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Posts posted by Karimlan

  1. Great Crystal navigation aside, I was able to beat Ultima by whittling her defense with a Foebreaker's skill (Expose), while a Red mage spams Darkga (being Holy property gives her that weakness), and just keeping everyone alive long enough (White Mage spamming Curaja) to land the last hit. I have the last of the hunts to finish, along with Zodiark, Omega Mark XII and Yiazmat.


  2. Near the final boss/es for Final Fantasy 12, and forestalled tackling them for endgame preparations. I thought that being at level 99 for at least three characters (Basch, Ashe and Balthier) would help out in taking on the main game content (and they did), there's the other matter of going through the Great Crystal to get the Twelfth Esper (Ultima) and a host of endgame loot. To say that the layout of the Great Crystal is labyrinthine would be a huge understatement. No wonder people hated this with a passion when FF12 first came out.

  3. Meanwhile in Florida...

    Pro-Trump PAC run by McMahon pledged $18.5 million the same day DeSantis deemed WWE an 'essential business' in Orlando

    Now that's good news for people starved for current WWE content, and people working for them, right? Think again...

    WWE announces layoffs two days after Florida deems company an ‘essential business’

    I feel for the folks losing their jobs, and that is why I think the decision, while it probably makes financial sense, is patently unconscionable. Not at a time like this. 

    Canceled my subscription to the WWE Network on principle.

  4. Purchased three Orb packs (well, two including the CYL Lyn Care Package), and went for full summoning circles. 

    The good news: I got two 5* characters on red orbs.

    The not-so-good news: None of them had a cute backpack and ponytails. (Laegjarn, Flying Olivia)

    35 summons in, and it looks a lot like I'll have but one Midori--the free one.

    As far as the repeat Seasonal banner goes, I got a free Ishtar, whose Swift Sparrow 3 I intend to give to the Lilith I had gotten yesterday.



  5. Halfway into the new banner (20/40 summons), and Forging Bonds tickets yielded no 5* units. Lilith appeared, though, so if I spend a little more on the game (guess Trials of Mana will need to wait--well, it theoretically can, since I'm playing Final Fantasy 12 on the Switch rn), I can get Midori as my free unit. The cuddly dragon flier is +HP/-Res, which is okay; the Spd is untouched at least.

  6. 19 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

    And it's not unusual to like villainous characters just because they're amusing, not because they're good characters. I mean, I only wanted Kempf in the game because he's a fucking hilarious character (in the way Narcian is). I don't think he's super well-written or anything, but there's nothing wrong with wanting him to exist in general. Villains are in this weird ground where it's totally valid to like them for being such a hate sink, for being well-written and nuanced, or for being amusing if nothing else.

    *looks at italics* In America!

    Re villains: I'm of the opinion that if you hate a villain, said character is doing his/her/its job (high five @Stroud for the wrestling metaphor). Denying the existence of a villain like Iago in FEH though by hating him doesn't really make for much--you can always turn him into feathers.

    Nuanced villains will always have a place in any game, and so will villains that are evil for the sake of being evil. Not every villain will get layers to them, and that's okay.

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