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Everything posted by NoNameAtAll

  1. You know, I laugh when people complain that FE:A has terrible characterization and use other FEs as a comparison as if Fire Emblem is well known for character depth and development.
  2. Fire Emblem has never been known for "deep" or "complex" characters. If anyone really thinks that, they really need to re-adjust their meters on depth and complexity. That isn't to say I'm defending FE:A. But seriously, FE has more than enough characters that are as one-note as Umaro in Final Fantasy VI. Even the precious Tellius games have this issue, like Makalov's lousy, shitty personality for example.
  3. I'm going out on a limb here, but combined with all of the previous posts made by him, I think Jack doesn't like this game. It's almost like he has to beat the point into the ground. Kinda like beating a dead horse except noisier. tl;dr We get it. The game is far from the best at characterization. And yet people will still like the game. Sounds to me like you can't comprehend people liking the game, in which case, I use this as my argument.
  4. He could have downloaded a completed save.
  5. Not just that, but I highly doubt Serebii would put in on his site without doing a bit of digging.
  6. Uh...you're kinda off on that. All that's known is that he was contacted at some point. Most of it is just conjecture.
  7. You do realize they were supposed to be one game originally, right? Hell, oddly enough, Flying Battery's exiting transition was supposed to go to IceCap by my understanding.
  8. Oh okay. Also am I the only one who has played the new Hidden Palace Zone in Sonic 2 in this thread? Also the way to enter the level initially is genius. Seriously, Taxman and Stealth thought of everything it seems. Go to the 1 minute mark or so.
  9. Either that or Forseti's pulling strings again like he did with Lewyn after his death at Manfloy's hands (I still call bullshit on that).
  10. If you're not hating the Slicers, you're doing it wrong. Shellcracker is nowhere near as bad. Still a piece of shit, but Slicers. By god the Slicers.
  11. Ah, I see. Only reason I asked is because Hidden Palace was restored in the remastered version. It's awesome to say the least. And it's pretty much a brand new level compared to the unfinished one in the two prototypes that have it. There are some aspects of the original incomplete one in the level, which is neat, but overall, it's a new feeling.
  12. Which version? The original or the remastered Taxman and Stealth mobile version?
  13. Oh SimCity...the glory days of the once-great and amazing Maxis empire. The original was fun. 2000 improved everything. It's actually quite ironic, seeing as 3000 was going to originally be very different. That wouldn't have been good by the way. The irony in this situation? EA's to thank for 3000's turnaround. Yes, hard to believe EA was, at one time, a pretty cool publisher and such. They even gave Maxis extra time to finish up the game, rather than release it in a buggy state. But I digress. I miss those days and such. Can't comment on 4 though. I haven't really dabbled in it and when the game was brand new, my computer had no chance of running it as it was horribly out of date by then. As for the most recent one? I'd rather forget it exists. EA tarnished the series, much like everything they do these days.
  14. Well, Tiz doesn't have many quotables like "MRGRGR" or "UNACCEPTABLE". ...Or philandering tendencies like Ringabel...so...
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nt0bgblBinQ Yes, I'm unoriginal. Sue me.
  16. I read back a few pages. I saw classic Sanic discussion. So how 'bout that completed Hidden Palace Zone courtesy of Taxman and Stealth? Yes, I know. Mobile only on Sonic 2. Don't care, still awesome.
  17. But will it blend? That's the all-encompassing question.
  18. I fixed that for you. By that I mean I re-purposed your quote to suit my interests. Also with optional shades for full on Umad King style.
  19. https://twitter.com/RyebreadWaffle/status/432329382728716288/photo/1 I laughed.
  20. White 2 cartridge y u go missing still need to transfer over legendaries. D:
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