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Status Updates posted by Hazuki

  1. Oh, how my summer wanes. I wish summer was forever...

  2. You're very welcome!

  3. Okay, have fun!

  4. You're very right, although the majority I do end up chat with for a little bit every now and then. I'm cool with pretty much anyone! And yes, I am referring to when you joined.

  5. To be quite honest, I think it's a case of OCD in which I'll friend anyone I see in IP Chat, even if we don't actually talk. I hope you don't mind, though! You look like you've been through a lot!

  6. Why hello there!

  7. Well, good luck on that, and feel free to talk to me whenever you want! I'll be around!

  8. Oh, I'm afraid to say that I don't, sorry! Hope you find someone who does for whatever you need help with!

  9. Funny you should say that, because the other day I posted a playthrough thread on here where I periodically update my FE4 progress! You should definitely check it out if you're interested!


  10. I heard that it's best when it's British, haha. And I'm sorry, but what do you mean?

  11. Oh, I've heard of that name before! I'll be sure to look into it if I ever want to, thanks!

  12. That's really nice of you! I wouldn't mind asking you for help on recruitment, but then again, I already have a lot of resources to refer to, haha!

  13. Oh wait, never mind! I'm thinking of Holyn, haha!

  14. Don't you get Beowulf in Chapter 2? I have a few guys who would be able to pay the amount of gold necessary to recruit him, but I think he shows up after you do something in the arena...?

  15. I don't have any pairings done yet, but I am paying attention! And yeah, I like the Chapter 2 music, too!

  16. Hazuki

    I just realized...your name spells the word "hair" backwards!

  17. You know...Red Kitty of Fire would be a nice name for you, wouldn't you agree?

  18. In English! I'm still on Chapter 1, it's taking me all day to finish it, haha!

  19. Oh yeah, I started playing FE4 yesterday, too!

  20. Lalala.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Darros


      Christmas in.. August. 8]

    3. Nightmare


      Hmm, you are correct. Hehehe then?

    4. Hazuki


      That works!

  21. Hazuki

    Oh yeah! I like a lot of the characters, although I'd say Lex, Cuan, Ethlin, and Fin are my favorites so far!

  22. Hazuki

    That's interesting that you say that, because I started playing FE4 since yesterday and I've been using him!

  23. Hazuki

    Hey, you should give him some credit! He gets killed, but at the same time, he doesn't! Few people can say that!

  24. Hazuki

    You know, it's funny... I started playing FE4 today and one of the guys is supposed to promote to Bow Knight!

  25. Hazuki

    Why thank you, hun!

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