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Everything posted by PKL

  1. [spoiler=teams] Tables' team vs. ZM's team! Turn 21 vs ZM's Giffca (Claw) attacks Table's Tauroneo (Brave Lance)! Tauroneo's Resolve activates! 20 dmg 96% Hit 0% Crit (79 22 61) Maybe a miracle will happen? (85) No miracles today! Tauroneo receives 20 damage! (0/52) Tauroneo falls! Tables ZM Rolf 00/52 Ike 00/52 Tauroneo 00/52 Elincia 00/52 Largo 00/60 Rolf 00/52 Mia 00/56 Tauroneo 00/52 Giffca 38/68 [20] Giffca 48/68 [20] Table's turn!
  2. [spoiler=teams] Tables' team vs. ZM's team! Turn 20 vs Table's Tauroneo (Brave Lance) attacks ZM's Elincia (Runesword)! Tauroneo's Resolve activates! Tauroneo's Wrath activates! 35x2 dmg 72% Hit 40% Crit (19 86 11) A critical hit! Elincia receives 105 damage! (0/52) Elincia falls! Tables ZM Rolf 00/52 Ike 00/52 Tauroneo 11/52 Elincia 00/52 Largo 00/60 Rolf 00/52 Mia 00/56 Tauroneo 00/52 Giffca 38/68 [20] Giffca 48/68 [20] ZM's turn!
  3. I thought it was a Nihil Tauroneo until I saw the PM to generate the round. Yeah, it's pretty much GG.
  4. This chapter is a pretty tough one. My goals for this chapter were to 5 turn while feeding as many kills as I can to Marth, Sirius and Ryan. I managed to do that pretty well I think. I got this strat from Miikaya's H4 Playthrough, though I obviously had to adapt it in a few places. The Rainbow Potion uses in this map were to improve reliability, really. In Catria's case, she needed it to reach 28 AS so that she could double the boss. That ended up mattering even with my boss strat, since she whiffed one of the hits. I had to do a lot of shard swapping in this map. Yumina and Malicia swapped their mag-boosting shards constantly to restore more HP with each Physic. The scorpio was traded around a few times by Catria and Palla to improve reliability. The Taurus was given to Sirius by Caeda when on the forts so that Ryan could take it from Sirius for OHKO'ing a Max HP max Def Wyvern with Silver Bow. Avatar and Marth swapped Leo and Cancer in Turn 2. Avatar didnt have Leo in Turn 1 because I wanted the first Barbarian he attacked to survive the Hand Axe so he could then suicide in the enemy phase to Ryans Iron Bow. Unfortunately, the Barbarian died to an Avatar crit. Cancer was there to make him bulky enough to tank all those hits he needs to take during the course of the chapter. Chapter 12 is completed in 5 turns.
  5. [spoiler=teams] Tables' team vs. ZM's team! Turn 19 vs ZM's Elincia (Runesword) attacks Table's Tauroneo (Silver Sword)! 21 dmg 79% Hit 0% Crit (38 23 31) Tauroneo receives 21 damage! (31/52) Elincia recovers 21 HP! (52/52) Tauroneo counterattacks! 29 dmg 85% Hit 0% Crit (10 36 29) Elincia receives 29 damage! (23/52) Elincia's Resolve activates! Elincia's Wrath activates! 21 dmg 100% Hit 51% Crit (55 68 96) Tauroneo receives 21 damage! (11/52) Elincia recovers 21 HP! (44/52) Tables ZM Rolf 00/52 Ike 0/52 Tauroneo 11/52 Elincia 44/52 Largo 00/60 Rolf 00/52 Mia 00/56 Tauroneo 0/52 Giffca 38/68 [20] Giffca 48/68 [20] Table's turn!
  6. PKL

