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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Micaiah has the other one. :(
  2. It wasnt as easy as it looks tho lol. Eddie kept on getting slept so that's why i bought the pure water and it helped :D. Tempest blade's MT helped a lot as did resolve. At best bio eddie had like 150-160 avo lol. Most enemies couldnt hit him. Marcia's javelin forges were very useful too. She had a killer lance but i used it on the crossbow guy and didnt crit. I forgot to mention that sothe got dragonfoe. Anyway going to try 4-4. Tormod is so bad :/
  3. Aww i wanted to join. Q.Q but i had no internet for the entire day :/ oh well
  4. 4-3 8 turns eddie eats a pure water. Marcia saviors and flies with him then drops him. Marcia flies to the east and kills dracos, an archer and a wind mage i think (best bio). Then imbue heals her. Eddie makes his way to the pacifist priest while mic and sothe recruit vague katti. Marcia then headed to the west and killed stuff including a crossbow warrior that she stunned <-this was nerve wracking and i actually had to restart once cuz she didnt the first time lol. Bk appeared on turn 5 and killed a remaining archer that eddie didnt kill. Vague katti runs as soon as hes recruited. Then marcia finished the chapter by killing the generals. 4-4 bexp tormod to 11 then crown. And i turned it off.
  5. Same here. I want to start a NM one, but my phone doesnt even have a copy paste feature, i cant use bold and i cant put spoilers. :/
  6. Ah alright. My strat for 4-3 is to rescue drop edward (with a bunch of wind edges and 2 storm swords) in the center. While marcia flies around and kills stuff. Mic and sothe will try and get dragonfoe and vague katti ofc. Iirc my micaiah has 16 spd lol but she should be able to do stuff with sothe by her side and resolve. Btw i have a speedwing still. My ike has 34 spd so maybe i should give it to micaiah...
  7. Ur probably right lol. My micaiah sucks, sothe sucks. Edward has like 10-15 res (dont remember but its in that range and marcia probably cant dodge enough to survive. Btw, how does sleep staff accuracy work? I know it has to do with res and mag but dont know how to calculate it.
  8. Thanks :). It definetely wouldnt have been posible without reyson though. He should get mvp not rolf xd. Man, most annoying chapter EVER! I did it as fast as i deem posible with this team and i still lost the BEXP :/. 4-3 tomorrow im definetely not in the mood after playing 4-2.
  9. Finally! 4-2 done in 11 :/ turns. Celerity! Reyson vigored ranulf every turn i could until he took care of the south side. Pelleas killed the stationary generals and a blizzard mage. Rolf took care of valtome and his lackeys then with the help of reyson he killed the remaining enemies to the east. Ranulf stayed behind to beat reinforcements. Might redo this rage chapter with tibarn. What is the fastest tibarn can complete this chapter? Assuming savior dropping rolf and celerity?
  10. Vicious sal- could u tell me ur strategy for 4-2 with rolf and ranulf? I saw that u 7 turned it. How? :S
  11. Anyone have any ideas? My stats: rolf 20/3.44 51 31 8 32 29 20 27 18 A mist ranulf 27.25 i think 56 14 6 16 16 25 13 10 pelleas promoted as soon as he gets there so base +promotion bonus. I have adepts paragon wildheart pass. Like 10,000 Bexp and like 13,000 money. I can get ranulf to 29.93 if i spend all my BEXP. But that would make tormod suck. The problem isnt so much ranulf's gauge but his lack of 2 range. Rolf has way too little MT with aquar and if i use silencer he gets ganged up on. Pelleas isnt durable enough to do anything except killing reinforcementsand he cant double so he needs reyson. GAH
  12. I remember having trouble keeping geo alive there too. Btw, this is imposible. I mean 4-2 i sent rolf and ranulf here but i cant do it in less than...wait for it, 15 turns! O_o asdfamwpmpnpgadgm. And after i devised a way to 8 turn 4-1 with mia and ike. Those enemies sure love to chase u all over the map lol otherwise i would have taken like 30 turns. Anybody have ANY ideas for 4-2? Rolf handles everything just fine with a crossbow taksh aquar but hes only 1 man. Ranulf is ruining everything in his side, due to gauge problems :/.Aarghh RAAAGE
  13. The problem is the training asstrid part. 10 def. She gets 2RKO'd iirc, there are lots of enemies and they like to target bowmen obv. She also cannot be sent where the stonehoist guys are because she dies. Its really hard to train her when u cant even keep her alive.
  14. @ queen kittylincy- Eww i just noticed u have asstrid only for 2-3. Buy the killer bow and try to weaken every enemy with geo and kill them with her. That chapter is gonna be a real pain for ya :/. Good luck.
  15. Yeah, thanks every1 that helped me. I'll post stats tomorrow btw.
  16. 3-E done again. Forged a steel knife with max and hit for sothe. Took off adept from ike and rolf. mist got rescue this time. 5 turns and an enemy phase (doesnt count right?) 4-P sent eddie and marcia to silver this time. Eddie and marcia team up on a halberdier and a warrior then get vigored. Marcia goes east and eddie takes the north with wind edges/storm sword astra vantage resolve and wrath. Marcia got adept btw and sothe resolve savior. 5 turns MUCH BETTER and faster too :). Sothe wasnt even needed ed is a monster O_o. Admidetly he got a bit lucky with crits. 4-1 tomorrow
  17. I might not have enough money for more forges. And definetely not more BEXP. If i want sothe to kill the crossbow warrior ill neet to give him 2 bexp lvls so he reaches 27 spd. How much bexp would a lvl 6 tormod need to get to lvl 10? I have 2 crowns left. One for pelleas and one for tormod. How much does a max mt hit fire forge cost?
  18. Will do. Thanks for the advice. :)
  19. Then i need to restart anyways lol. Ike rolf and mia kept their adepts. I have none in the convoy :/. Oh man, i shouldve drafted better. Cain shouldve been skrimir and tormod comes way too late to do anything :/. I picked ranulf for the desert not realizing hes locked to hawk army. (I had never used him before so i didnt know)
  20. I tried giving sothe resolve and savior and i almost did it. The problem is that sooner or later they reach sanaki sigrun skrimir and naesala. Forcing me to take a penalty and threatening leanne. Then there's the crossbow guy. Ill try 5 more if i cant this time then its restart time (from a 3-E base save)
  21. Psych prolly forgot to mention that beach is in another continent xd
  22. Should I do 3-E again and send rolf to this team? I just remembered, i need rolf in 4-1 for the left side, ike for the right then south and mia to the south then to the left. At least, that was my plan. WHY cant tormod join in 4-p lol hed make things easier >.>. EDIT: Can ranulf and pelleas take on every enemy in 4-2 themselves? Maybe i can bring edward to silver for help. And keep rolf and mia in greil.
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