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Posts posted by Jubby

  1. I gave DoF a try in No$gba and it seemed to work fine, but when I played Elibian Nights in it and it asked me if I want to play Lyn's tale, it froze when I hit yes. Also, Nintenlord, Athos mode worked better than the others when I tried them, it at least didn't freeze but it didn't give me a cursor....?

    Edit: And I haven't tried NL Saga yet, I still need to download Stealth Patch.

  2. Hey everybody, I don't know if this is a hacking question, necessarily, but it's a question, and it involves hacks so... What the hell.

    I'm a huge fan of the idea of GBA flash cards, being that it's pretty hard to find actual GBA cartridges nowadays so you're mostly stuck with ROMs, and I prefer to play on the console itself. So, I bought an EZ Flash IV. But the problem is, it doesn't seem to like hacks very much. For whatever reason, it plays only certain hacks and the others freeze. Specifically, it plays TU and MK404's FE7 hack, but if I load Sacred Contention, Dream of Five, Elibian Nights, and probably others (those are the only ones I've tried) they freeze as soon as I get to the player phase.

    Basically, my question is:

    a) Does anyone know how to fix this problem? or,

    b) Can anyone recommend a flash card that they have used, which definitely works, to play DoF and EN.

    P.s. I might also add that it's not simply the size of the ROM that's the issue for EN and DoF because my own hack is expanded to around 22 MB also and still works for some reason.

  3. The new one is cool, although I'd maybe use some different colours for the armour and the proportions seem a little off in places (like how his hair goes behind his armour?)

    As for the Sonia splice, I think the eyebrow's the real bridge of that gap, so try cocking it, or if you don't want her to look so superiorish, maybe even just raise them a pixel or two (I'm always shocked by how much difference one tiny pixel of space can make in an FE portrait.) On the other hand, the collar's looking a lot better with an outline, and now that you say it, it's noticeable that the hair is more defined than it was before :)

  4. Lawwl ffs, it's Arch's game and he doesn't see a problem with the Lowen mug, so he doesn't see a need to replace it. If it's THAT important to you just don't play the game -.-

    Guys, it's fuckin' Lowen. Nobody cares. If you're going to bitch about it, how about offering up a revised mug or better for the project, instead? At least that way we'd get something done.

    ^^ This too XP

  5. Also, Marcus didn't go from brown to purple, remember that FE6 comes after FE7. Also, that in itself is a rather poor example , or maybe it's the point you're trying to make, no offense.

    Marcus was brown in FE7, purple in FE6, FE6 comes after FE7, therefore purple comes after brown, therefore Marcus changed from brown to purple. I is confused. mellow.gif

    And ALS is a winner, alright.

  6. I would've looked, except when I opened up the program files for the game, there was a folder labelled music, and, inside it, numerous .wav files. :'( On the other hand, Blazer was saying the WAV files are 12MB, but these are only 5...? I dunno if that's useful at all or not :P

  7. Sorry guys, I didn't see this till now :( Yeah, I checked for MIDIs, but it's from like a 11-year old computer game (not very popular either) so it's kinda doubtful that anybody has it (I googled it, too :P) And thanks, Blazer, I know you guys would help me if you could, you guys are always great, so if it took a lot of effort from you, it'd probably be too hard for me to attempt anyway :$) Thanks for the replies, and I'm almost done writing it out anyway :P May post it when I'm done, it's a pretty epic song ;D

  8. Nope. It won't. I kinda want a custom map

    I want to have

    -A Castle

    -A Village or 2

    -A lot of Forest.

    -A Mountain between the Castle and the villages.

    -If you can put enough distance between the Villages to make a small forest between them, please do.

    -Same Tileset as FE7 C9

    A bit limiting I know, but do the best you can.

    Note that it doesn't have to be the same size anymore.

    Lul isn't that essentially Chapter 9's map already?

  9. I'll give it a try, visually. I think this is what he's saying... (I added some of my own, too)

    Green- this is personal opinion but I think this could be more raggedy looking instead of essentially being a giant triangle. I like how the other fiery gaps turned out; it's better to do sort of normal shapes if they're in corners or something, but if it's a more defining feature, make it sort of uneven, unless of course you have the story to tell why it's a perfect triangle. Moving on....

    Red- I think this is what he's saying you did right; the grey tiles blend better here, as opposed to just going from BLACK CHASM to light gray.

    Yellow- These could do with some fiery damage, maybe even just scorch marks on the ground or smaller, lesser chasms.

    Blue- This is just personal preference, but they seem a tad empty. The bottom one you could even add another little corner pit or something, I dunno.

    Overall I really like the concept, you've just gotta make it look more natural. Also, when you have open areas, it helps to use different tiles that look similar; for example, most FE tilesets have like 10 different grasses that look almost the same, but it splits up the pattern of having all the same ones. I don't really have any experience with that tileset, so I don't know if my suggestions are plausible or not, that's just what I see from looking at it :P Anyway, if you fix that up, you'll have a pretty interesting map!

    P.S. Sorry for attaching the image, I need to get an imageshack or photobucket or somethinggggg Dx

    post-3733-046753500 1321846855_thumb.png

  10. Ahhhh crap :/ Oh well, already have a good two hours worth of it, so I might as well finish it anyway xP It's the only way I can really use my musical ability to FE hacking anyway, might as well make use of it.

    Thanks for the replies, guys :)

  11. Congrats, Blazer!!!! (I just realized it was finished today when I went to check something about a random NM module :O) Anyway, your tutorial, and how much you explain all the steps and processes are pretty much the only reasons I started hacking. (Otherwise it would've gone something like, "F*** this, it's too hard.") Anyway, thanks for all your hard work on it, and congratulations, man! :)

  12. Okay, now that actually brings me to another question; how do you write Good units for the prep screen chapters? Would you just use the data for allies you already have recruited and then the RAM will overwrite them with whatever units you choose?

  13. How does one edit the amount of units you can take into battle for a specific chapter? (i.e. your character limit for each individual chapter) I'm sure it's obvious but I couldn't seem to find it ? :/ Also, in relation to this, does anyone know the amount of units you can have on a map at a certain time? Thanks.

  14. OHHHH FOR THE LOVE OF-- It was my stupid ROM. I had restarted my entire hack due to having screwed up a few graphics, etc when I was first starting hacking, but for whatever reason was using my old rom to test. Nooooooo idea why I didn't just use a clean ROM at least ONCE. Anyway, thanks A LOT for all your help, especially Krad and Smithy Gang! and Nintenlord too, for being awesome and telling me my EA was out of date two days in a row ;) I'll post the events in the ROM hacking or something as well, so if anyone wants to use a selectable tactician they're more than welcome (The events should be pretty close to perfect after 2 or 3 pages of this thread -___-) Thanks again, guys.

  15. Oh, he said the EA, but no, I didn't insert a new map, (And I double checked the map pointer in Nightmare) because I wanted to test the events before inserting the map (Since there's no villages or any events that would relate to the map, it was okay to do the events first)

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