    Hey you, yeah you, go and do your move

  7. Turtling, overleveling the Avatar or die and using only bows to avoid the Counter skill.
  8. Losers is behind by 1 round always though. You lost Winners Round 1 and fell to Losers Round 1, winning against Randa, and are now in Losers Round 2 against Shin.
  9. [spoiler=teams] Shin's Team vs Dio's Team Turn 3 vs Dio's Boyd (Silver Axe) attacks Shin's Shinon (Brave Bow)! Boyd's Nihil activates! Boyd's Resolve activates! 47x2 dmg 100% Hit 4% Crit (40) Shinon receives 47 damage! (0/53) Shinon falls! Shin Shinon 00/53 Gatrie 59/59 Makalov 58/58 Astrid 50/50 Naesala 62/62 [17/20] Dio Ike 52/52 Boyd 30/60 Brom 55/55 Nepenthe 51/51 Calill 54/54 Shin's turn!
  10. Tables, what was your last tauroneo equip? (Send it to me through PM if you dont want to give it out to ZM) Nevermind me, I found the last turn of your Tuaroneo.
  11. Well, she now has to start the combat on someone thanks to your great Roar move. So I think you have the edge really.
  12. The last of these polls: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=46464 http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=46482 This time, it's Fire Emblems 11, 12 and 13. Shadow Dragon, New Mystery of the Emblem and Awakening.
  13. Lunatic + isn't poorly designed...chapter 2 anyone? And it forces an specific playstyle just to beat it. GOOD DESIGN SURE.
  14. I think Tables is more likely to win. ZM messed up by giving Tables a free "get rid of Resolve Tauroneo real easy" opportunity.
  15. [spoiler=teams] Shin's Team vs Dio's Team Turn 2 vs Shin's Shinon (Brave Bow) attacks Dio's Boyd (Silver Axe)! Boyd's Nihil activates! 15x2 dmg 100% Hit 13% Crit (24) Boyd receives 15 damage! (45/60) (41) Boyd receives 15 damage! (30/60) Shin Shinon 28/53 Gatrie 59/59 Makalov 58/58 Astrid 50/50 Naesala 62/62 [17/20] Dio Ike 52/52 Boyd 30/60 Brom 55/55 Nepenthe 51/51 Calill 54/54 Dio's turn!
  16. [spoiler=teams] Tables' team vs. ZM's team! Turn 19 vs Table's Giffca uses Roar against ZM's Giffca! ZM's Giffca cannot act next turn! Tables ZM Rolf 00/52 Ike 0/52 Tauroneo 52/52 Elincia 36/52 Largo 00/60 Rolf 00/52 Mia 00/56 Tauroneo 0/52 Giffca 38/68 [20] Giffca 48/68 [20] Paralyzed for 1 turn ZM's turn!
  17. [spoiler=teams] Tables' team vs. ZM's team! Turn 18 vs ZM's Giffca (Claw) attacks Table's Giffca (Claw)! 20 dmg 100% Hit 0% Crit Table's Giffca receives 20 damage! (38/68) Table's Giffca counterattacks! 20 dmg 100% Hit 0% Crit ZM's Giffca receives 20 damage! (48/68) Tables ZM Rolf 00/52 Ike 0/52 Tauroneo 52/52 Elincia 36/52 Largo 00/60 Rolf 00/52 Mia 00/56 Tauroneo 0/52 Giffca 38/68 [20] Giffca 48/68 [20] Table's turn!
  18. That's tauroneo. EDIT: Oh, understood that wrong. Pretty sure Nihil always shows no matter what. At least it does in FE10.
  19. Oh, ZM's Rolf is dead so he didn't get those boosts. Editing.
  20. [spoiler=teams] Tables' team vs. ZM's team! Turn 17 vs Table's Giffca (Claw) attacks ZM's Tauroneo (Brave Lance)! Tauroneo's Nihil activates! Tauroneo's Resolve activates! 20 dmg 100% Hit 1% Crit Tauroneo receives 19 damage! (0/52) Tauroneo falls! Tables ZM Rolf 00/52 Ike 0/52 Tauroneo 52/52 Elincia 36/52 Largo 00/60 Rolf 00/52 Mia 00/56 Tauroneo 0/52 Giffca 58/68 [20] Giffca 68/68 [20] ZM's turn!
  21. Well I guess I gotta battle Dio now. Pretty sure he'd be no match for me though. *yawns*
  22. That must be the most costly and worst move i've seen :/
  23. [spoiler=teams] Tables' team vs. ZM's team! Turn 16 vs ZM's Tauroneo (Brave Lance) attacks Table's Giffca (Claw)! Tauroneo's Nihil activates! 6x2 dmg 51% Hit 0% Crit (85 74 92) Tauroneo misses! (74 96 80) Tauroneo misses! Giffca counterattacks! 20x2 dmg 100% Hit 1% Crit (37 59 92) Tauroneo receives 20 damage! (32/52) (62 16 33) Tauroneo receives 20 damage! (12/52) Tables ZM Rolf 00/52 Ike 0/52 Tauroneo 52/52 Elincia 36/52 Largo 00/60 Rolf 00/52 Mia 00/56 Tauroneo 12/52 Giffca 58/68 [20] Giffca 68/68 [20] Table's turn!
  24. [spoiler=teams] Shin's Team vs Dio's Team Turn 1 vs Dio's Ike (Silver Sword) attacks Shin's Shinon (Silver Bow)! Ike's Parity activates! 25 dmg 100% Hit 0% Crit Shinon receives 25 damage! (28/53) Shin Shinon 28/53 Gatrie 59/59 Makalov 58/58 Astrid 50/50 Naesala 62/62 [20/20] Dio Ike 52/52 Boyd 60/60 Brom 55/55 Nepenthe 51/51 Calill 54/54 Shin's turn!
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