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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Finished 1-E. 1-endgame 10 turns Sothe saviors mic and runs as fast as possible and killing everything with knife forges plus support. Eddie bk laura and rafiel run as fast as possible toward the throne room. Tormod stayed behind taking care of the reinforcements and lvld up to skl only WOW. Eddie kills the thieves sothe steals the wing on turn 6 and bk destroys the throne room. Eddie kills jarod and sothe drops mic. Mic arrives on turn 10. stats when i get to 3-6 because i forgot them. Now in 2-p trying to avoid penalties to no avail. Part 1 total turncount: 100 turns aka i fail part 2-p free unit: haar! 2-1 9 turns + 3 (nealuchi)= 12 total 112 turns Marcia couldnt protect leanne herself so i had nealuchi help. Marcia recruits haar and theyre both vigored by leanne. Nealuchi laguz stones and haar and him weaken boss marcia gets the kill. Marcia 6.69 34 16 7 18 21 13 16 15 2-1 in progress
  2. I choose Kp as my drafter.
  3. hmm...i dont like the idea of someone drafting for me. And i got my hands full with the HM draft...but sure sign me up. I promise ill finish just give me a bit of time.
  4. F*** 1-E ill do it tomorrow. I just couldnt find a way to do it in less than 11 turns. Im used to nailah with savior + BK. WAY too used to it.
  5. Ch MVP Bexp 1-P edward 30 1-1 edward 60 1-2 sothe 90 1-3 sothe 158 1-4 sothe 225 1-5 zihark wtf 312 1-6 sothe 1885 1-7 tormod 761 My micaiah fails! 1-8 is dumb! I always had to eat a penalty but i finally figured it out. Micaiah did a lot of self improvement. I got 9 turns with no penalties. Eddie and tormod were the most useful sadly i lost 188 bexp. MVP sothe 1037 bexp stats at beginning of 1-9: miccy 10.9 26 4 15 10 13 16 4 13 robe A sothe C light resolve money : 15466 I sold the ashera icon. The lack of money is due to an iron sword forge for eddie with 15 crit and like 5 iron knife forges with max mt amd 10 hit for sothe. Ive also bought a couple of wind edges and sold leo's and nolan's weapons and the red gem. Mic had paragon in 1-8 btw. I forgot the others but ill post it when i get to 1-e. Ill also post turn by turn explanation eventually. EDIT 3: 1-9 complete! 6 turns Miccy with 19 AS ftw. Sadly she had worst biorrhythm if not, i couldve 5 turned it. Burger king killed Jarod. 1-E stats: miccy 11.58 27 4 16 10 13 17 4 14 robe A sothe C light resolve sothe ??/7.38 38 21 5 25 24 19 15 10 tormod ??/5.72 34 13 17 16 20 14 12 14 rafiel 12.60 base eddie 18.48 30 17 4 19 20 16 16 3 B laura A swords cancel laura 5.37 18 5 11 4 8 11 4 11 B eddie B staff shade bexp'd eddie to 19 (str lck def) then seal him. 19/1 32 19 6 20 21 16 18 5 7 move then slapped paragon on him. illyana will transfer celerity adept blue gem olivi grass robe concoction. I buy steel sword forge called eddie!! With max mt and crit and 10 hit (1-e commander stars are annoying). Then forge sothe his 6th iron knife called "i suck"! And buy a recover for laura and fire for tormod. Then i bexp tormod to 5.99 and eddie to 1.44.
  6. 1-3 8 turns total 35 1-4 9 turns total 44 1-5 6 turns total 50 1-6-1 7 turns total 57 1-6-2 4 turns 61 total 1-7 10 turns 71 total 1-8 9 turns 80 total 1-9 6 turns 86 total 1-E 10 turns 96 here's stats at the beginning of 1-8. Miccy 6.97 24 2 11 10 9 13 2 9 robe paragon A sothe light C Sothe ??/6.37 37 20 5 24 23 19 14 10 adept savior A miccy knife S eddie 16.32 28 16 4 17 20 16 15 3 drop draco cancel sword A laura 4.20 18 4 10 3 7 11 3 11 shade staff B im wondering if i should seal eddie already...
