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Everything posted by NoNameAtAll

  1. ... http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=43688
  2. Uh, no one is going to slam you for going at your own pace. But do cease your attempts at advice without having complete knowledge. At best, the person receiving the advice will be misinformed. At worst, they will dun goof. That is all I will say on the matter.
  3. Goddammit Rey. Your Olivia avatar is staring into my soul. Those eyes, by gods, those eyes.
  4. Hey. Hey! Don't compare that lame-ass Owain to the So-Bad-It's-Amazing awesomeness that is Adam West Batman. Because some days, you just can't get rid of a bomb!
  5. I doubt YHVH (Which is actually spelled the same in Hebrew with the right letters) will be the final boss. Fighting the Judeo-Christian God is pretty...risque. It's why I highly doubt we'll ever see SMTII in the US without some serious retooling.
  6. FE5 24x. Maybe not the absolute worst, but it's quite evil. Optional, yes. But goddamn is it a paaaaaaaaain.
  7. I see a disturbing lack of FE Gaiden's final map music. http://serenesforest.net/media/thebest1/229%20Battle%20Map%205%20-%20Final%20Map%20BGM%20%28Player%29.mp3
  8. Same as... FE6: Maggie and Rose FE7: Paul and Jasmine FE10: Pain and Agony
  9. Where is the PoR Eric love? I mean, dat hat. Oh wait, ghost. nvm. Also needs more Julius Belmont.
  10. Needs more Walter and Chrom voiced by Matt Mercer. "Your end has come!" "I'll end it thus!"
  11. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=37244&page=1#entry2657309 This man is genius.
  12. As a moderator of the site, that's just some of the louder folk. There's plenty who really don't give two shits about the eye color and such.
  13. She's all grown up, ergo she has to act mature. Duh.
  14. You must've glossed over my avatar then.
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