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Everything posted by NoNameAtAll

  1. He's ditched because, Jagen or not, other characters can do a better job with significantly less effort. And no, I'm obviously not talking about Lunatic.
  2. I'm sorry dude, but S3K is not the hardest classic Sonic game. It is hilariously easy. Granted, none of the classic Sonic games are hard, Death Egg Robot in Sonic 2 aside, but still. You want hard? Look into Sonic 2 on the Game Gear. You will lose all hair. (Or cheese it out and play the Master System version where you can actually see stuff, but still)
  3. It matters because you're saying "PUT WORK INTO FREDDY BEAR MEAT OMG AND HE'LL BE AWSUM". You're acting like Freddy Bear Meat is the only one who can take advantage of seals, when in reality, other characters can do the same, if not more. Even your oh-so-hated Sumia.
  4. can't do. Only have 1. Also: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=43986&p=2711597 Logic, what's that shit?
  5. But you can make other characters better with that same work. Favoritism 101: Feel free to like who you want, but don't proclaim them to be god-tier when others will suffice even more.
  6. ilu2 vash~ Also all this talk about FE5 and not one mention of Ninji's Hi-larious Misadventures through it.
  7. Cooked and roasted~ I name the bear meat, Freddy! :D
  8. You know what else isn't fair? If you're going to second seal my edible Freddy Bear Meat, you can do the same to any unit that's already better than the bear meat. Also irony: Freddy Bear Meat. Teehee~
  9. Hey guys, I have a craving for Freddy Bear Meat.
  10. Catch ALL the Spinda. You have to use nothing but Spinda on your team now.
  11. The Steve Ballmer Method: Strap the offender to the chair and chuck the chair out the window
  12. It's the ship. Traveling via ship can be tiring.
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