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Everything posted by SMEDIA

  1. 77: If Neimi were somehow teleported into this game and could thus never see Colm again, let her cry about it for awhile, then invite her to join the army if she desires. 78:cut off Serra’s tongue, but allow her to keep it for reasons. 79:much to Sain’s dismay, order Lyn to start wearing underwear. 80: since I consider Eliwood to be a very weak lord, get him to start working out more. 81:if one of the wyvern riders wyverns does something destructive, order its owner to publicly go down on it as punishment. 82: if Sain doesn’t start to respect women make him publicly make out with Kent until he stops. 83: if one of the girls does something fucked up, punish her by making her sit in the snow in lingerie until she catches pneumonia. 84:because Nino always wants to do her best, make her carry around all of the magic users tomes, including Canas’s. 85: much to everyone’s joy, order the Pegasus knight sisters to share a passionate three way kiss.
  2. If Neimi were the final boss of a game? Let’s say Colm one day abandons her and goes back to being a thief. After crying about it for awhile, she decides to get revenge against the world, so she digs up that legendary bow and gets to work. She also starts wearing sexy, provocative clothing. As a final boss, she cries every time you hit her. However, it’s a slightly happy ending for her after all. She’s put in prison for life, but Colm shows up again, apologizes, and they continue their relationship.
  3. They might be really nice when they’re young, but their parents might train them to become good at thievery. If Rebecca were drunk and came on to you, would you sleep with her? Remember, she’s 15.
  4. Granted, but he fucks up, cuts his hand, and can’t fight in the next battle. I wish there was some kind of way to find out what kind of underwear Serra wears. Actually, I wonder about that with all FE girls, but I think it would be funny with Serra since she might just surprise us by wearing something either really cute or really sexy.
  5. In this game, I start off giving two options. You then pick which option you’d prefer. You then make up two for the next poster. Would you rather: Have sex with Serra once and then never have to see her again, or: Start a mutual, meaningful relationship with Priscilla, but because of her royalty status, you can’t marry or even touch her?
  6. That each game that has one has a different version of the item called the Fire Emblem. If Matthew could get over Leila’s death, would he sleep with Serra to get back on the horse.
  7. 70: as special reward if Nils nearly gets killed in combat, allow him to publicly molest any girl in the army once. 71: only put women near Lyn in combat. Her outfit is a little too distracting for the men. 72: order Sain to stop bugging the fortune teller trying to find out which women will sleep with him. 73: give Raven and Lucius their privacy. They should be together. 74: if Serra doesn’t stop being annoying, order her to wear a slightly sexier outfit for the next battle. If she persists, change the outfit to something even more revealing. If she ends up naked and still doesn’t change, then allow Sain to have his way with her for a night.
  8. 59: just to screw with them, encourage Serra to stay as close to possible as Erk and Matthew at all times 60: no trying to look up Priscilla’s skirt. She doesn’t actually like that, even if she seems to want it. 61:because Nino always wants to do her best, order her to always cook, clean, do the army’s laundry, etc... in a cute little French maid outfit. She’ll do it too. 62: Farina is greedy as fuck; don’t give her any more money, no matter how good she does in combat. 63: if Serra’s annoyingness annoys you too much, send her to the front lines to take a few hits. If she doesn’t stop after that, then send her to the front lines to die. No one will miss her. 64: order Sain to stop watching Pent and Louise try to have a baby. They deserve it. 65: order Matthew or Legault to steal all of Sain’s pornography. Tell him he’ll it back if he starts treating women with respect.
  9. Having a baby on their tits makes them wet. If cockroaches scatter when you turn on a light, why don’t humans?
  10. I would if it were like Superman’s time traveling power. If Superman were teleported into the world of FE, would he end up getting married, or does he still have strong feelings for Lois Lane.
  11. Granted, but they make so many unimportant and unnecessary gameplay changes that the fans hate it. I wish they made a new gameplay mechanic where archers can fire up to three arrows at once to hit multiple enemies at a time.
  12. Granted, but they make the first new pirate obviously homosexual. I wish there was a short fanfic (with lots of drawings) where Serra and Florina team up to strip Rebecca naked against her will. Also, Sain gets to watch.
  13. Take off her glasses, make out with her, then see where it goes from there.
  14. Granted, but to keep them, you have to cut off a valuable body part to keep them. If you refuse, then you die. I wish that Tethys (my least favorite FE character) from SS dies a horrific, violent death from the final boss’s critical physical attack.
  15. I just thought of an offensive reason why it wouldn’t make sense after all. Dancers are essentially prostitutes, so I don’t think they like to read that much (Tethys from Sacred Stones fits that description; though in her defense, she never got the opportunity to learn to read) Granted, but it’s finally revealed that they are gay lovers. The fan backlash is intense. I wish there’s a fourth, secret support between Nino and Jaffar where he takes her lingerie shopping.
  16. Because God doesn’t like you. If he did like you, wouldn’t he make Pokémon themselves real? Am I a pedofile because I think child Tiki is cuter than the adult version in Awakening?
  17. Granted, but now your sister starts watching and liking every show you do, and talking to her about it gets annoying as fuck. I wish for an FE game, they made a sexy dancer unit that can fight with anima magic (note: I haven’t played every game in the series, so I don’t know if this has been done yet).
  18. Haven’t you ever seen a wizard from the olden days? They wore caps like that. How did Innes from SS get so full of pride and self confidence? His skill with the bow is apparently legendary (at least storyline wise) so it makes sense, but still...
  19. Granted, but after Valter’s finished with the sex part, Ephraim busts in, impales Valter with his spear, and then the twincest finally begins (or continues if you’d like to think so). This backfires, however, because Ephraim and Eirika end up getting married, but all of their royal children have severe birth defects. I wish that Rennac and L’Arachel (also from Sacred Stones) shared a paired ending where they become intimate with each other.
  20. You obviously must not be eating enough chicken strips at a time. Why is Florina from FE7 characterized as a spineless pussy, yet she can competently impale strong men with a spear WHILE riding a fucking flying horse?
  21. In case you’ve never done this before, basically, I start off making an FE related wish. Then, the first poster after me grants that wish, but corrupts it in some horrible way. Then, they come up with their own wish for the next poster to ruin. Let’s go: I wish that Innes and Vanessa from Sacred Stones get married after the game.
  22. I have one; I keep it in my barn. I keep my pet face-hugger in a cage in my bedroom (he can be a little TOO playful at times). Has anyone watched the Netflix show “Comedians in Cars getting Coffee”? I haven’t seen it yet, but it seems like it might be worth the trouble.
  23. I don’t know; maybe you just haven’t tried? In regards to the question before that, I prefer the vengeful fairy. My question: also in regards to the question before that, did the second option remind anyone of Breath of Fire 4’s villain, Fou-lu?
  24. Not sure; I preferred her when she wasn’t playable. Her character design was cuter. What horrible things would Danielle “CashMeOusside” Bregoli say to Neimi to make her cry?
  25. Trump. (am I right to suggest that’s an answer you had in mind coming up with that question. Technically, all three of those terms describe him.) Am I the only person who’s favorite FE character is Neimi? I saw pix of a Japanese girl cosplaying as her once, but unfortunately, she wasn’t pretty enough to be Neimi.
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