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Everything posted by Ursali

  1. The hostility directed towards him, and the princess, was to be expected, though he was grateful that Willow at least could see things for how they were. He remained firm as Raz stomped towards him, ready to take the punch that she looked to be winding up. She appeared to think better of it right at the end, but she'd still laid quite the accusation at his feet, one he would not allow to remain; he addressed the dragon first as she had been the first to speak. "Raz, look at me. Am I any better off than any of the other Falcons? I eat what you eat, sleep wherever we set up camp, the whole nine yards. I'm not even from Bravia by birth, but that's not relevant right now. My proof is in these letters, correspondence between myself, Bravia, other agents, and of course the princess herself. There shouldn't be anything that you aren't supposed to see in them if you'd like to look, Raz." Not without the cipher anyway... "The same goes for you Silvano; you've seen the state of my attire, I'm hardly holding out on anyone here." He turned to Jilyn as he held out the letters for Raz or Silvano to snatch, if they so wanted to. "You seem to not understand your-- Our position, princess. We could make our own attempt to cross over to Bravia, braving the knights, the bandits, and whatever else lies in wait for us. Without any gold to feed us mind you, they would be taking your valuables were we to part ways." He sighed, hoping she understood; without the Falcons they were both as good as dead. "Or you can ally with the Falcons. You can't expect them to trust you if you can't even trust our leader, no matter how much of a risk the spread of this knowledge is. Willow put it best; Rivane will die before he has a chance to divulge this information, that's the sort of man he is. And someone needs to know it should something happen to the both of us. If Rivane doesn't care to know that's fine, but he carries the weight of the Falcons lives on his shoulders; he deserves to know whatever will help him make a decision."
  2. And there was his cue, the raven stepping out past Silvano and into the center of camp with Rivane and the princess. He reached into his an inner pocket of his coat, withdrawing carefully preserved, and concealed, letters. He held them in his hands, but didn't offer them to Rivane just yet. "I believe I have the proof you require, sir. If you need someone who believes her, then look no further than me. Not because I've been swayed by her words, mind, but because I know that she undoubtedly speaks the truth." He paused for a moment, seeking an icebreaker into what was about to be, at least on his end, an awkward conversation. With none in sight, and the silence lingering just a little too long, he continued. "Ahem. I am one of many of Bravia's agents in this country. Our current goal, now that the Mad King is dead, is the extraction of the princess to Bravia due to what she possesses; if you want to know exactly what it is..." He paused, staring into the Falcon's eyes, "I'm willing to tell you, Rivane, but only you. No offense to the rest of the Falcons, but you're the least likely of us to be captured and you'd be the last of us to break." He repositioned, so that he was looking at Raz, Rivane, and the princess; their scout's concerns were no less valuable just because she wasn't their captain. "As for Bravia's intentions for Halspria, I can speak on those as well, though as an agent I can only repeat to you what I've been told. It is up to everyone here if they believe the kingdom's word." He coughed, clearing his throat. "Bravia seeks the end of this war above all else, much like the princess here. Should they win, and Jilyn still be alive, they would likely turn the country over to her leadership; they have no desire to govern this land or its people. They seek only an end to the pointless conflict started by the Mad King." He let out a hard sigh, slumping some as he did so before he righted his posture. It was a lot, both to get off his chest and to put out there. When he was acting as a knight he never would've imagined revealing him status to Rivane, but that was already so long ago. "If you have any questions, or require proof of my own story, I do have proof beyond my word." It wasn't meant to sound like a jab at the princess, it was meant to reassure Rivane, but that was how the words had exited his month.