  7. Lets try this again. This isnt a restart btw its the turn by turn. I tried edit in 1-1 but another error ocurred. I need a computer! nvm there it is. Ill post 1-2 tomorrow. 1-P Turn 1- micaiah weakens. Edward finishes the first bandit. Turn 2- same as turn 1. Turn 3- micaiah attacks a bandit from behind the barrels while edward blocks. Ep edward dodges and crits against one of the bandits. And barely doesnt kill the weakened one. Turn 4- micaiah weakens another bandit while edward finishes another off. Ep eddie survives with 1 hp and does an unnecesary wrath crit. Levels up for hp str skl spd lck. No def :(. Turn 5- eddie chugs a vulnerary and lures the 2 remaining bandits. Ep eddie crit double kills one of them and doubles the other and leaves him severely wounded. Turn 6- micaiah finishes off the bandit. Leo trades micaiah the draco. Eddie moves towards the boss and eats a herb. Ep wrath. Turn 7- eddie wrath crits and ends the chapter. 1-1 turn 1- micaiah trades draco to eddie and he eats it. Nolan blocks by the soldier. Turn 2- nolan heals. Eddie kills a fighter. turn 3- miccy kills a fighter. Eddie too. Nolan moves and heals to the side of the church. A soldier attacks nolan. Turn 4- miccy finishes it off. Eddie attacks an archer and nolan stands by the blocking fighter. turn 5- nolan finishes off the archer. Eddie finishes the fighter. Nolan gets attacked by the west fighter. Turn 6- miccy finishes the fighter. Nolan moves towards the boss. Eddie parks in front of the hand axe fighter and eats a herb. Ep eddie kills the hand axe guy. turn 7- nolan weakens the boss , eddie finishes him off. Micaiah escapes.
  8. thanks! Done with 1-2. Once again i took a brolan penalty. 1-2 7+3= 10 total 27 turns miccy 3.39 16 2 9 9 8 12 2 6 eddie 7.99 21 9 2 14 14 11 9 0 draco laura 1.33 16 3 8 3 5 8 2 10 my turncount looks terrible. I think i should restart.
  9. which 1 is the chest with thani in 1-2? I want to 7 turn it but if i miss and get the wind edge...i want to be sure lol.
  10. I cant believe this. I had the turn by turn written but i lost it due to an error. Gah i dont feel like posting it again so thisll have to do for now: 1-P 7 turns miccy 1.52 15 2 7 8 7 10 2 4 eddie 5.98 20 8 0 12 13 9 5 0 3 resets 1-1 7 + brolan penalty(3) =10 miccy 2.29 15 2 8 8 8 11 2 5 eddie 7.38 21 9 2 14 14 11 9 0 draco 0 resets Btw what are the odds of eddie even proccing mag twice!? If only it was res... Oh well at least he procced 2 def in 2 levels :). Im worried about his str tho... I didnt get the hand axe btw.
  11. Alrighty, good luck to everyone. Ill be back probably with a turn by turn of 1-p and 1-1. Btw, ho w do i post char stats as pretty and organized as ive seen others do in other drafts?
  12. When can we start? I already have all my picks...
  13. Umm pelleas and mist. I dont want meg or fiona lol. Mist's healing should at least be a bit helpful and having a restore staffbot in 4-4 will help. Pelleas could help with 4-2's reinforcements...and MAYBE ill keep deploying him for staffbotting.
  14. Laura and ena. Only useful chars left lol. Never liked leo despite being an archer (my second fav class in FE) :/
  15. Im worried about 2-1 2-2 2-3 and 2-e. I have to eat so many penalties... Omg its neph! Thats it im not posting ever again lol. <3 neph
  16. Totally overlooked that...i want to start already. Where's yuglyoshi? >_> EDIT: hmm why does leanne have a penalty in 3-11 when herons are free?
  17. Shouldnt a unit be free in 3-3 for lighting the supplies?
  18. Ah didnt know that. So extra attacks from brave weapons dont give WEXP either?
  19. They are my favorite fe characters ever since i played path of radiance. Caeda being third. I love peg knights and archers xd.

  20. Either way works but i think paragon+adept would be better than beastfoe. Volug really wants to raise his strike level.
  21. @ saber - I sure missed the resolve part xd.
  22. Oh right a 34 AS eddie could do it. I just hope i can get him to that...
  23. Sorry i was sleeping lol. Ill edit my picks once i see whos left. Edit: cain and tormod. I wonder though, is ike beatable without sleep in 3-13? I was thinking of drafting laura just for that lulz.
  24. Ok thanks. That's a relief...
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