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Posts posted by ciphertul

  1. 2 minutes ago, NegativeExponents- said:

    Because Reina isn't the same? Sure she shows no mercy and enjoys killing the enemy in the battlefield but outside of that she's pretty normal. Like she's doesn't go on killing sprees in her free time or has an obsession with blood or whatever. It's more akin to Camilla really. Sweet on her friends but brutal to foes.

    Reina gets full on murder highs, I think she is only different from peri do to age.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Emerson said:

    Asugi just makes me sad. He was the one potential Fates kid with a chance to actually mean something at the end of the day, and they just slapped bootleg Gaius on him and called it a day. He would've been such better as just an original character entirely and throw the Gaius clone on Kaze's kid slot, or remove them entirely (even if Rhajat is a pretty good change to Tharja).

    Most of the kids in fate are bad a couple are okay like kanna and Kaze’s daughter Midori


    I was thinking that same thing on Peri but was keeping it to myself. Oh one more thing people hate on Peri and Henry but say nothing on Reina who is the same

  3. 3 minutes ago, Sir Wolfram of Vallora said:

    I have a hard time hating anyone, mostly because even charvaters I despised at first grew on me as I learned their backstory (Camilla would be a perfect example. Still hate her outfit though.) But two that I really was just creeped out by were Soleil and Nino, mostly just because they're such Perverts. Fates is really the only game I hated anyone from, though.

    Did you mean Nina? I don’t remember nino ever being a pervert.

  4. Like I said everything they are meant to do can be done better with something else, and genealogy is a bit of an outlier as the map are catered to mounted unit do to size. Movement is as important as you make it, player discipline is what make the difference. Don’t nerf a class when everyone jumps on the bandwagon as over powered, use them less or change how you use them. It’s a game, Fun is the purpose of games, X unit is mounted and strong but why would balance matter to someone who prefer unit Y who will never be as strong as X. Balance in the end is subjective, you think Fate/awakening Fk are great I think they are terrible. How you balance is different then how I balance.

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