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Everything posted by EvanManManMan

  1. Then town was a kingmaker. You are salty because you weren't picked.
  2. Baldrick you literally just described kingmaking. The only difference is that we have 2 factions that can kingmake.
  3. Baldrick is being dumb on purpose. The only gamethrower in this game is Fable, regardless of who wins.
  4. Baldrick is saying that for him to lose somebody has to gamethrow. But kingmaking requires a faction to lose Lol
  5. Friendly reminder that Kill has some super cool ability that he got from Athena dying
  6. I would also like to thank Fable for gamethrowing with that self hammer. We may not have been in a kingmaker situation had you not intentionally put us there.
  7. The ITP is in fact strongwilled because Omega died. That fully explains Kaoz dying as well.
  8. And I bet wrong. MOTHER FUCKER. I hate myself. My reads were terrible this game. My play was terrible. This fucking sucked. Thanks to kill for showing me this site but god, I need to get better.
  9. He wasn't scum reading him you avocado. He just called his lynch pool trash.
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