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Everything posted by Kintenbo

  1. From what I can tell about her, she's not really worth it. You already have Navarre in the case you are a Myrmidon/Swordmaster fan. (obviously you are, by your screen name) If I have to kill someone to get another person, he/she is not worth it. Sorry, Miss Norn, but you can just stay at home during this here war. Still, that Naga chick...., I wonder if she's related to Chiki in any particular way.
  2. OOOOKKKK, if I'm not too late to offer.
  3. August 11th, I will officially be a Sophmore. I wonder if there will be another computer crash that will ruin the grading system again? (helped me get a C, opposed to a D in English, though, so it's not that bad) I wonder if there will be less druggies this time around. (please make it so, me not like cigarette smoke)
  4. Stupid glitch exploiters.....*grumble, grumble* Oh well, at least that double post was fixed, thanks whoever took care of it. So I guess I'd best be careful when a cat decides to crawl all over the keyboard. Close this if you wish.
  5. If nothing else, Dozla is super special awesome personality wise. Gwhahaha, I think I pulled a muscle. This is the best day ever, gwhahahahaha!
  6. Let's see, it usually consists of this: Other than the folks who are forced in: Sometimes Raven for the Regal Sword. (sometimes I just ignore the thing if I don't have a sword user, don't rely on those much) Oswin for the Rex Hasta. Dorcas (yes, I use him, at least he's better than Bartre, at least in Hard Mode) for the Basilikos Nino for the Excalabur. Priscilla as the cute medic girl. Lucius, usually as the Luce and even Areola. Legault, just so I can unlock the doors to get to the enemies faster. If I ever get to fit him in, I use Canas (king of being overrated) for the Gespenst and I rarely ever use bow users at all. The only one I even like is Rebecca.
  7. Just a quick question. This thing will be one on one, right? It would be very repetitive to have a group of people being on at the same time.
  8. Ok, today I had a problem in which I accidently double posted. (cat was walking all over the keyboard, causing much frustration) There really should be an option to delete a post in case that happens. If there already is one, where is it? I couldn't find one anywhere.
  9. No, Dozla is not THE worst. Knoll says hi. Rennac isn't even that bad either, since he gets to be a Rouge. Sure there's Colm, but there never can be too much of a great class.
  10. Lundgren abuse FTL, man. You best not go dissing on that there Priscilla. Never forget the Troubadour high movement healing utility, never forget. *is a heavy duty Priscilla fanboy* Still....*shoots for not putting Hector on his list* I think I forgot to put Kent. I just wind up using him all the time for some reason. I used to always use Lucius too, but then his low defense started to frustrate me. Oh yeah, what's with the Eliwood hate?
  11. I like to mutter to myself so I can think more clear. It drives my brother and sister insane, but then again, nearly anything can do that. (irratble little buggers)
  12. I think I'm around 5'10 or 5'11. My family obsess themselves into thinking I'm 6 foot, but I'm not quite there yet. If I even do, that's nice, if not, then whatever. At least it's impossible for me to be a little dude now.
  13. You must sacrifice a character? Well, farewell Jeigan, you were old anyway. Odds are you would die in the middle of the game anyway.
  14. I always refer Oswin to Oswin. (win getting more emphesis) I call him that due to his amazing amount of awesomeness. Great offense, best defense of all the characters in the game, amazing affinity, and a great support list, how can he let anyone down? His only weak point is speed, but who cares about that, considering he's in a game known for overall the slowest set of enemies. (besides Sacred Stones, known for it's overall weakest enemies) Let's see, when refering to Oliver, I try to sound like a whacked out British man. Me and my siblings all refer to him being oh so beautiful!
  15. Obviously the 3 main characters, since you have no choice, although I favor Hector the best. Otherwise: Oswin: Win is in his name for a reason, great offense and easily the best defense of any character, this guy is tight! Priscilla: Healing with great movement can give any character an edge in usefulness. Not only is she a great class, she has perfectly fine stats and is the prettiest little thing I ever did see in a video game. Dorcas: Sure, he's no speed demon, but I like to use him anyway. Nino: Yeah, she's not really considered that good, but I'm a massive fan of her's.
