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Everything posted by NoNameAtAll

  1. Or go with the FE4/5/6 one instead of the already hugely overdone Tellius songs. They're good, but holy shit there was enough in Brawl. (5's is more of a reimagining, but it has a bit of FE4/6's leitmotif in it)
  2. Sooo...uh, the various things she has to say throughout Valm, warning Basilio, being around during SHOCK HORROR VALIDAR DROPPED THE NICE GUY ACT, threatening to murder the avatar, etc... So she disappears. Totally not there. Now if you said baby Lucina, you'd be right. I don't care if Lucy and/or Chrom make it in, but holy shit you're grasping straws.
  3. >Enters thread >Sees Fucking Okay then.
  4. You don't know the power of Sugita.
  5. Camus, the Whitewings...they actually show up more. Aside from the obvious Anna I mean.
  6. Well, Nintendo Treehouse is back up again and they're playing Smash Wii U. They got to the coliseum stage. at this point, or this build anyway, the song used was The Devoted. Literally ripped from RD with no differences.
  7. Needs more steamroller. Also Luigi losing Negative Zone should be a tell. V:
  8. http://www.smashbros.com/us/ 10/3/14. Please do your research before spouting falsehoods. Japan gets it 9/21/14.
  9. Apparently she's bitchy. I, for one, think she's pretty damn badass. Kid Icarus: Uprising kinda proved that to me awhile ago. FFS. Sakurai's not a fangirl like you. He's not going to gush over Ike all the damn time. If you wonder why he's not in the demo, he's probably not coded yet. Kinda the same reason the E 4 All demo of Brawl was missing a shitton of things. Christ, Ike goes unmentioned for a short time and you're already upset.
  10. Guys, can we keep this thing? It's amusing.
  11. Old hat. It also means the meme has already been run into the ground. I'm sad.
  12. I didn't read the whole thing, but my avatar sums up my reaction.
  13. The Jugdral games are the only ones where story meant shit to me. And even then, FE4 Gen 2 doesn't fall under that. I'm not going off saying Awakening has ZOMG BEST STORY EVAR, but I still chuckle at the people who think the series as a whole has great stories. I'm sorry, but I really can't help it. At least this game gives all of the playable characters a fairly decent personality with more than a couple small parts of dialogue. In terms of supports anyway. Main story has the same issue as any with only focusing on a small number of characters. That's just me though. Also this topic screams "Why do people like something I don't like?" and vice versa.
  14. I want to be like Mike. Wait fuck, this isn't the 90's. Mike Jordan is irrelevant now. :(
  15. That would imply I'd be a parent. Also
  16. It doesn't use enough of them. From a mechanics standpoint, Thracia 776 had a shitton going for it.
  17. Good thing this thread doesn't have to conform to you!
  18. Partially wrong. From what I've seen, it's still Akaneia in Europe. There's a translation chart on the actual site. Researching is good.
  19. Universe might last forever, but Earth sure as hell won't. Environmental issues aside, you know that the inner planets will get engulfed once the sun becomes a red giant. Billions of years down the line, but eh.
  20. GameCube controller adapter announced. http://www.gonintendo.com/s/229348-nintendo-announces-gamecube-controller-adapter-for-wii-u And there was much rejoicing. :D
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