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Mighty Kamina

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Everything posted by Mighty Kamina

  1. Most likely Tiamo, at least for my first playthrough.
  2. I'm probably gonna reclass my MU to a mercenary (Favorite non lord class in the series) so I'll probably make my best stat strength, and my worst magic.
  3. First run will be Hard/Classic. If I ever do Lunatic/Insane and then Lunatic+/Insane+ it will be on Casual mode.
  4. I'd personally like to see a remake of FE4/5 (4 more than 5 as in my opinion FE5 has aged better) or a brand new setting.
  5. Errr... Just a question about doubling or whatever it's called (Units fighting together) Do both units gain normal exp for fighting? (I'm just wondering if they get half exp or something like that)
  6. Thanks, that helps a lot.
  7. I'm having some trouble with my custom event. I have my event set up like this: After Lyn spawns and moves, the camera moves and all of a sudden it glitches my map up (copying objects) and then sends me back to the start screen. My map (using for testing out talk events, reinforcements, recruiting units,etc): Any suggestions on what I should do?
  8. I'm working on a hack, and I know how use it but I'm having one problem. When ever I use nightmare and apply changes I make, I have to re-insert all of my custom events, re-insert portraits, and re-do text edits in FEditorAdv. Is there anyway to fix this?
  9. Resolved. If mod can delete this, that would be nice.
  10. sorry to bump this thread but when the malte is used at range it resets the game. (it brings you back to the title screen.)
  11. Turns out the rom was corrupted as I downloaded a new rom and it worked...
  12. Hey I have a problem with changing palletes and tilesets with nightmare (They always revert to the way they were before even if I save the changes I make). When I change and save the pallete of a character, EX: I change Lyn's pallete to generic pallete it stays as Lyn's Pallete when I load the game (I do this to test custom animations), or when I Change a map's to something other tileset to something other then what it is normally (and save) it reverts to the default tileset but keeps the tile placement I have on my custom map (I place a wall for a town tileset I use, and when I save it as the correct tileset in nightmare, it reverts to the sacae tileset and the wall turns into a mountain...)
  13. HOLY ****! The Boss of Chapter 8x has the Durandal!!!!! I had to have Marcus weaken him with his silver lance (While Clarine healed him) and when he was at 2 hp I had Roy kill him with the rapier (For the accuracy). I find Marcus in normal mode to be much more useful then he used to be. EDIT: BTW a lot of the pirates and fighters in chapter 9 have the sea sword rather then an axe, making them unable to attack.
  14. Is it me or are the enemies stronger here then in the original? Because they seem to have higher stats then I remember them having... (I actually had to use Marcus in the early game for a change.) Alan for me became a beast for me while Lance turned out utterly useless (6 Strength and 8 speed by level 7) and made me reset chapter 7 around 12 times because he kept dying.. (Usually because of 3 range archers >.<) I almost considered leaving him dead after the 12th time... 3 range bows added a huge amount of difficulty but proved to be useful occasionally. Anyways I enjoyed this hack. EDIT: The archer near lilina has an Iron bow rather then a short bow, and atttempts to kill her her right away due to it's 3 range (Lilina cannot get out of it's range) so you have to use merlinus as bait and have someone guard him from the enemy units above him. (The archer will attack Lilina unless Merlinus is in range, because for some odd reason he won't attack anyone else that you use as bait.)
  15. What are the map pointers that you put in the tiled mapinserter for replacing each of the chapters?
  16. It works now... IDK what I did wrong before but after playing around with it for awhile this morning I finally got it to work... EDIT: It still switches back to the sacae plains tileset even when I save it correctly on night mare
  17. No there are no empty tiles on the parts of the map that are getting inserted.
  18. No but now it says when I try to insert the map "Unassigned tile in map. No data written to ROM". (There are no empty tiles on the main layer of my map) Also now there are 11 layers on my map (not including the main layer as I've added chests, destroyable walls and some other things) with it's own change. (With the X, Y, ID, Height, and Width are all done correctly.)
  19. I have added changes for the 4 villages I added so there is 4 other layers for each one of them being saved and 4 more layers for each of them being destroyed.
  20. Whenever I have multiple tile layers for changes on my map and the correct id, x, y, height, and width it says when I try to insert it into the rom "Tilechange with no ID no data written to rom." Any suggestions? EDIT: Each layer has a change.
  21. Rather then posting my own topic I'll ask here. When I use nightmare and put the tilesets in correctly, it changes to the sacae plains tilesets... (The map layout stays the same as the map file I made on tiled and inserted though) Any suggestions? It is using the tileset 0A003A0C and it is over the prologue.
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