  3. Only after he was sure that the knights hadn't pursued them did Cryus remember that he was currently hoisting Raz, despite her loud protests, and set her down so that she could move under her own power. He gave her a half-hearted apology before continuing to run with the rest of falcons. As they had continued to flee from the knights Cyrus ha had found the time to go around from member to member and tend, lightly, to everyone's wounds with his staff; not enough to drain it's power but enough to ensure that none of their wounds would be getting infected before he could get a proper look at them. With that done on their way back to camp he was free to tend to himself once they had returned, ducking into his tent to tend to his own injuries. At least they had managed to secure the Princess, despite how rough the actual kidnapping had gone for Silvano; with her jewelry alone they should be able to restock on much needed supplies, medicine chief among them. He could only do so much, even if Willow was a godsend in procuring medicinal herbs. More importantly however was that they had actually captured, or perhaps freed was the better word, the princess. His tent was near the center of camp so he was able to mostly overhear Jilyn and Rivane's conversation as he stripped from his armor to treat his wounds and wrap himself up. He made sure to be sparring with it, everyone else still needed to be tended to. Even their prisoner if they were going to keep her around. Two things happened at once, one a card he hadn't been expecting to be played, or ever revealed, so soon; the princess was working with Bravia. The shocking thing wasn't the news itself, but rather that she had revealed it so readily. There had been more at play than her value when he pushed so hard for the Falcons to 'kidnap' her. I had better get out there... He was in the process of fixing his deteriorating overcoat as Silvano queried a question at him through his tent's open entrance. "You know me, Silvano, I'm always busy." He gave the man a wry smile, finally dressed and standing again. It still wasn't quiet spring yet and he wasn't looking to catch his death by being underdressed for long. "But yes I'd be glad to give you a second opinion once this business with the princess has been handled; I feel as though I will be needed out there shortly." If he'd learned anything about Rivane over the years he knew the man, the princess' word, perhaps because it was her word, would not be sufficient for him to rally the Falcons around her cause; he would need proof. Proof that Cyrus was the only one in possession of.
  4. "What's a shame?" Unfortunately, the lizard did not pick up on Cass' implication, tilting her head in the shark Clouded's direction. She remained confused as her question caused Cass to burst out laughing, that was the first time that had happened. Was there something inherently funny in the question asked, or was it a unique reaction from a unique individual? She pondered that question was Cass dealt with the cat clouded, apparently someone else that would be joining them for the siege, before they were suddenly urged to follow after the Clouded princess. The woman reminded her of Iris in a way, just far more brusque. "You know what I mean Seila~" There was a knowing smirk plastered all over Ember's face, blatant about her teasing of the smaller mage. She might have been the one to do all the talking once they'd come to Esclas, but that didn't make anything that she'd said any less true. She couldn't help but grin as Amera all but threw herself at the other cat clouded, brimming full of her near trademark energy. "No, I don't think we had any plans," she answered her companions as he tail began to slightly sway behind her, Amera's excitement was always contagious. "Going out to see the city sounds like it would be some good fun before everything gets serious. We can all have a ladies knight out." Looking around at the departing forms, this mercenary outfit appeared to be majority female and clouded. I guess it makes sense for a Galcian merc outfit that they're all clouded, but where are the damn men at...
  5. Cyrus was on his last legs and Willow wasn't much better. But they had weathered the storm and would live to see another day, at the very least. As Evelyn approached and began barking at Rivane, he felt a spike of anxiety; the Blademaiden was sharp, to expect he escaped notice just because she was focusing on the falcon was foolhardy. It was something he would have to deal with later, and potentially speak with Rivane about, but only once they were safe. "You don't have to tell me twice! C'mon Raz, we're leaving!" In one swift motion he turned, scooped up their draconic scout, and ran like their lives depended on it! Cyrus to 1,7, Escape.
  6. "Right!" There wasn't time to question it, if Willow saw a line that let them get out of this alive he'd respect her judgement; now was the time for action, not words. "Raz, get behind me!" Was all the warning their dragon got as he reached out and pulled her behind him, gun still at the ready for the incoming charge. Cyrus to 4, 8. Rescue Raz, still has Magi Shot 'equipped'.
  7. "Shit." Cryus could only curse as Silvano's blade fell short as, even as he dodged the first blast of magic, another was already being cast. He was sent reeling into the charging knight's lance. He wracked his brain for a solution, one man down with a wall of armor about to crash down on them. He didn't want to leave Silvano for dead but it didn't seem like he had a choice; he was only one man, Willow and Raz didn't have armor to protect them like he did, and there hadn't been time to treat Willow's injuries. Just as he was ready to promise Silvano they'd be back for him Rivane returned, now unburdened, and acutely aware of the situation. "Right, sir!" There was hope yet, though there was still the matter of ensuring that their path to Silvano remained clear. Let's see how well their armor protects them from magic infused bullets... Cyrus to 7,7 take Willow, drop her on 6,7. Swap to Magi Shot.
  8. "Dammit!" Cyrus swore as the knight dashed past him to make an attempt on the princess' life, unable to impede him any further than the shot of ice through his thigh. The princess was able to stave off the mad knight's attack, but was no longer in any condition to fight. Wisely, she made the decision to fall back as Raz ensured the blackguard wouldn't pursue her. He felt himself breathe a sigh of relief now that everything was, mostly, back on plan. Rivane was right that now wasn't the time to question the princess' situation, the important thing now was that they had the princess, willingly even, and it was time to pull back. All they had to do was break through these knights and ensure everyone was able to escape. "Silvano, with me! We break to the north to cover the other's escape and then fall back!" Cyrus to 8, 10, gat the mage.
