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Everything posted by NoNameAtAll

  1. Killing everyone sounds more like the typical Shin Megami Tensei neutral path (Fuck both Chaos and Law, I do what I want!). ...I'd buy.
  2. I can't wait until Ninji plays it. It'll be just like old times.
  3. Send him down the Nohr path. NinjiFE14. eue
  4. Who said the guy wrote the supports? For all we know, he just wrote the main story. Weak supports are a whooooole different issue.
  5. Meanwhile, on a more funny tangent, I found this gem of a manip.
  6. Guys, let's make a petition to cancel FE: Conquest. ...Oh.
  7. Clearly, Julius drugged Ishtar to make her see him as a suave not-demonically possessed young man. Then it backfired when she learned he was a ninji in disguise and said fuck it and released the kiddies.
  8. ...This suddenly makes me question Julius and Ishtar (even more) now. IT ALL MAKES SENSE.
  9. The one that's gone is K-A (Kids to Adults). Which pretty much became E. Example:
  10. "I want the game to turn out the way I want it and everyone will like it." That's pretty much the argument for both sides. Me? I'm just gonna sit on the sidelines and eat popcorn. That harvested salt isn't going to waste on my end! :D
  11. I definitely don't see them going back to a console any time soon. Handheld seems to work best now anyway. Also the development costs. My god the development costs... Anyway, good to see the positive news.
  12. Ah, the internet. We can glean all of the information we desire without worrying two wits about whether this was released here or whatever. But no plot details means...nothing? I see no issues, but I'm not gonna mini-mod.
  13. My bad, I meant new in box. Used games are always a crapshoot. My point about those not having a 3DS stands though. My point, however, is...well, why do you care? Way I see it, it's another option. An arguably more nostalgic one, but an option all the same. But I digress, I'm pulling out of this OoT talk in a Shadow Dragon thread.
  14. Nostalgia. Also a shitton cheaper. Oh and good luck finding OoT 3D on a physical cart now. It's a pain in the ass. And OoT3D isn't one of those games you'd want sitting on your SD card. Or perhaps they have a Wii U and not a 3DS. That's always a possibility.
  15. I'm sure we'll be celebrating the North American rerelease in about 6-8 months or so. In the meantime, enjoy your game folks!
  16. Considering dastard means coward and bastard is for illegitimate offspring...well, I dunno.
  17. I eagerly await Apotheosis 2: Apotheosis Harder. You know it'll be a thing. It's only a matter of time.
  18. Not only that, but can NoA even modify the game to that extent? Dummying out things and changing some cutscenes is one thing, but dinking with the mechanics? Allowing same-sex marriages on other characters would mean modifying the code to allow them to S-Rank, if I'm correct. Not that I'm against it, far from it. I'm just viewing this pragmatically.
  19. Well, let's see. You have Heavy Lobster and you have Marx. Final boss versus midboss. Yes, I made a Kirby joke.
  20. Correction: They said they'd talk about the NX next year. I expect 2017 for that, but that's a whole different topic. Anyway, seeing as we know this is an obvious placeholder date (Smash for Wii U had a December 31st, 2015 placeholder one for awhile), I see this as nothing but scaremongering. Thanks Ayanami.
  21. My thoughts? More past FE game stuff with that level of effort please? That'd be amazing.
  22. That's a shitton more effort than was put into the einherjar in Awakening already. Can we get more past game stuff like that please? That'd be amazing.
  23. So basically the same thing that happened with Smash Bros 3DS and the leaks there?
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