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Everything posted by oshii

  1. Oh man, your art is three kinds of awesome: dynamic poses, well picked colors, and brimming with personality. I love it!
  2. The trouble with soundtrack music is that it's supposed to compliment the narrative it is placed in. To judge a soundtrack as a stand-alone piece of music would be kind of unfair, seeing as it isn't the point. That being said, I still prefer a soundtrack that works well on it's own, but it needs to have enough identity for me remember it as part of a certain narrative. The How To Train Your Dragon series has a distinct theme that plays whenever Hiccup and Toothless are flying. So the idea of the theme gets defined in my mind as a sort of "flying theme". Even if it plays and there's no flying (like in the Forbidden Friendship sequence) you still feel that connection (Toothless wants to fly but he can't). Listening to the OST can be like putting together a puzzle, picking out the themes and motifs and relating them to one another. All these themes are impossible for me to separate from what they are meant to convey in the narrative. Contrast that to a lot of soundtracks where they don't define a memorable or interesting theme despite working well in context, like ambient location music. (Then there's the problem of the composer's musical style overriding the soundtrack and just being Yet Another OST By Insert Composer Here. Looking at you, Hans Zimmer.)
  3. I've already played a few chapters of Binding Blade and yeah it is just one glorified escort mission, but I'm just grateful that I can actually play it blind instead of looking up chapters for tips and translations.
  4. Sounds like an atmospheric lullaby. I know nothing about Xenoblade, but judging from the title, it's a track for a location during nighttime. If it is, then it feels very appropriate. It doesn't have a uniform melody so it doesn't stick in your head. Like a sweet, but fleeting dream: nice when you're experiencing it, but you forget about it when you wake up. 6.5/10. Ori and the Blind Forest - The Sacrifice
  5. Oh man I was not expecting to see one of my favorite composers mentioned in this thread. I've had the pleasure of hearing Lux Aurumque and Nox Aurumque live and it was one of the most goosebump inducing experiences I've ever had. Eriks Esenvalds is another contemporary choral music composer that I love. This song feels like the embodiment of my childhood:
  6. We all play for different reasons. It's nice to see you have your priorities straight.
  7. Hello, fellow newbie! Glad to see I'm not alone. Same. I'm praying we get a remake with actual balanced gameplay and presentation as crisp as SoV someday. Someday... Ooh I've heard lots of good things about PoR and Titania seems like a really cool character. Sadly, I'm currently doing the games chronologically so PoR would be third in my queue right now. Yeah it does. But I can overlook some broken gameplay if the narrative is compelling enough. Same goes for sucky narrative, but fun gameplay. Anyway, since I've only completed the games with arguably the worst gameplay so far it means my fe experience can only get more fun from here.
  8. Oof yeah, I'm not used to seeing satin so I didn't recognize the cloth. My mistake. I hope the critique wasn't too overbearing. I know I can be at times, so sorry if I was. I do love the colors you use. The bright and warm look puts a smile on my face.
  9. Hello! I'm a bit new to this forum, but I love the painterly feel of your artwork! You have a good grasp of anatomy and proportion and I especially adore your Zelda and Summer Rebecca. My only critique is that I feel like the contrast between shading and highlights in some of the pieces (like the Zelda one) is a bit too steep. When shading, it's good to keep in mind how texture affects lighting. Most cloths aren't very reflective, so the highlights aren't as bright. However, metals are very reflective, so the shadows and highlights have high contrast. The intensity of the light source also factors in to the level of contrast. Low intensity light: Low contrast. High intensity light: high contrast. Here are a few resources for lighting tips that explain a lot better than I do: https://www.deviantart.com/trisketched/art/HOW-TO-MAKE-YOUR-ART-LOOK-NICE-Lighting-615094374 (short and simple, but still very helpful.) http://stuff.veekun.com/pkcolor/ (this one is longer and more in depth. It's mostly about color theory, but it's got a handy section on lighting too.) https://design.tutsplus.com/articles/improve-your-artwork-by-learning-to-see-light-and-shadow--cms-20282 (this one is super in depth and technical, but it's worth a good read.) Keep up the good work! Shading is tricky, but I have no doubt that you'll keep improving. You've already improved so much over the course of this thread. And I'd love to see more of your lovely works in the future!
  10. Rutger was my MVP in my unfinished run of Binding Blade (I'm only at chapter 8), so that's nice. Yeah, but it was a menu only translation. I went with the script and partially menu translated one. Forgot where I got it though. Yeah, it is bad game design, but it isn't really enough to make me drop the game since I have too many vulneraries on hand and they're basically elixirs in this game.
  11. Oof, I applaud your bravery. Other than some translation issues, I'm having fun. Being able to capture/steal the enemy's weapons is imo hilarious. And it's nice to see more familiar elements of map design in Thracia after weeks of looking at the huge, sprawling maps of Genealogy,. Also, heals can miss and I don't know how to feel about that.
  12. Davao, Philippines; born and 2/3rds raised.
  13. Nice. I'm going to finish Binding Blade when I'm done with Thracia since it's next chronologically, and also since my brother is currently doing a run of Binding Blade (his name is Roy so I think he's biased) and I want to catch up with his memes.
  14. Yeah, well I'll never know if I don't try. And one man's trash may be another man's treasure. I honestly love playing the Jugdral games, janky gameplay and all. thank you my good sir
  15. Thank you everyone for the warm welcome! Oh man, I would if I could. I don't have a 3DS, though. I can only hope that the 3DS games port to switch somehow. (I want to believe....) Yeah, I did Genealogy blind for the first 2 chapters and oh man, instant regret. I didn't want to make the same mistake with Thracia. Yeah, I picked up Genealogy after I heard that it was based on some Norse mythology and literature. I'm a sucker for those types of narratives. I'm okay with exposition (it's probably all those fantasy novels I've read) but I absolutely love ham.
  16. This forum has been super useful for someone who's been trying to get into the older games, a.k.a. me. I've been going slow but steady in my quest to complete all the fire emblems. Finished: Sacred Stones (The cast was great. Lyon is now my favorite fictional character ever.) Genealogy of the Holy War (I actually had a lot of fun playing this, even if the gameplay was kinda slow. Lewyn is a strong contender for the favorite character spot.) Played but not yet finished: Awakening (Yes, my first Fire Emblem. I blazed through chapters 1-13 in a single night on my friend's 3DS because I don't have one.) Binding Blade (I mained Roy in Melee so I was super disappointed that he's basically an escort mission in this game. I keep trying to give him exp, but he keeps on dying. Thanks, my boy.) Blazing Blade (I'm didn't even get past Lyn mode because my save file got corrupted.) Currently playing through: Thracia 776 (I'm only on chapter 3. So far, Othin is MVP. Thanks, Pugi axe.) Other than that, I like to fan art occasionally and play soundtracks on my piano/cello.
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