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Everything posted by Kintenbo

  1. I'll give you a try. I imagine you have the same code as Serene, so you can just go to your Wii and fight me. I'll be on right after this post.
  2. Let's see, I'm a big Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo fan. The name comes from a Bo-bobo fusion character named Kintenbo. He had the power to suddenly put his opponents into dangerous gambling related situations.
  3. I'd say Lilina would win an eating contest, just look at the size of her belly. On a more serious note, I'd say Gheb, he's like a Fire Emblem Chuck Norris.
  4. Why non-Ike players? Wouldn't it give you a better chance at victory. Ike is dismal at one on one fights. He's basically like a much better Ganondork, which isn't saying much. As you can tell, I'm not very impressed with Ike, even if he does fight for his friends. I'll won't get sympathy from him, will I?
  5. Let's see, while playing as Falco in a Wifi Basic Brawl, I managed to get 10 points. Some was thanks to me simply destroying them (Falco is probably my best character, it used to be Wario, but I'm losing my magic with him), then I got a Landmaster, which simply decimated them, and then a whole ton of hammers showed up, increasing my KO points even further. Needless to say, I won.
  6. Man...talk about getting careless. I've been playing too much Melee. Can't believe I let myself get hit by those Thunder attacks...talk about clumsy. Anyway, what was with the sudden disconnect from the second match? Also, I'm going to take a guess the other guy was "The L". I'm guessing you two are related. Also, if anyone wants to fight me, please let me know.
  7. Oh yeah, if this thing is still going on by August 11th, I won't be allowed to play video games during the week days. (school) So I'd be only to participate on Fridays (but don't count on that, Friday is always very busy), Saturdays, and Sundays.
  8. Man, this challenging folks to a Brawl is harder business than I thought. But I'll get one yet.
  9. I already offered both you and Chaos Ninji a fight. Oh well, all 3 of us can fight each other.
  10. I might as well face you as well, I'll fight just about anyone, if they're willing.
  11. Let's see, I literally did this to Nasir and tried to with Tibarn. (no chance of getting him to level 20, trust me) I also did it to everyone except Zihark, Geoffrey, Lucia, Bastian, and Ranulf. Trust me, Haar goes from overpowered to just plain invincible doing this.
  12. L, I believe Ma Su was just joking around.

  13. Might as well give this thing a shot. I imagine it won't turn out like "The L's" tournament.
  14. I might as well, my Friend Code is in the topic for it. Like I said in the topic, it might wind up being my brother you are playing. Odds are I won't be on this morning (I should be at church, judging my brother doesn't delay things), but I'm usually on during the afternoons. When we do fight, I WILL be committing suicide as Sonic in one of the matches (just one, though), so don't try to get yourself too serious. *in Robotnic voice* I HATE that hedgehog.
  15. 4124-5567-2853 Be aware that I do have a brother, so it might not be me you're facing. If it's the Mother characters or Ike you're facing, it's likely my brother. If it's Wario, Luigi, ROB, or Falco, it's probably me. I also have a sister, but she rarely ever does Wifi, or play Brawl, for that matter. Oh yeah, I also go by the name "Fish".
  16. Youtube has much too many Assassin fanboys/girls. If I say one significantly bad thing about Assassins, I wouldn't be surprised to get a -10 thumbsdown. Then again, Youtube contains a disturbing amount of people who think Wendy is super special awesome, so it's best not to listen to them.
  17. Lyn Mode prevents Lucius from flat out sucking in the main game. (He's the only one who truely stays level one in Lyn Mode, Dorcas also doesn't change level and statwise) I can't think of a reason why I wouldn't do Lyn Mode. Still, I think I might try Lundgren abuse sometime, it sounds interesting.
  18. It's strange, I've always used the Red ones even if they didn't fit the archtype. Kent is nothing like most reds, but I always used him in my playthroughs opposed to Sain. I've always used Alan opposed to Lance, usually. Sometimes I used both.
  19. I used her once, sure, I used a ton of secret books that should of been Gonzales's, but I did it. It's a shame they gave her the worst joining situation ever, I'd like to use a good female shaman. At least she's not nearly as bad as Wendy, at least she helps get you a free Guiding Ring.
  20. But it seems much more weak. I still like using Captain Falcon, but he doesn't have that same air of awesome he did in Melee. Still, if there's another Super Smash Brothers and Lyn appears, they better fix that English voice.
  21. Swordmaster for both, easily. I personally believe Assassins are the most overrated class in the history of Fire Emblem. They're pointless in this game, since nearly everyone can one round any enemy that isn't Lyon, the Demon King, Dracozombies, Cyclops, and to some extent, Deathgoyles. Dracozombies are super rare anyways.
  22. Personally, I enjoy messing around during the random Wifi matches. My person favorite past times there include committing suicide as Sonic (I HATE that Hedgehog) and crawling around as Zero Suit Samus. It's great when everyone else joins in! Anyway, my main complaints consists of some of the English voice acting and Captain Falcon getting severely watered down. As far as the English voice acting goes, I almost turned emo when I first heard Lyn's voice. She's a teen girl, not some super tough amazon woman. So what if she has a sword? There's Pit, who's problem is more of word choice than his actual voice. Falco's voice is sort of annoying, but I'm beginning to get used to it. As far as Captain Falcon goes, they ruined the Knee, watered down the Falcon Pawnch (I prefer calling it that), and just slowed down his attack speed. They also watered down Fox a bit. It's also a shame they got rid of the advanced Melee techniques, but it didn't hurt me that much. I haven't learned to Wavedash effectively yet anyway.
  23. In most of the games I played, I usually just charge in and kill all the enemies, and making sure my healers get a good work out. This strategy never fails me in Sacred Stoners, since it's nearly impossible for anyone (except Knoll) to die. I tend to be more careful in Sword of Seals, though. If I ever get my hands on Thracia 776, I think I'll need a different strategy.
  24. Obviously Gatrie wins, but none of them are like Oswin. At least you don't have to worry about Gatrie getting hurt by weapons. Sigh, if the maps weren't so big in this game....
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