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Everything posted by NoNameAtAll

  1. The punch line in the end was the two Endless Duel songs I linked. :|
  2. Yeah, more or less. But yeah, G-Gundam and Gundam Wing are the only Gundam shows that I've watched at length. I saw Seed and I was like...no. Just no. However, outside of the show OSTs, don't forget gems like this: Or this:
  3. That's only in the 3-part version. Newer versions have...well... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1PQEZyXOl8
  4. Maybe, but the vocal songs were in the show. Rhythm Emotion played a number of times in the show with vocals so... Might've been a matter of 'Murica being weird.
  5. That didn't stop Toonami from using an instrumental Just Communication for the ending for Gundam Wing.
  6. When G-Gundam was on Toonami, I don't even recall them using Trust you forever in the closing. It was ALWAYS Flying in the Sky. Which is superior anyway.
  7. Can't really comment. I like SMT IV, but that's all I've played aside from bits of 1. And I don't mean the SNES version. It was a mobile version based off the PS1 release (Yay for the Fiend music's first appearance!)
  8. It honestly depends on the fiend, really. There's no completion check in SMT IV like there is with the Pokedex. And the item drops or other rewards also vary. Chemtrail's a pointless fiend for example, while ones like Red Rider (Screw that fight by the way. It does not follow the logic of the other random fiend fights and is so...ugh) have a really great reward. Also Mother Harlot's actually one of the few fiends that's NOT random. She's like David: Quest based.
  9. And don't forget the Chronicles re-release of SMT3 that was Japan only. Dante? Pfffft.
  10. And I took your joke and ran with it with a bad comeback.
  11. *Snort* Anyway, those who say the Avatar wouldn't work due to no stable design forget the existence of the villager, who ALSO has no set design. Mind you, I'm not keen on the avatar getting into the game, but the no stable design is kind of a weak excuse.
  12. I just like how the regular Nemeses battles use a remix of two Final Fantasy: The Four Heroes of Light songs. Not linking to them, but they're a fusion of the normal battle theme and the regular boss battle theme. It's a good nod to the game's spiritual predecessor.
  13. Oh yeah? Well, you're...you're...YOU'RE A WEEB. ...Wow that was lame.
  14. Oddly, that song sounds a bit different in the small medley in the final boss music. The guitar part is replaced with dat sax.
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