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Everything posted by NoNameAtAll

  1. Those buttocks have cheeks of steel, man. You DON'T fuck with Simon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYcmaBFSVkQ
  2. WELL THEN MISTER EUROPE, NICE TO KNOW YOU'RE SO FAR AHEAD. :V Early Spring; Teddy? Not much to say about that one. The fight itself is three very buffed up Automatons that are fast and powerful. No magic usage though. Thing that stands out is the chance of up 3 unearthly buns dropping.
  3. Doesn't help he was raised by that shithead Izuka. When you don't know much about the world around you, guess what happens? You become naive.
  4. I'm surprised by the lack of mentions of the various Nemesis bosses. I'll mention the latest one pushed to North American systems. From 3/15-3/17, another Four Heroes of Light boss will appear. Leviathan, Lv. 80. Don't recall the stats offhand though.
  5. That...would actually work well. It'd also avoid whatever legal issues are present with the vocal versions. (That had to have been the reason it wasn't in Taxman's Sonic CD)
  6. Tellius had more than enough representation in Brawl with PoR songs. Let's let the Jugdral games get some love this time, seeing as they passed over those completely in Brawl (Fucking GAIDEN got a remix, albeit a great one, but the Jugdral games were ignored? Fuck that shit).
  7. The only correct answer is Rey*. *Japanese Olivia onry.
  8. penguein Also hello. And not quite. There was Missingno for cash. Now if you mean legit means, then yeah.
  9. I would've said that maybe by that point, Nergal was too far gone and such. Then again, the Elibe games are kinda a clusterfuck in terms of story. Bullshit reason on my end: Because Nergal had to become like Gharnef. IDK.
  10. Manfroy, hands down. He's the puppet master behind almost EVERYTHING that happened in FE4. And he somehow killed Lewyn who had Forseti. You don't cause that kind of bullshit by not being a douchebag.
  11. Where is the Marty love? Is it just as misdirected as Marty's typical accuracy? :V
  12. Well that and FE7 was made after FE6. Ice Dragons were retroactively added. That doesn't explain why Ninian would've had a shorter lifespan though when Fae had no issues from what was seen. But I digress.
  13. Once more, 'Muricans failing to understand another culture and calling it shit. Love my country so much. What seems like shit to you might be genius to Japan. That said, I still want playable Tingle.
  14. I know, right? I mean the spoiler section has so many pictures! It's not like they load regardless of being hidden by the spoiler tag! Seriously, folks need to keep that in mind. Spoiler tag doesn't prevent that stuff from loading. It just hides it.
  15. It's clearly mine then. I mean look how big it is.
  16. Super Macho Man for Smash 4. Now with more releasing of the bogus. A man can dream. Whenever Meta Knight returns, I still hope for one VERY specific song that has yet to get a good remix since its debut. And don't mention Epic Yarn's. That version was terrible.
  17. You're not missing too much. Not to say it's bad, though Epyon is bullshit when you fight it your first time. Oh, and on the subject of G Gundam. Tee hee.
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