  9. Raz's worries appeared to be well-founded; the rear-guard of the princess' escort was shockingly lax, the seasoned knights in the lead and almost conveniently too far ahead to intervene. So it's true, then... The knight's carelessness was their gain, the Falcons surging forth and removing all but three of the guards in one decisive strike. Kagiso moved for the carriage and emerged with the princess still in her freshly severed chains but with sword in hand. There was no doubt, then... "Everyone, protect the princess at all costs! She's no good to anyone dead!" He shouted as he broke from the woods, eyes locked on the blonde swordsman. He looked to be the one with most authority of those in the rearguard; if anyone knew, it was him. He needed to draw his attention away from the wagon... Cyrus to 8,6, shoot Antonio.
  10. Cyrus emerged from his position in deeper in the forest, revolver in hand. "Right here, sir." Despite the risk they were all about to take, the crow felt some relief that the princess and her entourage were actually here; he'd pushed hard for the Falcons to put everything on the line for this opportunity when the news of the Princess' tour reached them. There were many reasons to justify the risk, ranging from the actual target herself to the likelihood of her having valuable jewelry that they could pawn off to name only a couple. "Though," a light smirk took to his face as the entirety of the Falcons emerged from their positions, "doesn't seem like they need me to kick them into gear." Everyone seemed eager, which was good; there wouldn't be time to hesitate. "You know the drill, everyone. Hit 'em hard, hit 'em fast. As soon as we lose the element of surprise we'll have the best of the Mad Emperor's knights crashing down on us. It's as Raz said. And If you get injured, come see me. Priority number one is to keep ourselves alive, right Rivane?"
  11. Daeran to 23, 27 Explosive Shot Lancer A-6.
  12. "Am Creation, lots of things." She answered without thinking, the truth slipping out due to how comfortable she'd become with the term. She chose to ignore the sudden surge of... adrenaline? as she realized her mistake, choosing instead to focus on the smile Cass had shown her. This was the first time she'd seen anyone with teeth similar to her own, Cass had her interest. "What can bite through? I can bite through steel, maybe more." She ended her sentence with a flash of her teeth, allowing Cass to see that the creation's teeth were just as sharp, if not more so, than hers. "You swim too? Or can princess not swim?" It sounded ridiculous, especially given that Cass was an aquatic clouded like Aegean, but from all the books she'd read princesses were barely allowed out of the castle, let alone half of what it looked like Cass did in her spare time. Unexpectedly, a fourth approached their group; however, it was quickly apparent that they, likely, wouldn't be joining them for their trip to the docks. She studied the newcomer, both their appearance and demeanor, but remained silent. Their business was with Cass, if they had something to say to her then she would speak. Until then, however, she would continue to watch as she waited to be lead to the pier.
  13. Alriana maintained her stoicism as the meeting continued, though Jeremiah's, or 'Leon's', sudden interjection into the meeting quickly captured her attention. She had no understanding of anything but the most general of politics, and what she'd learned and been told on their journey into Islexia; to see Jeremiah, with everything he represented, sticking his nose where it wouldn't have been wanted if Owen's council knew his true identity was something she hadn't expected to see. If she hadn't had several days to cool off she would have called him a hypocrite, even if she was wrong. The logic behind the conclusion was almost enough to cause a knee-jerk reaction, despite the fact that she knew the conclusion was incorrect, leading her to suspect the Voice was bleeding into her feelings again. She was watching him more than she was watching the meeting at this point, including when he returned to the group and cast a glance her way. She refused to avert her gaze, briefly matching his before he returned to resting in the shadows. The meeting had now concluded, everyone free to go their separate ways, and she saw Versaris quickly approach Jeremiah and begin talking quietly enough that it likely wasn't meant to be overheard. She let out a quiet growl, tail flicking like an agitated cat; she'd been avoiding conversing with Versaris after they'd returned from the compound. Her feelings towards how he had acted, and what could have been the consequences of his actions were never explored or expounded on, the 'fight' between them put on pause due to the not-elf's status as Jeremiah's pupil. Jeremiah made to leave, Versaris intent to follow, and suddenly she was left without anything to do in a city she didn't know. Until Gean approached and extended an invitation to go swimming in, what the creation assumed, to be the waters near Esclas; she'd only been half paying attention to the background noise of everyone splitting off to go do their own things. "Mhmm..." She gave the mermaid a nod, staring up at her. "Can go swimming, like water yes." Anything was better than being alone with the Voice's feelings bleeding into her and coloring her perception of everything. "Know how to get to water where swim?" "Tall dragon in the back, might even have more muscle than I do." She kept her tone firm and quiet, not looking to be overhead while the meeting was still going in full-force; they'd have plenty of time to talk between themselves, and meet the Tigers, once the meeting had concluded. --- Amusingly enough, as soon as the meeting was over and they were actually free to mingle with