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Everything posted by Ursali

  1. "Rrrrrrr..." All she had to answer his taunt was a growl, both of them knowing that she wouldn't actually follow through with her threat unless he did much more than tease her a little on the battlefield. "Should've left chests to me and gotten healed. Not like you be injured more than need to." Aly to 9, 35
  2. The hectic nature of this all out brawl made it impossible to properly consider each action before it was time to take it. What had seemed like a clean kill on one of Marcos' men turned into a open invitation for the remainer of the bandit's men not focusing on Rivane to focus their attention on him when his gun jammed. He did his best to mitigate, to make up for his earlier blunder, but in the heat of combat it was impossible to ward off all of their damned attacks and at the same time prevent his gun from exploding in his face. He did clear the jam, but no sooner than he had than the archer put an arrow through a gap in his plate, sending him crashing to the ground. There was no time for his mind to spin some tale to his unconscious mind, Rivane was quickly to him and had swiftly tended to the most serious of his wounds. His body screamed as he forced himself to standing under the weight of his armor, but that was of little concern to him. Rivane was right, he nearly always was. There would be time to rest, permanently should the worse come to worst, but now was not that time. He rushed from the cover of the forest towards the damned archer that had introduced him to the forest floor, magic crackling from his gun as he pulled the trigger! Cyrus to 9,14 Magi Shot the archer.
  3. "Mhhrrrrhh..." Alriana let out an annoyed growl as her pet her hair, not so easily placated. "If into that maybe should knock you out and carry back to Renais. And battlefield not place to 'loosen up' like you mean! That's how mistakes happen!" She huffed as her tail flicked, the petting doing more than she wanted it to to calm her. "Just cause alone doesn't mean you have to be perverted!" A heavier blush took to her face as he called her yelp cute, growling to mask her more than obvious embarrassment. "RRrrrrr..." She knew she couldn't just parrot what he'd said to her, he'd just take it in stride. "Make you yelp cutely infront of whole Tigers if keep this up...."
  4. "Hyah!?" Alriana let out a, to the public, uncharacteristic yelp as she felt the smack of Versaris' hand against her rear, turning to glare at him. "Now not time for this! Need to take battle seriously!" She huffed as she moved past him, snatching the key out of his hand as her tail pulled back before releasing like a whip into his own posterior with much more force than he'd used on her. "If you going to behave like this when try to be nice when worrying, will go back to punching you. Hmph." Aly to 9.40, trade chest key, counter attack Sari, open chest.
  5. "Mrrrhhh..." Versaris' teasing elicited a growl from Alriana, her tail beginning to whip now that there was no immediate danger in their vicinity. "Now not time for this! Either help loot chests or go see Renais!" She stomped her foot, turning away from him to hide her pout and blush.
  6. The next bolt that came arcing out of the room was much closer to Versaris than the creation appreciated, the only thing stopping her from rushing the man behind the contraption was the dark magic user that thought to try to stop her. Versaris was already moving in the time it took her to silence the nuisance, the man slumping to the ground, dead. "Mrrhh..." She bristled as the adrenaline from seeing Versaris wounded was left with no outlet, leading to a long pause as she debated chewing him out for making her worry, even if it had only been a second. "........Should go get Renais to treat you. Know you don't fight the best when wounded." She moved over to the row of chests as she spoke, using the key she'd looted off one of the mages to open the lock. Aly to 11, 40 loot chest.
  7. "Mhhm. Agreed. Also be careful, if turn around and see you on the floor you not like what happen next." She didn't need to be told twice, the bolt that had nearly struck Versaris the only motivation she needed to charge into the enemy with the full intent to kill them. Aly to 9,37 Shank Mage 2 with steel dagger.
  8. "Mhhm." She let out a quiet noise of affirmation as she followed Versaris down the hall, throwing her daggers into the swordsman and neutralizing him before he could so much as swing his sword at her. Aly 9, 32 Steel Dagger Merc 1.
  9. The bandits had crashed into their frontline, at least what could be called their frontline, with the exception of Rivane. As other Falcons had already noted, the big lugs were operating with the slightest bit of self-preservation in mind, which was much more than usual. Marcos was the cause, but Rivane was already working on it. All that was left was to clean up the trash. "Cut down as many as you can, the last thing we need is to waste time being pushed back!" He had to shout over the roar of his gun, but at least it would likely prevent the knights on the bridge from deciphering anything more than 'people fighting in the forest'. Cyrus to 8,16 shoot Bandit 8.
