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Everything posted by Alastor15243

  1. Isn’t Knight Lord Eliwood already in the game? He’s riding his blue-maned white steed and everything.
  2. The only thing that looks off to me is the eyes. I’m used to her having a harsher, more mature and jaded look in them.
  3. Master Knight Leif would be amazing, though a lot of what makes that class so awesome couldn’t be translated to heroes’ mechanics. Still, it’d be a thing to see.
  4. Cloaking Robin doesn’t really work. Their outfit would still clearly be male or female due to them being different, and also it’d be weird and out of character if normal Robin never spoke.
  5. So, most, if not all lords in the series are generally depicted in spinoff works with their unpromoted outfit (while still having their iconic personal weapon). This, I feel, is a shame, because a lot of lords have really, really cool-looking promotion outfits I’d love to see in games other than their origin game. So say they decided to do a banner showcasing variants of main characters using their promoted outfits. Which ones would you most want to see? For me the biggest one is Lord Ike. Personally I feel this is the coolest-looking Ike has ever been, with that black coat and the blue cape, and I love his fighting stance too. In fact my favorite thing about Valentine Ike was that IS finally acknowledged for the first time since the original game that Ike wasn’t always a power-prioritizing tank, and used to be a more speedy but still tough fighter. If this happened, would anyone else have any big hopes for variants they’d want to see?
  6. Is there a way, other than merging and dragon flowers, to give a unit exactly one more innate atk without wasting a skill slot on something stupid like atk/res +1? I have a team of armors that I’ve currently managed to get to equal attack levels for Winter Eirika’s buffs to kick in for all three of them, but I had to waste an A skill slot on Hardin (very bad) and a seal skill slot on Valentine Ike (not as bad but still far from desirable) to give them both the single points of attack they needed to equal my brave Ephraim. Aside from praying for a merge or grinding the shit out of dragon flowers until I get the atk bonus at like level 3 for both of them, is there any other way I could get this to work without being so wasteful of skill slots?
  7. The last beast banner were an amazing team together right out of the box too, it’s nuts.
  8. Well my point is more if they cared about variety in the more widely available units, they probably wouldn’t have made Panne the same color as Naesala.
  9. Why not give us a different color beast in the heroic grail pool?
  10. Wait what? Are you implying you’ve played chapter 4 already?
  11. Considering how much beasts synergize with full beast teams, I think it’s fairly natural they’d want to get the roster as big as they could as soon as they could.
  12. So I’ve officially beaten every chain challenge that’s been released at time of writing (the lunatic ones anyway, I only did them for the orbs). And holy shit were some of them hell. While once I got my full Laguz royal banner team I was able to wipe the floor with a good portion of them, late book 2 started giving me some serious trouble. And the hardest by far was Book 2’s 11 and 12. For the longest time the biggest stumbling block was how hard it was to predict what Sylvia would do. Enemy dancers are scary when it comes to approach. But then after I assembled two more solid teams with my armor team and cavalry team, I managed to push my way through. Unfortunately, when it was down to my dream team of Valentine Ike and Garm Ephraim (with equal attack and backed up by Winter Eirika for buffs), I was testing out the advice of ditching armor march in favor of dual ward armor. This turned out to be a mistake, as Loki slaughtered them with her immunity to their counterattacks and her ability to do unfathomable amounts of damage to both of them after she sniped Eirika from behind. I had gotten so fucking close, literally down to the last enemy in the last map, and she slaughtered my suddenly approach-incapable armor duo before they could lay a hand on her while she just laughed. Now that I have Hardin I was hoping I’d have better results adding him to the duo with his own ward armor. Unfortunately I forgot to replace Ophelia with him on the selection screen, forgetting it wasn’t showing my armor team but the specific four units I last used. So I was stuck in the exact same fucking situation again. But this time I didn’t underestimate her. I kept the hell away from her, took it slow, and when I realized the enemy’s efforts to patch up last battle’s wounds had put Sylvia and Loki right next to each other and thus whoever first went into her range would suffer two rounds of uninterrupted damage and almost assuredly die... I had Ophelia take one for the team, lined up the armor duo with Ike in front and Ephraim behind... and then when Loki took the bait, killed Ophelia and then tried to kill Ike, I repositioned Ephraim into range of Loki, hit her twice with Garm, and then the rest of the battle was like clockwork. Well, that’s my hellish war story. What are yours?
  13. What made you suspect Yarne? He’s pretty unpopular in the fandom, especially compared to the other modern beast units. Of the six, I think it’s pretty natural he’d initially get passed up.
  14. The thing about that though is that they’d be immune to all dragon slaying weapons, which, well... I mean it’s plausible since they’re an entirely different sort of dragonshifter, but still a bit odd.
  15. I’ve heard suggestions that it could be feral Corrin.
  16. Yeah, I’m taking this as a sign I should give up on Valentine Lyn for now and focus on the upcoming beast banner, where I’d mostly be happy with any of them.
  17. So now we have all transformation effects but armor. But that makes me wonder what armor will be. I mean the only beast unit type left is dragon Laguz I think, and that feels more like they’d be breath units. I mean maybe when they add lions or tigers, they’ll be armor, and not just lumped in with the beast tribe as infantry?
  18. Don’t know about anyone else, but I certainly disagree. At least her voice isn’t cracking and she sounds her age.
  19. I hope Velouria’s at least as beefy as Nailah, comparable to her original-game stats. If she is, foddering off my spare Nailah’s skills to her could make Velouria even better given she’s colorless.
  20. He might work even better with my new team, actually, though I can’t be sure yet. But a strong unit with dual-phase doubling potential and built in distant counter sounds pretty much perfect for my goals. I just need to see how well I can tweak his atk to be exactly equal with Ike and Ephraim so they all get Eirika’s bonuses.
  21. Panne is a kind of crushed velvet I'm pretty sure.
  22. Also, while this is saying very, very little I know, Selkie's new voice is way better.
  23. ...Welp, I'm taking that pitybreaker Fallen Hardin as a sign to give up on Valentine Lyn. Holy shit why now!? I was thinking I'd have more time to save up orbs!
  24. Welp. Got pitybroken. And I’m not even mad. (It’s cropped because for some reason the image upload option suddenly decided to think one screenshot exceeded the file size when I could post three before).
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