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Everything posted by EvanManManMan

  1. I can't use both of my abilities in conjunction. One or the other.
  2. This is a wolfy post. He's basically saying "my agenda is bad so I must be town." He admitted to having a plan that involves lynching people he can't lynch, something that a wolf needs to do. Town, while shouldn't always work with the norms, shouldn't be expressing their agenda as impossible. This wholenpost makes no sense from a toen perspective and the tone is bad as well.
  3. And I can explain that it does. But you aren't giving me a chance to.
  4. You don't have to shade me at every possible opportunity. You really don't. I have given basic reasoning that I'm going to expand on. If you say I haven't given any reasoning then you haven't read the thread.
  5. Give me fucking time. You are shading me for not having enough time to make a case. I went from school to track practice, did my homework, ate dinner, went to an orchestra rehearsal, then went right to soccer practice. Give me a fucking break.
  6. If I'm the ITP then why were there 3 kills that night? If I'm lying about my ability then why did 3 people die?
  7. I haven't been blindly tunneling you. I have my reasoning and It's that everybody else is clear. I could go more in depth but I have been really busy today and haven't gotten the time to make a case. I will have more free time tomorrow to do this. And the "lying" part, I messed up one time. Calm down because I never checked and I have been busy today.
  8. So you admit that I am pure. But I should still be lynched Nice I'm at soccer practice now so I'm out for like an hour and a half.
  9. Refa can only be ITP. Not being lynched today. Rolecop ability is probably legit.
  10. I'm not going for Makaze anymore because of his claim. I'm leaning town on you because of knowing Makaze's role before he claimed, or at least rolecop. You can't possibly be mafia so lynching you is not the play. There was a reason I asked you to claim and this was it. Now you and Makaze are out of my PoE brackets for now. Not you for ITP brackets but I'm not hunting for ITP today, I'm hunting for scum. It's never Baldrick due to scum pressure and It's not kill due to a combination of role spec and a townread. People keep clearing Omega based on reactions which I would like to see myself but I trust you guys for now. That leaves Fable and only Fable to be mafia. He is also in no way clear from being ITP. Why do you townread Fable? I feel like you are just trying to emphasize your townreads and treat them as fact, specifically when you referred to me as being ITP. You investigated me twice and saw bookie as the only ability. If I was ITP, I would be able to gain an extra KPN, something potentially bastard, being able to bet on my own kill target, shown with Via's death, AND have no modifiers, making it super unlikely for Kaoz to be killed since LG would not have gotten the empower. You have the evidence to prove that I am town but you won't accept it because of other townreads. Treat the hard results as facts. Not your reads.
  11. This man claims that I came up as a pure bookie And now I am SK I get where you come from Kill
  12. Omega, if you are super convinced that Snike wagon was impure, fable was on it
  13. Spicy tinfoil: Fable said Walrein's ability failed because his ability is killing people.
  14. Fable is the first. He flips scum every time. Next scum is in You/Omega/Makaze. Have to do homework so I'll explain later.
  15. For either one of you to be town, scum either has two rolecops or both co networkers. Not a hard concept to grasp
  16. Walrein was playing terribly. I would have considered it. I'm sure others like Makaze would have as well. The bet thing is a stretch that I included to show the extremest scenario. Don't hold it too strongly.
  17. Kill's point is completely valid. Refa could have stopped Snike from being lynched with a claim and hell, maybe saved Blitz by nullifying my bet. That last part is a stretch but claiming would have been more beneficial than not.
  18. I'm not offended by anything you said Omega. I get pissed off sometimes too. It's a game. That's what it is. There is nothing to take personal offense over.
  19. What would make it ok for the hosts to put in a bookie that can target the person they are killing to get an extra shot? In terms of why I bet Via, it was between him, Alette and Baldrick. I decided to go with Via because I assumed that scum would kill him based on the fact that he had an unkown ability that could be triggered. I was right.
  20. Alright thank you Refa. Now I feel bad about lynching Snike. Had I known that Refa was a rolecop I probably would have let him live. Anyways if Makaze is obvious town and I'm cleared based on ability number then we ACTUALLY CAN use PoE to solve this game. It also means that Omega's reads were all wrong, which is laughable due to how much shit he gives this town for lynch targets and such.
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