  10. With Aegean smashing the armored scum into a fine pulp, it left Alriana's path to the armor crushing sword user. "Die," was all the man would hear before her daggers made sword work of him. Aly 9, 28 Steel Dagger Merc 4.
  11. "Then I expect you'll be glad show me with your actions." Was all he offered as Rina took to the front of their guard. Meanwhile, he himself ducked into the cover of the forest. The unknown threat of his gun out to keep the rider wary of flying into their backline... Cyrus to 10,18.
  12. She watched as Azame made a quick exit after Leon almost certainly told her about the meeting, her tail tightening just a little around 'SenSen' as one of her sources of entertainment was without a doubt no longer available to her. That left her in this three-way standoff between interloper two, herself, and Leon. Both of them wanted her to let her prize go, but neither had a particularly compelling reason; her prize himself seemed to have resigned himself to his fate, which was always fun. The remaining interloper was trying to persuade her as though she was actually a normal person, and simultaneously foist her on Leon, while the man himself seemed to be more concerned with whatever he had slipped into the interloper's hand than trying to convince her to let 'SenSen' go with how half-hearted his attempt was. This was a new situation for her to be in, holding all of the power in a conversation in a situation that didn't demand whoever she was talking with died. Her mood was significantly better than before, despite her loss of an early visit to the Dawn, so she was of mind to savor this interaction. "You both misunderstanding situation." She walked up to the pair, careful to maintain enough of a distance that her tail could still ensnare her prey, but close enough that the rest of the patrons wouldn't be able to easily hear her. "Doing this because it entertaining. If wouldn't have taken away chance to get on the Dawn, then wouldn't be doing this. So will keep your 'SenSen' until I get bored. Can leave if you want, but no promise of when or where I get bored..." They couldn't see it, but she flashed them a toothy grin, her rows of razor-sharp teeth reflecting back at her from the visor.
  13. Alriana sprang forth from her position behind the pillar at Aegean's call, her Silver Dagger came out of its sheath and slashed across the swordsman's neck in one fluid motion. The Creation turning her attention towards the armored man guarding the stairs, daring him to make a move. Aly 6, 30, Silver Dagger Myrm 2.
  14. As the alarm was raised Aly slid behind one of the nearby pillars, watching as Versaris turned the armored man at the front of the pack into a smoldering pile of melted armor. She didn't have words to say, but her tail patted him on the back. Aly 5, 26, Iron Dagger equipped.
  15. "You must've misheard. Said 'I need friends'." She was content to play this game for as long as she could, whatever this mess could be called was far more amusing than just slinking off quietly and getting back to work. Leon stepped up to the first interloper, likely to give her some real context, as the second began to rattle off some founded grievances against AHI. Some of it might've even been her work. The fact that she knew that information was a bit suspect, but any actually concerned citizen could've stumbled across it. And even if it went deeper than that, she wasn't supposed to be snuffing the fires of rebellion, despite her title. She did her best not to bristle as her free ticket onto the Dawn was likely being taken away from her, reminding herself of 'SenSen' still half-wrapped in her tail. It was far from enough to actually hold him down if he made a legitimate attempt to escape, but that would also require him to do it. Despite his stuttering and eye-movements, his pokerface was almost flawless; only below the table could she see his fingers fidgeting in panic. Even if she didn't get to go to the Dawn, there wasn't much they could do separate themselves from her unless she let them. Leon knew she was dangerous, but he hadn't the slightest inkling to what she could actually do if she wanted to. She turned to look at the first interloper, watching as confusion and frustration played across her face. She didn't attempt to disprove Marianne's words or contest what Leon was likely saying. Without anything to parrot back, she was actually rather bad a verbal confrontation; she knew she wouldn't be able to out talk these two, even with the benefit of the doubt the interloper was likely giving her. Instead, she focused on the second interloper's concerns about being captured. "Don't have to worry about that, not my job to lock people up."
