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Status Updates posted by Hazuki

  1. You were 6 in the 6th grade? Wow, that's awesome!

  2. Hey you, have a happy birthday!

  3. Looking forward to school tomorrow!

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. NTG



      Hmm I get the feeling someone stole my hat before...

    3. Hazuki


      Your hat is sooo cute!

    4. NTG


      Why thank you!

  4. I like your contributions to the FE Wiki!

  5. Hazuki

    That sounds really cute! I want one!

  6. Hazuki

    The cutest fruit!

  7. Hazuki

    Ohhhhh... That's cool!

    You know what I wish could be available in my supermarkets? Cubic watermelons! They look so nice!

  8. Hazuki

    How do you know of this? Don't tell me you're not only a silly person, but a silly French person, too!

  9. Ah, I see! In addition to high school, I did move once very early in elementary, but that's it...

  10. Yeah, definitely! You never had to go through something like that in high school, have you?

  11. Lots of stuff is going through my mind. I'm going to a new school for my senior year of high school later this week and I'm like really excited and nervous. Eeeeep.

  12. Screw the rules, I have friends!

    In any case, how goes it?

  13. Hazuki

    I don't actually know what that is, haha. Is it yummy?

  14. Haha, please! I'm still unsure who you might even be talking about! You sound silly to me, but I'm not complaining!

  15. Dokutayuuuuu

  16. Pretty much, but anyway, hello there! Nice meeting you!

  17. Hey, I think you have a funny name!

  18. ...who I already know elsewhere! Haha. Silly limit. Hope that answers your question!

  19. Hi!

    In many cases, I like to add people here because they've contributed to a thread of mine or something. A bad case of OCD, I suppose...but it's not like I'm adding a completely random person who I've never seen before or isn't interesting to me! Not entirely sure who you're referring to about inactivity, but I'm guessing these are people who I a...

  20. Hazuki

    I want a croissantttttt.

  21. Hazuki





  22. Yeah, 2 is awesome! What's not to love?

  23. Hazuki

    Well, your timezone is silly!

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