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Everything posted by RexBolt

  1. Still going on the Legendary banner. Just got Spring Catria. I guess i could color snipe to try to get more merges for Ike, but still have few 5* so every pull is good for something.
  2. Reds and Blues would have 4 and the rest 3. So like Ice Dragon said, the free units Fjorm and Ike probably wouldn't be part of the hypothetical 12.
  3. I think you mean REXBOLT? Just saying. (Also make it a dragon-killer, just because. )
  4. My favorite is the "one of these is not like the other!!!" memes.
  5. Tanith can't get here soon enought. As for the LadyBlade, since it's power was extra damage against bandits, that mostly used Axes, how about it being a Ruby Sword with Axe-breaker for some fun-stupid green-killing shenanigans?
  6. Huh, had no idea about that. Now it's to see if the inevitable FE4 remake they will stick with semi-canon notes or make it up from the foundation already in the game. Not that they wouldn't have to do a lot of that already, i'm pretty sure having 80% of the substitutes share the same history/personality of the children will be unaceptable in a modern adaptation.
  7. Yeah he's a cav onde he promotes but isn't his speciality Thunder magic? Since he's Tailtiu son and all?
  8. This also made me remember how rare cavalry mages actually are. I can't think of any male ones what wouldn't be promotions that are confirmed by canon (and fit the green tome definition). I would say that Rickon is the most likely i think.
  9. I was going to say that. For real, Colorless Wind Elincia as the first staff flier of the game is the dream. (Also i don't want the Nifl siblings as legendaries. Gunnthra was already more than enough. None of them did anything to be Legendary, Fjorm only gets a pass from me because she was promotional material)
  10. I have no idea who to choose. I,m not familiar with most of the characters and even tho i'm playing Awakening right now i don't really identify with Robin. Also i haven't met Morgan yet because i wasn't that interested in any of the candidates.
  11. Ok so i need the opinion of you all. I burn up all my orbs on the Legendary banner, and got a 5* on the last summon so my pity is 8%. Shold i summon up 20 more orbs to use there, or should use 15-30 on the two Voting Gauntlet ones, since there's a free summon. Also i still haven't used the free summon of General of Muspell. Basically, is it worth it to redem a free summon without using the full circle?
  12. There's no way Chrom isn't here, but since he is i wish Robin wouldn't. Would it be to much to ask that all each pair was from a different game? Unless Bartre and Fir join in then it would be only between 2 games, popular sure, but it limit's the interesting thing that can happen..
  13. 250 orbs, these are my results: (+ a Spring Shareena and a Bride Tharja i forgot to screenshot).
  14. Since we only have one so far i don't see anyone complaining about 2 Colorless Legends in a row. It's nowere near ideal, but it's what the choice of having only Grima be Colorless pushed us into.
  15. First 100 orbs spent and not a single 5* Going to use the remaining 150 later.
  16. It took a while to process what i was seeing. It's just, just, what why?
  17. WHEN we get they Herons they should have a skill that heals the targets of their Sing command. It's a must!
  18. OH MY NAGA THAT'S HER BEST DESIGN EVER! I will burn all my 200 orbs on this banner, it's full of units i want.
  19. Thank you, i will use your Bull. I would give you mine code, but i just have a +3 B!Ike, so i'm leaving it at that.
  20. I read on this forum that L!Lyn was because of FE7 anniversary. Is it true?
  21. If it's Azura then it's the first legendary refresher...
  22. About Altena, i don't know how i feel about a non-OC becoming a Legendary Hero before getting a normal version. It's not as bad as, say, Noire and that fates axe-girl, but it's still not good. I'm not very well informed about Fates-stuff, but even i know that even in "Hoshido" banners there are alts of Nohrian heroes. @Interdimensional Observer Symmetry in Fateslandia is a myth at this point.
  23. I would say Nohr Noble Corrin (something like Legendary Nohrian) wielding a Blue Tome? Since Heroes always uses F!Corrin to be the Conquest route then it would be her, leaveing M!Corrin as a possible Colorless Staff Legendary as a hoshidan noble.
  24. Since we are using the recent banners as basis for the Legendary Hero, wouldn't Sigurd be more likely than Seliph? I'm thinking it will be Sigurd, Bruno or Corrin.
  25. Even if it doesn't last and it's only in my own army, i'm proud of myself. (The difference from 10th to 1th is like 100.000 poits. Whales are scary)
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