  16. "You make habit of watching, or something? Also, never remember seeing you there." The man's blatant fear lightened her mood, finding an unusual amusement in it his desperate body language as he ran his mouth. "If were doing business there would remember you. Suspicious." The grin hidden behind her helmet was wide, her voice almost exuberant. "Maybe should take you in, am still part of AHI Securi--" She flinched as she felt a sudden hand on her shoulder, dodging down under the arm and spinning herself towards the... first interloper. She forced her tensed muscles to relax, the punch she'd been about to throw fading as her fist unclenched and she stood back up straight. She opened her mouth to deny the claim that she and this 'SenSen' knew each other, but then something even more ridiculous rolled off the woman's tongue. They were taking these two to the Dawn? More importantly, she'd just been invited too. "Oh, yes. Good friends with this one." Her tail snaked its way to his side, half wrapping around him and tugging him a bit closer. "Just talking about last time we see each other at work." Were it not for the laws of physics, the smirk on her face would have been audible. "I can go if you're inviting me. Have free reign to do what I want right now." But of course it wouldn't be that easy. It was Leon's turn to come over, that fake civility removed from his features and tone. It would've been welcome, if he wasn't trying to ruin this for her. She let out a quiet, muffled growl as Leon did his best to dissuade the interloper from taking her along, but it seemed that whoever she was she was entirely oblivious to the meeting they'd had earlier in the day. And, once again, whoever she was, she was full of great ideas. "Yeah, what's the problem, Leon? Weren't you just talking about how badly you wanted to be my friend? This not very friendly of you."
  17. "Don't need friends." Was all Leon got for his attempt at perceived pity, what with the frown that briefly flitted across his face. She stared up at him, eyes flicking off the unknown at the table, as he gave his final spiel before they were inevitably, yet abruptly, interrupted. Unfortunately there wasn't a shred of fear or dread in the man's expression, meaning her helmet had actually done it's job, much to her annoyance. The first interloper waved to her, while the second pretended that she wasn't even there, eyes solely on what should've been her prey. She turned to look at the man now alone at his table, making sure to both make eye contact and remember his features. Whoever he was, he was likely responsible for the urgency of his companion's need to leave, given the woman herself had hardly stolen so much as a glance at her. She would remember this slight and plot her revenge accordingly. And who said her revenge had to wait? The woman's gamble to pull Leon out of her clutches left her companion back at her table all alone. Not alone enough for the lizard to kill him, they were still in the bar after all, but certainly alone enough for her to slip over to him. Leon's attention was entirely on the two woman, which gave her all the more reason to slide out of her seat and approach the now lone soldier. She made sure maintain eye contact as she walked over, the expression hidden behind her helmet equal parts malice and annoyance, her tail slightly flicking behind her. "It rude to stare at strangers across the bar. No matter how strange they are."
  18. As soon as the deadman's attention shifted to Versaris Alriana was ready to pounce. Alvira and Versaris charged forward to clear the way as Roxanne directed her funnels onto her again. Versaris was in position now, ready for her to charge in! Aly to 13,33 Pattern AtS Silver Dagger Vermeil. It was over in an instant. Vermeil had pulled back the bowstring, magical energy pooling as he prepared to take his shot. Versaris stood ready to knock the magical arrow out of the air, however one did that anyway, and Roxanne's funnels fired as soon as the Creation's dagger was loosed from her hand. None of it, save her dagger, was needed in the end. Her dagger pierced the man's throat as he was in the middle of saying some inane taunt, quickly silencing him as his hands went from preparing to shoot her to clutching at his throat. "Hmph. Supposed to be leader? Died just as easily as rest."
  19. "Why?" The question was near immediate as Leon turned down her 'generous' offer to see her work, Alriana grumbling in her head as the man leaned in close. Stupid mercenary, where's all your bravado now... She stared up at him, unperturbed by his attempt to peer through her visor. She dared him to see something, to have a flash of fear flit across his face, because he was a dead man if he saw anything more than his reflection in her visor; Toki's orders were that anyone who saw her face, because of how blatantly unhuman her teeth were, couldn't be allowed to live. She was tempted to raise the visor herself to give herself the justification now that her first plan had failed, despite the fact Toki had included in this same order that she was not to do it herself, but the number of people that might see here were too great. She growled quietly beneath her helmet, not really caring for Leon's next question. "Don't see why I should tell someone who doesn't want to see my work. No information come free." Perhaps she could bait him back with that, rather than going the nuclear option of showing her face. She knew he wouldn't like the answer he received, anyway. None of the others who asked her things like 'why', or 'why are you doing this' seemed pleased with the answers they got.
  20. Cyrus was almost loathe to spend their limited resouces to immediately tend to Rina's wounds; however, the fact that she had weapon in hand and was part of this fight meant that Rivane trusted her. That would have to ne sufficient, for now. That would not, however, stop him from chiding the noblewoman. "Try not to get yourself wounded so grieviously; our medicine and healing staves are not unlimited like that of the knights." Cyrus to 13, 18 heal Rina.
