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Everything posted by Hazuki

  1. Finished Chapter 1, finally! Took me...79 turns! You know, I kind of changed my mind. I want to bring Ardan along, and I'm thinking about giving him the Speed Ring that Alec has, as well as that Pursuit Ring. You can have more than one of these kind of items on a unit, right? Also, Sigurd has the Skill Ring and Dierdre has the Magic Ring...is this good?
  2. Deirdre and Jamka are both recruited. Still have to capture Verdane Castle, but surprisingly, I had a change of heart and actually got Ardan to do most of the work to get through the forest. Jamka sure was deadly with that Killer Bow. He'll definitely be useful with it now! Oh, and I'm definitely getting that Hero Axe for Lex. Lex has the highest level of the group, too! So Manfroy and Shamina were talking about resurrecting some kind of Dark Lord or something by...mixing the blood of the offsprings of some guy who descended from some other guy? Could anyone please clarify this for me? I kind of forgot the details of this part and it seems really important.
  3. I'd like to go with this, since I probably couldn't articulate my idea any better.
  4. I wouldn't mind seeing a new saga or a new FE set in Magvel. I'd love to see another remake, too!
  5. I myself am a person who was converted by a friend. All of my convert stories are failures except one, which is still pending, though.
  6. Don't you get Beowulf in Chapter 2? I have a few guys who would be able to pay the amount of gold necessary to recruit him, but I think he shows up after you do something in the arena...?

  7. I don't have any pairings done yet, but I am paying attention! And yeah, I like the Chapter 2 music, too!

  8. Hazuki

    I just realized...your name spells the word "hair" backwards!

  9. You know...Red Kitty of Fire would be a nice name for you, wouldn't you agree?

  10. In English! I'm still on Chapter 1, it's taking me all day to finish it, haha!

  11. Oh yeah, I started playing FE4 yesterday, too!

  12. Lalala.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Darros


      Christmas in.. August. 8]

    3. Nightmare


      Hmm, you are correct. Hehehe then?

    4. Hazuki


      That works!

  13. Okay, here's how things are going for me in Chapter 1: Genoa Castle still hasn't been seized yet, although the army that came from Marpha Castle and was chasing Dew and Aideen has been killed and I'm trying to get Sigurd, Cuan, Lex, and Azel to try to bum rush the Warrior on Genoa Castle so that Ayra could stop chasing us all around the nearby forest. I got Alec to kill that guy who was destroying that one village. From the looks of it, this plan is going to work out. I've already taken 10 turns so far.
  14. Hazuki

    Oh yeah! I like a lot of the characters, although I'd say Lex, Cuan, Ethlin, and Fin are my favorites so far!

  15. Hazuki

    That's interesting that you say that, because I started playing FE4 since yesterday and I've been using him!

  16. Hazuki

    Hey, you should give him some credit! He gets killed, but at the same time, he doesn't! Few people can say that!

  17. I'm not sure how much it actually does to units. It might vary on certain units depending on some factors, but I wouldn't know them.
  18. Will she attack if I'm in range of her, though? Also, about arenas... You can only use them seven times per unit, yes? Do losses also count towards this? In addition, is it better to just use the arenas when the current map is pretty much done, or what?
  19. Oh wow, I'm liking what I'm seeing here! I'll definitely use some of the information from here as references. I was a little occupied after finishing the Prologue, so I'm just about to start Chapter 1 right now. Not sure if I'll finish tonight, but we'll see.
  20. Hazuki

    You know, it's funny... I started playing FE4 today and one of the guys is supposed to promote to Bow Knight!

  21. Hazuki

    Why thank you, hun!

  22. Oh, I'm sorry to hear that! But yeah, I'm actually feeling a lot better now!

  23. Hazuki

    Yeah, I guess I can be a little slow...haha.

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