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Everything posted by NoNameAtAll

  1. I'd almost count on FE8 coming out first because of that, in some ways. They already did the color adjustments to the GBA ROMs for the ambassador games (Don't quote me on that. I read it somewhere and I need to find that source again), so that's already one out of the way.
  2. Dem NES limited palettes. <3 Green haired Samus.
  3. Because she won't shut up about it. I've about as much of a hard-on for Sigurd as Ana has for Ike, but you don't see me making post after post about how OMG I WANT HIM IN or I WON'T GET THIS GAME WITHOUT HIM. It kinda gets grating reading post after post when the screenshots come out that show "WAAHH NOT IKE". Yes, I know Sigurd was never in Smash Bros, but that's not my point. And before you bring up the ignore function, that doesn't stop people from quoting her. That's all I'm going to say on the matter.
  4. So then you admit ANY lord being put in would drive them to popularity and that you're overly biased due to fangirling over Ikey-poop. All of whom you list as clones (Except Jiggs and ROB. Jiggs cut would be dumb considering its been in since the original. And ROB played a role in even getting video games popular once more in the U.S. after that 1983 crash)
  5. That's not popularity based on his own games. That's popularity derived from the Smash Bros. effect. They could put fucking Alm in instead and he'd be just as popular as Ike. Also, if you want be anal, the four generals in Mega Man Zero are based off of X. They're like his "children". And yes, based off of X. Not that pansy Copy X.
  6. Advance sounds better in Mystery rather than New Mystery. Something's off in that one IMO. Off to War sounds better in Mystery as well, though that's mostly the instrument set.
  7. Tiki trophy is fucking awesome, but the song attached made me very, very happy. Id (Purpose) in Smash? Fuck yes.
  8. Weeeeeell, if you want to be nitpicky, she kinda does in the form of the BS Archanea Chronicles games. FE3 engine and whatnot.
  9. Exactly! :D Can't wait for Bravely Second! I'll get Magnolia to bust some Ba'als!
  10. You mean Mega Ultra Waifu Chicken.
  11. Yes, I'm aware. Also note that I never said this game had a good story. No doubt it's among Fire Emblem's weaker ones. I'm just saying that anyone thinking any of the Fire Emblem games have AMAZING story and then accuse Awakening alone as a sudden decline are delusional. It's not a sudden or sharp decline. It's more of a downward ramp rather than a mountain.
  12. It also cements my stance that Fire Emblem has never excelled in storytelling except maybe the Jugdral games, and even then, that's mostly background stuff rather than the story actually in the games.
  13. Fact is, it's been localized and to not use an official name when it's right there makes the site seem downright unprofessional. Binding Blade.
  14. No FE game has had an exceptional story, truth be told. All are typically rather predictable with a few exceptions (FE4's Chapter 5 ending comes to mind. I mean, would one have really expected to lose EVERYTHING up to that point?). But there was at least a higher standard compared to what was done here. Resorting to time travel is a recipe for disaster. Look at Sonic 06's sorry excuse of a story for instance, terrible gameplay aside. You'll never convince me to dislike Awakening though. The sheer number of support options and whatnot, along with the optional scenarios in the form of DLC (That wasn't already in the game to boot), was great.
  15. Mainline Shin Megami Tensei really deals less with the characters and more with the concepts of order and chaos. One can choose to align with chaos and bring about a "might makes right" rule where the strongest survive. Perhaps anarchy rises in some cases, but it does depend on how Lucifer is shown in the games. Order, or Law, is about the idea of eternal peace. However, said peace would involve subjugation. In theory, everyone is equal, but those who don't hold true to the faith of God (Or YHVH) are eliminated. When you think about it, both paths have their share of hypocrisy. There is, however, a middle road with neutrality. That path, ultimately, puts one at odds with both Law and Chaos. Depending on the game, it can be viewed as one who believes in nothing. Usually, this can lead to a temporary respite, before the forces of Law and Chaos once again clash. I won't say that it's necessarily deep, but the concepts can be pretty philosophical when one really thinks about it. Also there's literal dicks. Fair warning.
  16. Though the stage looks like something else, that generic spike ball screams Sonic 06 to me. ...IT'S NO USE.
  17. http://www.gonintendo.com/s/225200-hacker-finds-3ds-exploit-on-newer-firmware-allows-for-homebrew-but-not-piracy Hoho! Here's hoping for fun possibilities for cracking open games and finding unused stuff!
  18. ...Nope, nothing. Book of Naga would, but seeing as that's a literal end-of-game weapon, Forseti remains king.
  19. I'm pretty sure ShadowOfChaos has done crazier stuff with Olivia. Still funny to see though, I'll admit.
  20. FUCK THE REMASTERED SOUNDTRACK. They utterly butchered Uematsu's incredible work without his consultation. "Fight with Seymour" sounds like utter shit compared to the original. I know I'll probably never play FFX HD due to a lack of a PS3 or Vita, but that soundtrack grinds my gears. Only thing I'd care about with it are the International version bonuses. Dark Aeons, Penance, the sphere grids...hell, even Omega Weapon gets a buff (999,999 HP, slightly higher stats and elemental absorption make the damn thing a tad more threatening than the North American/Original Japan version).
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