  21. "..." He was silent as Thesephine's attitude seemed to shift, becoming more genuine and honest about her intentions. There were some concerning lines still mixed in with what she was saying, but she didn't seemed to be as much of a unredeemable brat as he had initially made her out to be. He let out a big sigh, feeling terrible for how he had treated her even if he was convinced she deserved some of it. "Sorry for being so short with you, you're really, getting me at my worst." He sighed again, more of a yawn tinged with melancholy, as he sank into his chair, his hands falling from the controls and onto the chair's armrests without even locking the controls. If he was going to trust her to stay in the cockpit while he slept, then there wasn't really much point in locking the controls; he was too exhausted to bother with the extra work. Once Thesephine turned to face him he found himself staring down at her, almost blankly were it not for the tiredness displayed all over his face. She was actually rather cute when she was behaving, if what was occurring could be called behaving. He didn't have the willpower to fight off her urging him to sleep and, with the edge of her bratty behavior no longer a factor in keeping him awake, he quickly passed out. "Told enough." Was how she chose to respond to him, which was a blatant lie. Nothing they had on the pilots, aside from the actual target, went beyond public information. Even then, most of the extra information on the target came from Tokiwa herself. She smirked as the red-maned pilot asked her for information about, she assumed, the situation as a whole on Callisto. "You asking wrong person. Do lot more work than do knowing. Can show you my work, if interested?" She laid the bait-- Invitation at his feet. Surely Tokiwa wouldn't mind one, as long as it wasn't the target before his time came. And even if she did, how mad could she possibly get? A little shuffling of events and she could make it entirely justified, anyway. She just had to convince herself of them first and make sure Tokiwa was distracted when she told her. As she gave Leon time to ponder her invitation she turned to look at the individual that was trying to stare a hole through her helmet. Perhaps stare wasn't the right word, but she had felt his gaze on her nearly the second she entered the bar. Their appearance didn't match anyone that she could remember, but that didn't mean he weren't on a list somewhere. Had her tail caught more attention, or was there something else going on with this person? The brief flash of panic that played across his features as she turned her attention to him was both amusing and seemed to indicate that something was up, but she hadn't missed the companion at his side, quietly growling into her helmet. One was pushing it, two was risky and Tokiwa was guaranteed to be pissed. Three would probably result in her getting rocketed out into orbit for a week or more... She turned back to Leon, hoping to get his response before the woman that was approaching him, rather rapidly for a bar, could interrupt them. "Well? Want to see work?" The malice in her words was nigh undetectable, largely due to her helmet muffling her already monotone voice and hiding the dangerous glint in her eyes.
  22. All you had to do was leave my damn cockpit... Daeran thought to himself with the little time he had between Thesephine's final quip and the simulation starting for real. Despite the added weight on his lap, and the unmissable cascade of violet-white hair, once the sounds of simulated combat began he found himself able to focus solely on the loaded combat scenario rather easily. It wasn't necessarily bliss, he was still engaging in fast-paced combat with split-second decision making, but it was far better than what he had been thinking about or dealing with the brat on his lap. He had tuned Thesephine and her mumbling out as he piloted the simulation, so it took a second for him to realize she was talking to him, making more demands. "As long as it keeps you quiet." His tiredness was blatantly on display, if she happened to glance up at his face, and he could feel the edges of sleep creeping in with the brief moment of solitude he had had when Thesephine was still being tuned out. He was exhausted, mentally and physically, but he knew he wouldn't be able to sleep if he returned to his room; by the time he returned his troublesome thoughts would have resumed nagging at his consciousness. He also refused to leave this brat unattended in cockpit, for fear that she would cause an accident. Feeling as though he had little other option, he booted up the next simulation, this one a bit less engaging in the hopes that she would eventually get bored.
  23. Alriana watched as the small host of archers rounded the corner, preparing herself to leap at the first one to let their guard down. Alvira was the first to act, stepping up and turning one of the men into a seared pile of armor. She took that as her que to move, barely catching what the pirate aligned woman had said. Direct her intent? That was simple enough, the she never made any attempt to conceal her killing intent. Aly to 9,30, Steel Dagger Bow Knight 1.
  24. One clean throw into the back of the man's head was all she needed, the Creation keeping her momentum as she ran up one two new faces and one of Owen's mercenaries. She didn't know what to make of the scantily dressed horned woman, other than that she was dressed very indecently and had just immolated on of these scum. Her eyes didn't linger on her long, feeling that it was improper to look at her. Instead she focused her attention on the mounted man, throwing her daggers into the gaps in his armor. Aly to 9,27 Iron Dagger the Cav.
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