their fellow mercs, Amera's boundless excitement was so strong to meet the Tigers that it manifested in decision paralysis. It was enough to get a chuckle out of the Hellhound, giving Amera a gentle noogie. "You're gonna act all excited and then not even have someone to go say 'hi' to? Looks like most of them are disbursing already." The cat wouldn't have to worry about it for long, though, as two of the Tigers were quick to approach, with another pair a bit behind them. "Name's Ember." Her words were brief, but her tone and body language were plenty friendly, extending a claw out for either of the Tigers to shake. "And yeah, pretty much what Amera said. We ended up here one way or another, so we'll be working with ya at least until we get to throw Kazran to the sharks. Or maybe it's better to say The 'shark'?" She smirked but couldn't help but glance at the source of the joke; if there was anyone here that would actually tear the man limb from limb it would be Cass. "Pleasure'll be ours I'm sure." Or at least mine, hopefully. Every merc group's gotta have at least one free guy right? And if he's rolling with them then there shouldn't be an issue... "And hey," she turned to Miria, a slight smirk on her face. "There's no reason to be so formal or shy around us. That's Seila's job."
  14. Daeran to 23,23 Explosive Shot Tank 4-A.
  15. Finally, some room to breathe... Daeran let out a heavy sigh, finally catching some normal breaths as his bullets rained down on the artificial intelligence powered Lancer. Now that Kazue had returned to her senses, and Markus and Scylla had evaded the majority of the tank fire they were well positioned to deal with this group of tanks and Lancers before they could get pincered. Louise proposed her own plan to go solo, but as the squad's sniper, it at least made sense and it had been openly communicated. He maneuvered into the cover of the base at the top of the plateau, dropping a grenade off the edge and onto the unsuspecting Lancer at the base of the plateau. One less enemy to worry about. Daeran to 22, 21, Grenade Lancer A-3.
  16. Daeran to 21, 19, 90mm Lancer 4.
  17. The most impressive thing about Esclas to Alriana wasn't the rare clouded walking around, or the fact that it's wall still stood despite having an entire country's hatred at their doorstep; it was the break from the unbearable heat of Islexia. Without a doubt, the heat was what she hated most about this country; she could kill members of the underground, or any Islexian that decided to cross the Tigers, but the weather was something beyond her reach. In a way, it was the one way she knew that the feelings were entirely hers. The Voice had never told her to commit violent acts against the weather. As she walked through the town, tailing slightly behind Versaris and Jeremiah, she was impressed the latter allowed her to be out of his sight, and even walk behind him, given how their last conversation had ended. Perhaps he simply just didn't want to see her. Through her talk with Alvira, Alriana's feelings towards the man had cooled some, no longer the overwhelming hatred she'd felt when they returned to the compound; however, she wouldn't consider their relationship anything close to amicable. Especially with no further contact between the two of them since that night. The only good thing to come of that conversation was that it had made her realize that just because the Voice was silent, didn't mean it was any less present. As they were led into the cast proper and brought before Owen she stayed back and hopefully mostly out of sight. While she barely had the patience for words, she had absolutely none for politics. She would not suffer having to speak unless there was something actually important for her to say. Expectedly, or perhaps it was unexpected, she hadn't put much of any thought into how the meeting with Owen would go, the man himself appeared to be everything his sister had said he was. It was his council that were proving to be disappointments. Both siblings reprimanded them, but it remained to be seen if that would change the tune these birds sang. --------------------------------------- Ember silently watched as the mercenaries slowly filed into the War Room, a quiet chuckle escaping her as Amera's near boundless energy manifested itself in anxiousness enough for her to try to hide behind her. She wore her confidence proudly, both with her expression and her attire, toned muscles openly on display. She wasn't the only one, spotting a massive man, dragon? Dragon. Dressed similar to her, only covering the essentials to remain decent. If the tension in the room hadn't skyrocketed the moment the Belrose, and subsequently the Glacian Evokers as well, spoke up she'd have whistled at him, but alas, now wasn't the time for pleasure. "Mhmm..." She nodded in agreement with Seila. Their job right now was to be flies on the wall and to look tough like hired muscle ought to. The Lion, the Lizard, and the Not-Elf
  18. "Hahhh...!" Stress continued to exit Daeran's body in the form of exasperated sighs as Kazue appeared to be completely disregarding all forms of communication and throwing herself and her HEX at the automatous units. There'd be no saving her from this one. He'd done what he could in terms of extending an olive branch; there was no way the Captain would be able to overlook this. As for what he could do now... If she's not going to listen to being hailed over the comms then I'll just have eliminate the threats to keep her safe. What still troubled him was what had gotten into her; over the time he spent coaching her she seemed to grasp his lessons that he'd tried to drill into her. She'd seemed to understand that the unit would have her back, she didn't need to make up for how terrible of a shot she was... Daeran to 19, 20.
