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Everything posted by SMEDIA

  1. “Bagging a pussy” That doesn’t sound too dirty, does it?
  2. in a bowl. The proper way to confuse a stupid person is....
  3. The entirety of one leg. WYR go to one baseball game and catch a foul ball/homerun or have season tickets for your local team?
  4. No, but it does let you feel invincible for a moment. In regards to Mortal Kombat, why doesn’t the game show you how to perform the Fatalities in a pause menu instead of having to go online to find them?
  5. Hero with villainous voice and laugh. WYR play Secret of Mana with a friend or the newest Smash Bros game with a friend?
  6. Yes; Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. And it’s weird cause I love the original Final Fantasy Tactics on PlayStation 1. Do you think a game starring Geno from Super Mario RPG would sell well?
  7. to poison the water supply. The proper way to prove that dinosaurs are extinct is...
  8. Free online service WYR live in a big city where everybody you run into is snooty and rude or live in a very small town where everybody at least puts up a facade of friendliness and amiability?
  9. After Marth, I would think Anna would be playable since she’s an iconic character in multiple games. Since she’s playable in Awakening (and I assume is playable in the games after that which I haven’t played yet) wouldn’t she be higher up on the list of new potential characters in Smash?
  10. Yes; it can be used to intimidate people. Do you think it’s worse that ice cream is fattening or that it’s bad for your teeth?
  11. Fairly Odd Parents; I hate Spongebob WYR watch the upcoming Predator movie or another Alien movie?
  12. Skinny WYR play Candyland with a well behaved 4 year old girl or video games with an annoying, shit talking, asshole 8 year old that deserves to have his ass beat?
  13. Easy; but why stop there? You should rob the baby of everything it owns while you’re at it. Are creepy, horny old men in nursing homes allowed to molest the nurses?
  14. Laser eyes WYR watch Samurai Pizza Cats or NFL football?
  15. 8/10 there should be some really good uses for that A supercomputer that uses the internet to come up with memes from any picture you give it
  16. Pegasus; they have better magic resist. WYR know how to card count or able to throw dice that always land the way you want?
  17. Huh? If children should be seen, not heard, does that mean adults should be heard, not seen?
  18. The squirrel, cause it’s nuts. Who would win: a female MMA fighter, or Donald Trump?
  19. Catch it and a bunch of other Eevees for the purpose of evolving all of them into a different evolved forms and play Pokémon that way.
  20. Assuming I have my phone and headphones, I’ll take Donald Trump, I mean the bratty toddler. WYR have a nice sex dream with a close relative or a bad sex dream with someone repulsive?
  21. Do you lose all of the items in the wagon too, or is he like how he is in FE7?
  22. Is it because you’re a shaman? If demons can possess people, what can ghosts do?
  23. I don’t know, but I think it’s better that way. If you could make/design your own Zelda game, would you make Ganon the final boss or come up with something different?
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