  16. Let's see, both Geitz and Harken thanks to Hard Mode bonus deliciousness. Geitz can replace Dorcas if his lack of speed is beginning to pull him down and Harken can be second Hero, since Raven won't want to hog ALL the spotlight. Wallace is dismal and Karel is bleh.
  17. Trying to give Niime a perfect level up? Maxing out Marcus's stats? Those sound like good alternatives.
  18. I sometimes have trouble recruiting Ephraim Route Marisa in the sense that I usually accidently kill her. Some would say she's not worth it, due to very low strength, but it doesn't really matter. She has low strength in the continent of sissy opponents, even in Hard Mode. You could use just about anyone, (except maybe Knoll) without the worry of them dying. I'm not overly fond of Swordmasters, but they're alright. At least the generic enemy ones can't do much damage whatsoever. (unless it's Knoll, I don't like that Knoll) It's fun listening to no damage critical hits. Dinkdinkdinkdinkdink, dink. NO DAMAGE!
  19. Let's see, on my brother's first playthrough, he forgot to give Nolan Urvan for when Yune blessed the weapons. He and Ike were the only ones with Nihil, so I said to him, "Hey, Nolan has Nihil, why not use him to attack". My brother responded, "Perry, HE'S GOT A SUPER HAND AXE!!!" The tone of his voice was priceless. Needless to say, that mistake was never made again. So for now on, hand axes are super hand axes to us.
  20. I would like Oliver to star in the next game, but the twist is, the game doesn't take place on Telleus. Yep, Oliver gets to go to some new continent to fight the evil forces of Richard Simmons and his goal to make fat people skinny. Yes, folks like Devdan/Danved and Dozla would get a cameo, too. It would be an adventure of the ages... On a more serious note, if there was a character based off of me in the actual next game, it'd be some axe using class, perhaps a fighter or brigand. (preferably the other, Berserkers are my favorite class) Yep, my stats would consist of excellent HP, Strength, and Defense, average Speed and Luck, bleh Skill, and who really cares Resistance. I would like my personality to be normally quiet and serious, but when a good looking girl comes into sight, the Entertainer is in town! Look at me, little missy, watch me carry this boulder. OW, I dropped it on my toe! Wait...it's just a pebble, don't worry, I'm fine. Awwww, how cute, she's giggling. That's an simplified version of me in a support conversation with a chick. Also, as far as appearances go, I look basically like your generic anime teen character, except with muscles. The hair must be very dark brown.
  21. I've also been thinking about Lyn and Mia (both strike me as girls who'd run track) in a race in a field of mashed potatoes. (they'll be barefoot, of course) You all will learn that I'm a weird lad. So don't mind me if I creep you guys out. Anyway, Radiant Dawn Haar, a one man wrecking crew vs. Saar, some Sacred Stoner generic knight boss. This would be the most one sided match ever! Let's see, a more serious fight..... I suppose Nergal vs. final chapter Lyon. Why end the fad? The hack series makes me laugh very hard. If it ever ends, it will be Oliver that will replace Gheb, more than likely.
  22. I've always been a big Berserker fan. Sure the only truly good Berserker was Gonzales (he didn't murder your funds rank, like Dart), but Dart is also excellent for those who care nothing about ranks (such as me). Some folks would probably count Ross, too. Still, I love running around with critical hit machines that would of already done massive damage without one. It also helps that Gonzales and Dart are fast as well. Second place goes to Generals. Sure, there aren't many good ones out there, but nothing can efficiently scratch an Oswin or a Gatrie. Shame you have folks like Meg and Wendy around to make fun of the class.
  23. Hmm, how about Priscilla and Fire Emblem 1/3/11 Linda (my two favorite Fire Emblem chicks) in a chocolate pudding swim race. Who makes to to the finish line is the winner! Everyone with my mindset wins! In an actual fight, Hector Vs. Ike. Time for Hector to show Ike who's boss.
  24. What exactly happened to the connection? It just randomly cut me off from the fight. We can always try again later, I have supper to eat anyway.
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