  19. "Kazue, keep yourself calm!" Daeran let out a stress filled sigh as Kazue rocketed towards one of the Lancers, thankful that it hadn't been straight into the line that was set to crash into them. The rest of the squad handled the rest of close range enemies, save for a single Lancer now in their midst. He was in position to take a shot, but with the damage his HEX had already suffered he wasn't confident he could get through its armor in one exchange, at least not without exposing himself. For now, he held position, time would tell if it was the right call to make. Daeran holds position with 90mm equipped.
  20. Though Kazue had managed to restrain herself prior, her sense of justice still drove her to charge into AHI's tank fleet. The Captain gave the order to protect the independents shortly after so no harm no foul, but it was still something that could've gotten her into serious trouble. He sighed. Hopefully the Captain's orders continue to line up with her actions. For now, orders were orders; not that he needed a reason to protect Callistan citizens. His thrusters roared back to life as charged the tank Kazue had slammed with her blade, unloading burst of explosive ammunition into where the tank's autonomous control system ought to be. "Need some backup, Ensign?" He followed her lead, using his loudspeakers to address the independents. "You heard her, now get going. You're machines won't last long against cannon fire." Daeran to 19, 15, Explosive Shotgun Tank 3.
  21. Daeran let out of sigh of relief as Kazue's charge stopped short, though that was only one of the worries weighing on his mind. "Hold position Ensign Fujiwaru. Wait for the Captain's orders." He matched her position, visuals flicking between the independents and the AHI forces. If these were the rebels then they didn't stand a snowflake's chance in hell against AHI, or the Dawn. However, something rubbed him the wrong way about the force being displayed against worker HEXes. HEX based crime was usually handled by actual human pilots so either AHI had called in a large number of pilots for a miniscule force or something else was up... Daeran to 19, 9.
  22. While what she had said to Versaris had certainly alarmed him, she didn't understand where the sudden worry came from. She'd told him about her thoughts, the constant nagging at the back of her consciousness, but it wasn't as though anything had really changed between now and then. Other than his understanding of it; what she'd described to him was her normal, her constant state of being. "Told you, don't really have control over it. If get too injured, that what will happen. There is no 'fight', body does it on own. Only way to 'fight' is not get injured, which already try not to do." She huffed, her tail swaying behind her. His worry was genuine, but... Misplaced. Her losing control was probably part of her 'creation', an integral part of her being. What was concerning, however, was the voice in her head becoming more insistent, more demanding, when she was forced into that state due to her injuries. Even if it was strangely absent now, it had certainly been there during the battle; though she still wasn't sure that what Versaris was so afraid of was correct. It was maybe trying to do what he was afraid of, but it had only recently started attempting to if that was what it wanted. It had never once been in control of her. "Already am 'fighting' voice. Grelbiria said not to listen to it so don't. Or at least, try not to. Only listened when coward monster scum attacked you last night, but that first and last time. Have hear it all time every day, already told you about that. Just was louder when chasing after coward monster scum." She stared at him, her claw clutched so tightly in his grip, unsure how to take his gushing of his feelings for her no matter how genuine they were. One thing she was certain of, however, was of the desperation so thick in his tone that it was almost oozing out of him. "You not really asking me to do anything different than from what normally do. But will promise to do that so that you have to uphold your side of promise." This was no laughing matter, especially if Versaris' fears were correct, but it still didn't really feel like anything had changed; aside from Versaris promising to keep himself safe.
