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Everything posted by SMEDIA

  1. Become the villain. WYR play Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (which I absolutely hate, especially when compared to the awesomeness of FF:T on Playstation) or read the whole Bible?
  2. Because pigs are disgusting animals that like to lie down in their own piss and shit. Why is Scientology considered a legitimate religion when the founder, L Ron Hubbard, was quoted once saying that the easiest way to become a millionaire was to create a religion?
  3. To create an outline with an idea how the major events are connected to each other. the proper way to cook a veggie burger is...
  4. Because some men (not all) find those girls very attractive. What are the chances a Kardashian will one day appear on Dancing with the Stars?
  5. Because your college is evil? Why oh why didn’t Atlas release Summon Night: Swordcraft Story 3 in America? I would love to see a fan translation.
  6. Granted, but it happens during a battle and gets someone killed. I wish in the next FE game, there was a male unit that starts off as a virgin. As a virgin, he’s invincible and can’t die. However, if he gets an S Support with a female, he has sex and loses his immortality.
  7. Dance WYR date a midget or a blind girl?
  8. Granted, but they include a bearded lady that everybody hates despite how useful a unit she is. I wish that in the next Smash Bros. game, they included a joke character from FE.
  9. Piledriver WYR be a pro football coach or own/operate your own strip club?
  10. Ruler WYR play dominos with three other people or Spades with three other people?
  11. Lol; my can opener broke yesterday. Have you ever given someone a gift, let’s say something electronic, but you knew in advance it didn’t work. Then when the person you gave the gift to complains, you just say you didn’t know it was broken?
  12. Yes it’s short. Do you prefer short girls (5’4 or under) or tall girls (5’8 or over)?
  13. I’ll go with King I briefly tried to go to college, but I had to drop out. While I was in school, I rented out a room in a house. The landlords filled each bedroom with tenants. Anyway, one of my roommates was an architectural major. Though I was undeclared, I said I was an English major. He started to pay me money to proofread his architecture essays for him. So as I read his essays, I got pissed at just how horrible his writing and grammar were. It was absolutely ridiculous that he got into that college. I mentioned this to someone else, and they said architects are good at math, not English. Still, I think it’s ridiculous he got into that college. queen
  14. Play Sacred Stones first. It’s a lot easier.
  15. You’ve amused God. If God really did have all of the powers people say He has, then why does he allow Satan to run amok?
  16. Jesus can do whatever the fuck he wants. Which of the four Gospels would Jesus like the most?
  17. That’s a no-brainer for me: Zelda WYR play the original Zelda’s second quest first, or play a more recent Zelda first?
  18. Egypt WYR have your own personal monster truck that you can drive whenever you want, or would you rather get to go up in space once?
  19. It makes karate movies more entertaining. What should I do about hanging a mirror on my door? The landlord says I can’t put a nail in the door.
  20. No, it means a radish you can ride on. In regards to coffee, it is an aphrodisiac. In fact, anything with caffeine is an aphrodisiac. Did I get lucky that I spent $15 on a coffee maker that still works great despite being almost a year old?
  21. Love Why do I get horny when I drink coffee?
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