27* 3 14 10 13 19 5* 13 resolve Sothe 6.71 37 21 5 24 22 18 15 10 savior wrath (guard) Zihark 3.99 base (adept) paragon cancel fiona base (imbue) 1-7 on sunday cuz tomorrow ill be busy. And i got a smash tournament on saturday.
  12. Yep he can. He had 34 spd. Dheggy only has 30.
  13. Lol i figured it out right now. So no need now :D. I 7 turned it first but didnt get the robe and i left a save. Then i redid it and got the robe but not the seal. Not like i need it. Kp only gave me zihark and fiona for part 1 in soul's draft ex anyway. And there are others.
  14. Its not an eye condition or anything its just that im browsing from a phone and images are displayed really small for some reason.
  15. Rolf is way too terrible in POR. And janaff is meh, comes too late.
  16. I cant see the picture well. Would u mind making a bigger version?
  17. I already started lol. 1-P 5 turns + 4 edward 9/9 edward goes around killing stuff and mic tries to get as many kills as posible. Edward wrath crits boss on turn 5 enemy phase. Micaiah 2.40 16 2 7 8 8 11 2 5 1-1 6 turns + 4 nolan 10/19 Mic trades leo's draco and eats it. Nolan walls by the halberdier. The rest is pretty straightforward. I didnt kill the boss and i didnt get the hand axe. Micaiah 3.26 17 2 8 8 8 12 4* 6 *draco
  18. @Rfof- cool i feel better now :D. And yes, this is my first draft but ive played thir game countless times in both hm and nm. I also lurked this site alot before finally deciding to join.
  19. Thanks ^^. It was a fun experience. It did have frustrating moments tho xd. On another note, fiona is probably not gonna be able to contribute with 24 attack speed so i think u should bench her D:
  20. Finished! :D 4-E-5 4 turns ena rafiel cain edward mia and ike did most of the work. Ranulf and marcia would kill the spirits. Ena was kept safe by provoke and rafiel was rescued when the physical AoE was gonna hit. Had to retry a lot because ike just wouldnt hit or ena would get targetted. Kill count: Ike 2nd 155 Micaiah 29 Sothe 5th 107 Ena 0 Caineghis 14 Rolf 3rd 158 Mia 4th 133 Marcia 99 Laura 1 Ranulf 70 Pelleas 5 Tormod 31 Mist 12 Rafiel 0 Edward 1st 162 Total turncount: 318 part 1: 96 Part 2: 50 Part 3: 116 Part 4: 56 That's pretty bad xd. Now opinions: Ena- she helped me 1 turn most of the endgame maps. She didnt see combat ever but i'd definetely draft her again. Caineghis- a monster as always. He made endgame so faceroll after i gave him a wing. Would draft again too. Rolf- he's rolf. The first few chapters he was a nuisance but then he started actually killing stuff. He saved me some turns here and there. His hp and str growths say " i would draft him again" Mia- mia <3. What can i say? Give her a steel crit forge and an ike support and she roflstomps every enemy. Vantage adept crit is ridiculous. Would draft again. Marcia- Pegasus knight. Its obvious i would draft her again. She was awesome in the CRK chapters even str screwed. Saved me a lot of turns. Laura- umm, sry laura i guess ill pay more attention to u IF I EVER draft u again. Ranulf- laguz get on my nerves. Would not draft again! pelleas- bad choice but would draft over oliver at least. tormod- helped in part 1 and rexflame helped in 4-4. Would draft again but in nm. mist- cant complain. She helped in 4-4 and endgame rescue made it all easier. Plus fortify :D. May draft again. edward- my first pick lol. He was awsum throughout the entire game. He was my ike killer and with resolve and his uber stats he trivialized the silver army maps along with marcia. Would draft again but not over haar lol. MVPs: 1-P edward 1-1 edward 1-2 sothe 1-3 sothe 1-4 sothe 1-5 zihark 1-6 sothe 1-7 tormod 1-8 sothe 1-9 bk 1-e bk 2-p marcia 2-1 nephenee 2-2 lucia 2-3 marcia 2-e elincia 3-p ike 3-1 ike 3-2 ike 3-3 rolf 3-4 rolf 3-5 mia 3-6 bk 3-7 rolf 3-8 rolf 3-9 marcia 3-10 ike 3-11 ike 3-12 edward 3-13 edward 3-e ike 4-p edward 4-1 ike 4-2 rolf 4-3 edward 4-4 ike 4-5 rolf 4-e-1 ike 4-e-2 ike 4-e-3 rolf 4-e-4 ike
  21. PKL

    Pegasus knights? Lol

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