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Status Updates posted by Hazuki

  1. Hey, I know you from YouTube! I like the stuff you've uploaded!

  2. Yeah, haha! This wasn't my idea at first, but I thought that it seemed very fitting afterwards!

  3. Yeah, I imagine!

  4. Oh wow, I would've loved to see that!

  5. Why thank you!

  6. Haha, that's a funny story!

  7. Haha, thanks! I didn't know that you were a part of it!

  8. You're welcome, dear!

  9. I like Hazukitty!

  10. Meow.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. NTG


      Thanks for the add and welcome! ^‿‿^

    3. Hazuki


      Thanks, dear!

    4. Ansem
  11. I wouldn't bite it off, it's a nice nose!

    And I got rid of it, it was a slice of pizza. You should really pay more attention to what you're doing to yourself!

  12. Oh, well... You have something on your nose, let me get that for you...

  13. But...where to begin?

  14. Great! I feel honored!

  15. Just that many? That's easy!

    1. I love your niceness!

    2. I love Blazing Sword!

    3. I love your name!

    4. I love birds!

    5. I love you!

  16. Haha, yeah, I like you the most!

  17. My favorite person on here!

  18. Hi, and thanks!

  19. The main problem that I had with him was that he simply couldn't keep up with the rest of the group when they're on the move, as well as his low weapon level so he basically used Steel Lances and Javelins the whole time.

    Oh yeah, and magic enemies and dragons screwed him over like every time. Needless to say, I felt like I was wasting my time with him in that game.

  20. I agree. Throughout my whole playthrough, I brought Doga to each map, but...yeah.

  21. Oh wow, I didn't notice that after I sent it. My mistake! I only wanted to say that I could understand how it could turn people off, that's it.

    Anyway, I was surprised at how easy Book 1 of FE3 was for me. I played through the whole game without any site reference since my Internet was gone the whole time!

  22. Well, if you compare FE1 to other FE games, especially the newer ones, then I'd definitely have to say that it is rather easy.

    However, I can't say that I'm having as much of an easy time with it as Book 1 of FE3. I want to say that it's simply because of how sluggish the game plays and just how it works in general; it's really archaic, and I could understand how ...

  23. Yay, easiest job ever! I love you!

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