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sup a

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Everything posted by sup a

  1. I was attempting to ISO people and I realize that the current gamestate is pretty fucked in terms of being able to follow someone's opinion. I was looking into some players a bit more and I honestly like gave up trying to read almost everything about 'em. I'm not trying to hop onto my armchair because I'm guilty of such behavior but there are so many damn posts that literally don't need to exist but are done anyways. I don't mind single sentences, nor if there is a discussion being made it's not always good to just stop what you're doing and write walls. I imagine filtering through those type of posts instead of wall responses can be less grating on the eyes but I digress. Here's a tally just for the sake of it based on who's alive. This is estimate and may not round up to the exact number (25 posts a page). I have a greater point to make afterwards: 6450 posts total JohnCarter - 582 Shinori - 550 dyachei - 400 EvanManManMan - 400 Shattiel - 375 Donald Trump - 331 Elemina/SR/Duk3 - 350 Weinerboy - 300 Orihime - 225 Refa/Snike - 200 Mello - 175 manti - 150 Ryan/KTS - 150 Alive players make up roughly 4,188 posts which is more than half of the content. I feel like I'm giving too many excuses for activity. I don't imagine anyone would believe a case being made based on how much you're posting, but based on the way people have been dying or wolves have been choosing their targets they have all been (for the most part) slots that have low post count or less influence on the thread. Why? That's something I have to come to terms with, and occam's razor implies that we're feeding into their hand and are just hiding amongst the overblown activity. The idea presented that 'not all inactives can be wolves' remains true, but honestly I feel it's more important than that. Wolves will do what it takes to be townread, and forcing content is one of them. I've been TRing DT for giving out too much information but in a overly cluttered vacuum I imagine it's more efficient to give out fake content instead of more direct content. The state of the thread does not favor inactivity, but what's most confusing to me is that the highest posters are not really moving the gamestate ahead, rather they're just doing what is necessary. Decisions on lynches have been somewhat arbitrary, not in the sense they were random rather people are very whimsical about it. I dunno, maybe this is all horseshit and I'm overthinking things but I don't townread some slots as much as I did before, and ironically, I really think I've been too hard on Mello. I am not saying that large activity = more suspect, I am saying the way that activity is done to bolster appearance is. Everytime I come across my JC read I always just think 'yea, they're posting and a lot of people townread 'em and well I have other priorities I guess.' I think that's the wrong angle, and I was already feeling like I had the possibility to be duped. Furthermore, my read on DT is explicitly meta and based upon him giving up too much information, but I don't think it really fits. I've also been giving Evan credit for being there as a vague way to explain, however there's nothing that wows me. I find it really funny that Mello mentions that he can't believe I TR Evan more than him and yea you know what he's right. If he wants to say I'm flip-flopping on the read again then that's fine, I just find it funny a dude from EM is the one who is hyperposting the fucking least. Dya is someone who I've been reading v for a while too, and her content is really only at best serviceable. I'm not ready to say that Dya isn't v anymore after this shocking revelation, rather I'm more cautious just like I'm more cautious about DT/JC/Evan. My list of 'being duped' still holds credence and well, I guess I can't help but feel like maybe I'm being duped. As for Shatt? The narrative could conveniently fit, but I don't think it's the same. I haven't found anything unlike other players I've mentioned to really give them a townread on, though I will be looking at JC based on what they flip. I'd say in terms of paranoia he's the one I could feel the most paranoid about, DT being a close second followed by shin. I don't know if anyone will read this but at least humor me on this thought if you do.
  2. His EoD presence was good, on top of that I agree with KTS that his wagon has wolf agenda behind it, willing to stake my read on him
  3. I accidentally hit enter before I could even format lmao Snike DT manti -- Dya Ori KTS -- Shin JC SR Evan -- Mello Shatt The four pair in italics are players I feel I could be wrong about, each placed in accordance. Essentially look at it like 'possibility to be duped'. I have a lot of v reads that I'm sitting with until now but may change dependent on what Shatt flips. Don't see myself changing my mind on Ori cause I legit feel LaserGuy was crumbing a clear; Dya has been V since D2. KTS' presence has been refreshing and insightful at the same time so that slot has moved up on my list. SR looked V on replace but at some point I can't possibly townread the whole game so I'm placing him below JC/Shin. It's cool Evan changed his mind on Manti but I noticed some things after reading MI based on how he handled 'em. Don't think this is the day to bring it forth cause I'm liking the shatt wagon so we'll see. Feeling mad stubborn about Mello, I can just see this ending up in a me vs him scenario later down the line. Then I posted twice holy fuck im a mess
  4. Manti/KTS have both been v this phase (was already feeling v on manti during EoD), can't see my vote changing cuz apparently im wrong on Mello according to consensus and honestly SR's replace out didnt feel wolf either (helps he was ran's slot too). Rn my head is at DT Dya Ori Shin JC KTS
  5. Manti/KTS have both been v this phase (was already feeling v on manti during EoD), can't see my vote changing cuz apparently im wrong on Mello according to consensus and honestly SR's replace out didnt feel wolf either (helps he was ran's slot too). Rn my head is at Snike DT manti Ori Shin JC Evan KTS
  6. hey i cant seem to find my bib please spoonfeed me who this is referring to
  7. Nevermind it seemed you responded. Want to know if some meta is playing in part w/ this so question still stands
  8. I'm tagging you because 1) you seem to have aforementioned experience with shatt 2) shatt is pretty much the same tonally as last phase where he got flak Dya I read what you had to say about shatt but it's pretty much just feeding into my own confirmation bias therefore I need a different perspective
  9. dude im JOKING my man just stay in the game i know nothing about you this reaction is v though
  10. Atrocious post. Gross assumption. I'm a grown ass man, you philistine. I won't have you talk down to me like the dog you are. Atrocious. Awful. Pitiful. Bow to me you peon
  11. That's not what I was trying to do, where did you even get that in your head? I'm trying to get more information out of him because I fail to understand him sometimes. I've had this conflict for a while since like..the end of D2 when Ryu got lynched. D3 was mostly uneventful to progress further because as I explained he continually dodged me and just threw up a defense, and the biggest head scratcher of all (to repeat myself for the 1000th time) is that he said my posts were looking better and now he's back on me being wolf because ???? I started the accusation towards him and if you want to look at like basic bitch level terms the only thing he's done is shove it in my face. I don't aim to discredit you, you're in a slot that was V for me after deliberation but then went frozen and replaced out for streaming business, so it's cool to have someone actually here instead of mulling over whether that reads stands or not Anyways that's the gist of it
  12. I literally don't understand how you operate, but apparently you're from EM (I ISO'd you a little during the night) so makes sense. I've never seen a Mello however so idk who you are lol
  13. Your read is understandably vain but you don't have context, I figured that someone you were more familiar with get you interested in looking back instead of what you're doing right now but lol
  14. The person who invited you to this game Marshy (aka YOLOSWAG) was voting Mello the prior day and also sussed MI and happened to be right Does this change your mind
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