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sup a

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Everything posted by sup a

  1. iris thoughts about snike are good, but i dont think he will get wagoned this day. i think dya can be salvaged and her frustration is something im keeping tabs on
  2. just humor me even if it doesn't mesh with how you go about things. you said you didnt like me therefore i want to understand how that matches up with elie
  3. who are you setting up in your mind to go next if elie is not it
  4. snike didn't even respond to you iirc. looking at iso he posted 3 posts worth of content and then you decided to change your vote back to elie. what was your intention to pressure vote him anyways?
  5. i haven't looked too deeply on his marth case, nor do i really intend to. i will say however that i feel there's a lot of hypocrisy being made when it comes to elie i just dont understand. so far you and dya have both explained that it is very much based on tone while i disagree on that fact. you also say that elie is just 'locking onto his first real scumread' but the vibe i get from this day is that people are trying to string up loose ends on slots they didnt get around to solving when they should've; this isn't your first time voting elie based on what i ISO'd. maybe i should look at the refa wagon and see if there's something there but i imagine im missing a lot of conversation/input due to the OC factor. there's a lot of hedging from you though and im not sure why you would feel that need to if you're confident enough to vote him for the second or third time
  6. i can't imagine he feels pressured. you didn't come to a conclusion wrt pressure
  7. as someone who has been partners with MI, him willingly giving information in the way he is makes me think he isn't the right vote. i dont agree with his kts case but the process of it seems pure
  8. i asked you to elaborate your thoughts more on Elie in general. i've asked this for a lot of people actually
  9. what happened to snake in your POE, you were voting him before elie
  10. you forgot to quote what i asked of you too athena
  11. first one has to be muramasa the demon blade so obvious choice
  12. im making my own towncore, we'll run a tight ship and have snack time and midday naps
  13. this post actually makes me laugh. 'hey guys why are we lynching athena here (the recent consensus)' 'i have nothing interesting to say but i still posted' 'i dont know how people play mafia here. btw how why are we lynching athena?' 'gut feelings and stuff! btw i have nothing interesting to say UGHHHHH' im sorry if your intention was to like get into the game but i dunno man you're pretty much checking off all the wrong ways to get your foot into the door. is that UGGHHH the sound of you accidently stubbing your toe on it?
  14. ##Vote: Athena haha guys wouldnt it be hilarious if i said 'omg wolfy vote!' or 'wolfs pile on for the ML' or 'Awoo' or something really tongue-in cheek to show that i am jokey townie and not a wolf trying to not be awkward about his vote even if this vote and explanation and itself is awkward but the real intent is to pretend to be awkward so you think that i wouldnt pretend to be awkward as wolf to keep up my appearance but instead v who is making a funny joke but in actuality i anticipated this and make a joke about making a joke so you would all read it as a v making fun of behavior wolves do to be townread but in actuality my problem is that i love wagoning bad bitches
  15. i dont think we're doing anything productive right now. your willingness to do this though is pure
  16. i dont see why we can't analyze it now. maybe OC makes people play closer to those they trust but u can trust me ill even change my avatar to some cute anime girl. im a trustworthy guy
  17. so is it wolves trying to push him for a town's bad reason?
  18. im saying the people who are confirmation biasing him do not have enough to convince me to change my own read. a lot of things are possible but that's how im looking at it. people are just driving a wagon on the hunt for information when they could just i dunno ask the guy what he thinks. look at eclipse's interaction with eli today for an example, that conversation was lop-sided and less about digging into elie's alignment and more about trying to get him to submit to some kinda guilt
  19. im saying he's being conf biased from people who thinks he's wolf so no
  20. if we're compromising my vote in spirit is on athena, i just feel like elie is being conf biased to his grave and need more from those pushing him lol
  21. i still see no equity in elie. it feels like a past wagon that is muddling with relevant discussion discussion i wasnt even apart of so that's even worse
  22. see thats the thing i liked his tone. have you played with him before?
  23. i feel like i just entered bizzaro world where everyone is getting pinged by elie and im not
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