  23. "Rrrrrr... You not listening. Said also don't want to punch you. You may be healed, but you still not okay. Will do it later, if at all. Having carry you if punch too hard will just make feel bad and not look good." She huffed, her tail flicking behind her. The underground scum had all died too quick and there was no way there was any left on the other side if Jeremiah had come from there; he'd riled her up and not even had the decency to leave anyone other than Versaris around for her to vent her aggression on. "Don't get how like him. Just big jerk that says what want without knowing anything. Mrrrr..." She growled quietly, but still plenty loud for Versaris to hear. "Don't like stupid sword either." "Am still mad." She huffed after her quick interjection, her chest puffed out, acting almost like she was proud of the emotion. However it quickly faded as he turned the tables on her, pointing out her own behavior that painted her to be maybe sorta a little bit of a hypocrite. "Promise?" She stared up at him inquisitively, head tilted. The terms were what she wanted, but she hesitated; she wasn't sure that she could keep it. "Not like can help it when it happens. If get too hurt, lose control. Barely even remember what happens most times. Only started remember when coward monster scum attack you last night. But voice also gotten louder since then. Strangely quiet now though. Quiet since see Jeremiah and sword." She'd started rambling after a point, but all of it was true. Save for her own feelings, her mind was clear. "If still want promise knowing that, will promise." She mimicked holding her hand out, near his but not actually taking it into her grasp. It was on him to accept now.
  24. "Rrrrrr..." The lizard wasn't pleased as Jeremiah cut the conversation short in favor of Aegean and Renais. That wasn't to say that she wanted the throuple to hear what they were talking about, especially anything relating to herself, or that she didn't understand why he'd done it, but she still wasn't happy about it. The threat he posed to her wasn't any less significant; however, with Aegean now present she figured there was a little more she could get away with. "Can see where pupil learn from master." Versaris was collateral damage, but he still deserved at least some of her anger and she was feeling petty; this was the first time violence against someone who slighted her was definitively the wrong choice. She turned back to Versaris as Jeremiah turned to speak with his niece and her partners, inspecting him now that she was done shaking him around. He was alright, mostly. No worse off than he'd been last night, at least. Part of her wanted to punch him, hard, to vent her frustrations, but the rest of her was just relieved he was okay, the slightest of smiles on her face. From what he was describing her mixed emotions could be counted as 'love', but she wasn't going to accept it so readily. It was a struggle to even pick out what emotions she'd felt when they were arguing, one of them was entirely new to her; she wasn't ready to understand love. From how he was describing it, it was far too vast, too all encompassing, for her to claim she understood it. Maybe she did love him, maybe it wouldn't be a lie to say the word back. But until she was certain of that, the word would not leave her lips... Except to ask questions about it. "Mhhrrr... Too much. Not ready. You say words, understand them. Not understand what feel. New. Too many new... Still mad. Want punch you. Won't. Also don't want punch you. Jeremiah also probably cry about it." She huffed, beginning to move away from the man. "Let go. You get help pick up armor, since you reason it broke."
  25. Alriana tilted her head as she was wont to do when confused, but she also made sure to keep Jeremiah in the edge of her vision. "That what love is? That can't be right. Book not describe love like that." Love was supposed to be pure, gentle, at least according to what she'd read. What she'd felt was chaotic, a vortex of emotions, some almost to the point of being painful. There was no way that was what Versaris was feeling every time he said he loved her. "Better not. I'm not done being angry at you yet." She listened as Jeremiah went one step further than Tanvir had, explaining the actual purpose behind her and Iris' creation instead of just alluding to the voice in her head. She'd suspected that the purpose behind her creation wasn't going to be anything good, Iris' worry had resonated with her even if she never let it slip. Not to mention the perpetual urge to kill, or at least harm, in the back of her head. However, what Jeremiah was saying she had done was nothing but untrue. "That wrong! I only killed people who deserved it! Never touch someone that not already trying kill me! Unless enemy priest, but that not count as innocent!" She growled at the man despite her fear; indignant at his attempts to slander her and uncaring for his disregard for her. Her tail had started moving again, whipping around behind her. "Language is stupid, waste of effort. Take short cuts when want to. Talk more or less depends on mood and if like you. Don't like you." She restrained the urge to stick her tongue out at the man, still afraid underneath the anger and not wanting to provoke him. "And I do want find Grelbiria. She left me in Glacies with Tigers, want know why."
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