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Everything posted by RexBolt

  1. Just to see if i got it right. The 40% bonus is added for having just one of the chosen characters in, right? So me having Jamke and Ethilyn in my party doesn't make it higher, right?
  2. Since i didn't pull from the TT banners besides the free one i'm using Ethylin, Jamke, L!Ike and L'arachel(varies). I raised the first 2 to level 20 and the rest i'm going manual.
  3. Bruno would be nice. Blue Tome already, a Cav, an OC that could use getting some relevancy again.
  4. I have Cecilia whos like, 4*+6, before i decided to stop stacking 4* on top of the other, and i still have a bunch of her. Even +6 she still sucks even at story mode, and she doesn't even have a skill i want! My i should just to a mass banishment of her and get the feathers.
  5. *fistbumps* My 40+1 is full neutral, the other 2 are +Def-Spd. Should go with one of them right? Or is it for a high investment build?
  6. What's the best boon/bane for Brave Ike? I have 3 now and after the banner closes i will havea choice to make.
  7. I have been pulling from the Voting Gauntlet banner since it came out, with poor results of a Brave Lucina abd pity breaker Libra. But now, mere 10h till it closes, i pulled 2 Brave Ike's in one go! I love it! Not only B!Ike was my first 5*, it's also a unit that fuses my love of Ike with my love of Axes! Now he's going to be a 40+3 unit, not bad for f2p.
  8. If those are the ones with the biggest chances for a Farfetched Heroes 2 (perhaps with another name) then it's a Green Axe Flier for Haar, Aversa's Shadowgift make it likely she's a Red Tome Flier and MAYBE Louise as Gray Bow Infantry. Now, if Aversa is in the main banner, we have a chance of Ophelia being a Blue Tome like her father, but if she's not then it opens a chance of Sorceress Ophelia being Red, it isn't likely due to Missiletain being ice themed, but it's not like IS likes being consistent with ice. Kliff has the most options as a unit, if we remain faithful to his class options as Villager. If Aversa's in the main banner, he can be the Bow user, maybe even Bow Knight, if she not he can fulfill the Red spot as a Sword Infantry (please no IS) or as a Red Tome, if Ophelia is Red instead and Louise is in he can be either a Lance Cav, a Lance Infantry/Armored or a Blue Tome. As long as Haar has a chance of being in, i don't see anyone else having a chance as being Green. If Kliff's a Mage, wich i think is most likely since SoV pushed Mage as being his "canon" class, it's possible he's bringing Sagittae into the game, who i can see being a Bladetome of whatever color.
  9. Maybe he's actually a blue unit and the sword is just his aesthetic? But he and/or Fjorm will show up soon anyways.
  10. Probably it will really be a upgraded version of her, better stats or better fitting skills. If you are lucky she will have a personal weapon that can also be get by Felicia, like Nameless Balde.
  11. I have no idea how any of you are seeing anything. Just look's like a hint of blue hair for me. Is it a program? Photoshop?
  12. I think it's very unreasonable to look at the Laguz, who have 21 representatives without counting the Dragons, and let their fate be put in second place to the six 3DS shifters, who unlike the laguz never got the story detail they needed to shine and mostly only have a weight in the game for 1.5 chapters.
  13. He created a horrendous fashion that would plague the world for millenia. Truly the greatest evil of all!
  14. The Ravens Mastery Skill is literally a 1-2 range wind elemental attack called Vortex. They are the only non-dragon laguz with clear link to a color, outside weakness, and the only non-magic class in the game with an elemental skill. With this in mind the Hawks may be Red as well. I didn't stop to think how many Pegasus Knights there are, plus i know of at least 3 Wyvern Knights that would not be the same not being lances: Jill, Vaida and Altena.
  15. I still think Ravens are better served as Green and the Hawks could be Blue and the Herons Colorless. What about Red then? Well, it may feel unfair, but Red is already a color with the biggest rooster and the most Lords. And it's only 3 characters of each tribe anyway, so if there's a color that can stand losing the Birds is Red.
  16. I'm also playing Awakening for the first time currently, having onlt played PoR before. While i love many of the changes and the characters, i'm having trouble to feel as engaged with the story and the gameplay as i was with PoR. I'm still in Ch. 17 because there's times i can pass days without playing simply because i don't feel like it, wich i never felt before. I see a lot of people loving Awakening and playing it for the Nth time in various challenges, but i don't see myself doing it. I just wish i could feel for this game what these other people felt. I wonder if it will be better for me in Fates. Did you also go tru something similar while playing?
  17. Gee @Hawkwing i guess that's me. My Sully isn't bad bad, she was kinda decent even, but 2-3 lower than Sthal in every stat.
  18. @Tybrosion @Usana Thanks for the explanation. I guess i didn't notice because i'm still raising him in Story Chapters.
  19. @MegaBlaziken721 Dragon Laguz using breath weapons really is the best choice and i even say the laguz should be Armored Breath units (They always felt slow to move and attack to me, plus i never seen one of them double an enemy status-free, but are really great walls). But i don't think Black Dragon Laguz should be colorless. That one colorless Grime feels more like a gimmick than a true designation, as the other grima is already Green, where the other Divine Dragons are, plus the Black Dragons of Tellius have more in common with the Divine Manaketes story-wise that the White Dragons. While White Dragons, wich means just Nasir, look Divine-y, i feel they could be best placed together with the Ice/Water Dragons in Blue. Also i'm baffled you would sugest to leave the dragon species with most named characters to be colorless while not even acknowledging them while dividing the Beast Laguz, who already come in 4 flavors. And it's true, Bird are one hell of a problem to fit, but i would at least put the Ravens in Green because of Vortex. Using your logic, their stats even fit those of a Wind Tome translated to physical damage: speedy, accurate, but not very mighty.
  20. What does Special Fighter do again? I have him, i just still don't get what the skill does.
  21. Hi, is color Sniping really the best way to get the Heroes you want, even if you are FtP and have limited acess to orbs? I have been recomended to do it but it just look's like i would be spending more orbs (and not every circle has green in it )
  22. Yeah, i think he is staying just because IS don't want to finish him before Book 2 is over, while other OC's like Loki may stay for Book 3, Surtr is closed to this one. I just hope they keep working with the OC's they already have instead of creating more and more for each book.
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