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Posts posted by Jubby

  1. Just wondering... Is there a condition for if the player/tactician is male/female? I kinda remember reading somewhere that Sain will hit on your character if you say that you're female, which most likely means it triggers different text slots, right? Which would necessitate a condition, I think...? Was thinking of having it load a different unit depending on whether you're male or female :)

  2. For the record, guys, the Equipment checkered thing is at 3FCC90, I couldn't find it cause I kinda sorta accidentally inserted something else without repointing, so the one in my ROM disappeared :/ Anyway, that's what's up.

  3. Does anybody know the offsets for:

    The battle data screen frame thing that one sees before a battle, with the hit, dmg, crit, etc.

    The little box at the top that tells the mission objective,

    The character window where the chibi is displayed,

    And finally, the little box at the bottom of the Items frame that shows Equipment, Rng, Atk, Crit, Hit, and Avoid? It'll probably just be some checkered squares in a boxlike formation. Thanks everybody, for all the assistance so far :) Sorry for being noobish thus far.

  4. So to sum it up for anyone wanting to waste many hours attempting this, I'll sum up the findings (Which probably should've had their own thread by now since this hardly pertains to the original subject)

    Blue Stat- Graphics 1D5844 Red Stat- Graphics: 1D6130 Green Stat- Graphics: 1D72E4 Grey Stat- Graphics: 1D6A24

    Blue Stat- Palette 1D60F0 Red Stat- Palette: 1D69E4 Green Stat- Palette: 1D5844 Grey Stat- Palette: 1D72A4

    These graphics contain the statsheet and the left side of the portrait box; the portrait space itself uses the main tile from the statsheet. (All from AstraLunaSol)

    The palettes here control the right, top and bottom sides of the portrait box, the statsheet, the use item box and the display that pops up once you select a character. They also affect the box that surrounds the chapter objective, terrain box, and possibly the unit bubble.

    General Palette: 3FCBAC (Also from Astra)

    This one controls the portrait box's left side, the portrait space, the part at the bottom of the inventory where it lists equipment stats and such, and the equipped item line.

    Portrait box Graphics: 3FCBEC (from me)

    This is the right, top, and three corners of the portrait box; it uses the statsheet palette.

    Unknown Palette: 406DB0 (Astra)

    Apparently the same palette as the "General Palette;" not sure what it's for though.

    Terrain box: 1C4460

    This is controlled by the statsheet palette as well.

    And if I find anymore I'll post them as well. gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

  5. That's definitely the right offset for the graphic but I don't think it's the same palette; maybe the other palette that you said you found when searching?

    Edit: It uses the same palette as the rest of the statsheet, which makes it a HUGE pain in the ass to insert.

  6. Hmmmmmmmmmm, ran into a problem inserting. Whilst I was inserting my new frame (tile by tile) I couldn't find the right corner tile for the portrait box. I continually searched for it, but couldn't find it, so to test I put in an empty box to make all the statsheet graphics transparent, but something weird happened. (see picture) Most of it disappeared, but the right and top edges of the portrait box stayed. Does this mean it's a different graphic? D:

    post-3733-068466300 1318097714_thumb.png

  7. Could be in that palette too, maybe; I'll attach a picture; if you zoom in you can see the normal peachish colours on the left side, but if you look at the top and bottom of it you can also see where I changed the palette to grey. The right side wasn't affected, though (That's why the picture's only of the left)

    Edit: I'll try to edit the palette with the bluey background tonight and see if that fixes it.

    post-3733-010637900 1318016018_thumb.png

  8. Okay, new question: just as a test I saved it as a bitmap, changed the palette a bit in usenti, then reinserted it; everything worked, but when I opened it in game, the left side of the portrait box still had the original palette. Do you think the left side is a different image/ palette from the rest of the images? I'm going to test it on the other colours after school as well.

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