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Everything posted by NoNameAtAll

  1. "I, Matador, swear by my blade and capote that I shall once again prove victorious and harvest the salt of my foes!"

  2. I can laugh all I want because it's a friggin' video game. If the alternative was for the series to completely die and folks like you would be okay with that, that would be downright childish and pathetic. FE is more mainstream now. Don't like, don't buy. And don't lump me in as an Awakening fanboy. Thracia is still my favorite game. I'm just a bit more open-minded than most.
  3. No it wasn't. Plus there was no supports. There were a few pairings pushed harder than others which resulted in some unique convos, but if one were to pair Noish with Ayra, there's zero fanfare, but it happens.
  4. Problem: Seliph wouldn't be a legitimate heir to rule over Grannvale as per Azmur's wishes prior to his death (Mind you, he said that to Arvis, but still). Anyway, I don't care for all of this salt. I'm laughing at reactions on both sides. Awakening the "flop"? Oh my god.
  5. Not really. Gen 1 allowed for anyone to marry anyone, barring Sigurd/Deirdre and Quan/Ethlyn. And no one gave a shit.
  6. Expys aren't anything new. What's more troubling is the similar designs. FE6 did the same thing with Marcus (Compared to Jagen), Miledy (Compared to Minerva)...FE6 lifted a lot from FE1. But FE6 was the first post-Kaga game, not to mention FE1 was a whole five games prior. 1-5 had similarities, make no mistake, but the real archetyping didn't really start until FE6. Still, there was enough to discern differences. IMO, it's too soon to reference Awakening to that extent. I'm indifferent otherwise though. They are what they are.
  7. I dunno, IV's Red Rider is an asshole of the highest order. He can spam almighty Antichthon without provocation unlike the others.
  8. I saw Jack Frost, hee-ho. There is SMT there after all. Otherwise...well, my avatar speaks for me.
  9. Refer to my avatar for my response to this drivel.
  10. Still waiting for Matador or any of the fiends to show up--oh who am I kidding.
  11. Actually, my first thought was...can he be voiced by Xander Mobus? AKA THE ANNOUNCER and Master Hand in Smash 4.
  12. Not showing off the amiibo stuff so far. I know Marth comes with a FE3 Book 1 battle remix.
  13. Tangerine is watching you it seems.
  14. If that part in the FE Fates trailer was indeed Elise getting killed... Julius no doubt approves of this slaughter of a child.
  15. Revenge of Shinobi is good too. Just keep in mind it's a lot harder than Shinobi III.
  16. Puyo Puyo 1 having a Mean Bean Machine skin lol.
  17. Asking for chill in Smash is like asking people who are rabidly fans of Awakening and rabid haters of Awakening to sit down, drink tea and have a good laugh rather than argue like kids. In which case, they really should settle it in Smash. ...Oh.
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