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Everything posted by NoNameAtAll

  1. Fixed that for you. 6 was the start of the downhill trend. 5 was the last of the greats.
  2. Camus has them beat. Or at least Palla. Camus, Catria and Est have FE1, FE2, FE3, one of the Satelliview games, FE11, FE12 and FE13. In terms of appearances in general, Camus actually has the most seeing as he appears in two of the Satelliview games, one of which he's playable in.
  3. Face facts: Once Sakaguchi left, everything fell apart. When he stopped working on shit, it was over.
  4. Okay, obviously I don't have a LTE list because holy shit would that be convoluted. But I've a general 3G list now. OI GSM 1800 Telemig Celular GSM 900/1800 Amazonia Celular GSM 900/1800 TIM GSM 1800 Claro GSM 1800 Vivo GSM 850 Vivo CDMA 800 Embratel CDMA 1900 Based on the list, unless you're on Embratel and maybe Vivo depending on your area, you'll have GSM. And if I recall, all of those frequencies work on the N7.
  5. WELL THAT MAKES STUFF HARDER. brb checking Brazil's carriers, frequencies and other shit. To wikipedia!
  6. Pretty much this. All of the Fire Emblem games have the same overarching concepts. Some just pull it off better than others. Geneology was different for the first half, but the second half quickly devolved into typical FE fare. That said, the writing in Awakening, I find better than most. It's obvious the translation/localization teams have more fun now with a lot less stupid shit like crackers or moldy onions getting in the way (seriously, that stuff was laughably bad).
  7. Y'know, if Bantu's still alive (Albeit without his dragonstone based off of his FE3/FE12 ending), where the fuck is Gotoh? You'd think he'd step in considering all of the shit Medeus did. And Grima's doing what Medeus did on steroids. Then again, I always gathered he had more of a beef with Gharnef than Medeus, but still.
  8. Okay, now I'm curious: Is the 3G in your area GSM-based at least? If it's CDMA, uh...the Nexus 7 won't work on 3G because CDMA is proprietary compared to GSM's more open standard. I'm aware that the majority of the world uses GSM, but there are still oddballs using CDMA, the US notwithstanding.
  9. Yeaaaah, 3G/LTE is an absolute bitch. Especially the LTE part. At least 3G, United States aside because we can't fucking use universal shit (T-Mobile and AT&T's 3G bands are different for instance, with AT&T's closer to most of the world), it's not a complete clusterfuck. LTE though...HOO boy. LTE is a huge clusterfuck. As for actually obtaining, really? I'm surprised Google is skipping out in your territory.
  10. Oh, 2nd Gen Nexus 7. Not bad, not bad.
  11. I saw mentions of a Nexus. So who's getting a new phone for whom?
  12. The sad thing is that the GBA is very, very capable of pretty damn good sound.
  13. Alternately, for more Euro goodness:
  14. Uh, he talks to me and I play 'Murican games and watch dubs. So...
  15. Reggie is going to stare at you now.
  16. I dunno, that Tomodachi Life direct that happened today has me convinced of his natural superiority...
  17. Star Fox 64 alone was more popular and known than Fire Emblem. And Sakurai planned it? That's called dummied out data. For all you know, that could've been leftover and they couldn't be bothered to completely erase the dummied data because programming is pretty complex shit.
  18. You also need to remember how Thracia was distributed. Consider that. Both of the Tellius games were sold in standard fare and only did marginally better than Thracia. And I don't see Rey being an asshat. I see you being overly blind and constantly bringing the discussion back to that guy.
  19. That Tomodachi Life direct. So much what.
  20. Battle of Valhalla. Arvis and co launch meteors randomly, along with Valflame. All smashers get royally owned.
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