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Posts posted by Ursali

  1. Alriana listened with silent interest as Natalya gave them their debriefing, her claws idly tracing the nicks and scratches along her armor. She hadn't taken much damage today, a fact she was silently and stoically proud of, so it would likely be gone in the morning. The implications of Natalya's words were not lost on her, though she lacked the perspective to determine how important those implications were. The fact that there would be more pirates to fight was enough for her; she was content to leave the big picture thinking to the more vocal members of the group. It was more interesting to watch them form and voice their thoughts than to come up with her own. Most of the time, at least.

  2. She took his hand in a firm handshake, perhaps a bit too firm to be entirely friendly. "So I lost to a fluke before I could even get my paws on ya?" The news didn't help her mood at all, even with him complimenting her strength. She sighed, shaking her head. "At least the crowd loved it. And I suppose I could stick around and play at being this arena's champ, but it was only really meant to be a temporary thing. Figured I'd stay until someone beat me, just didn't expect it to happen on the day after I became champ..."

    She released his hand, stretching in place. "You mentioned a group... You mind me askin' what you're doing out here so close to the wastes? See, I'm something of a mercenary, and with this little gig over I'm in need of something to do. If you're strong enough to trounce me, even on a fluke, well, there's probably a reason you need to be so strong, yeah?"

    All Xalrei could do was huff in response to Tenna's giggling, lest she begin to sputter and trip over her words. Agni's jab wasn't unnoticed, but all it earned him from the dragon was a very brief glare in his direction. Part of her wanted to make an offhanded comment about how Tenna hadn't seen anything yet, and that Agni was right to think her fearsome, but Taliyah's presence stayed her words. Instead she shrugged and rolled her shoulders. "I was planning on challenging the arena after getting my armor adjusted... I didn't think there'd be a line." Her eyes momentarily shifted over to their wraith bartering with the shopkeep, before resting back on Agni's smirk.

    "Yeah, I did. And I cleaned them out, too. I bet you I could do it again, easy. Hundred gold says I make it farther than you," she countered with a smirk of her own, doing her best to loom over him.

  3. Ember watched the Fallen's trek through the arena with great interest, watching as he felled combatant after combatant; finally he had made it to the end. Ember walked out to meet him, ready for a good fight after he'd put on such performance. She saw him fly up into the sky and ready his sword. Daring, and risky. Exactly the kind of moxie she wanted to see from an opponent. She braced herself, ready to dodge out of the way and lay into him once he'd missed. She saw the swords forming too late, stagging under their assault right into his diving attack. She crumpled with a barely audible whine.

    "Urgh, what the Hel kinda magic was that..." Ember groaned as she sat up, rubbing where the swords had slammed into her. She stood with a grunt staring at Bladen. "Well, it wasn't much of a fight, but congrats on beating the arena, boy."

  4. Xalrei hadn't been too terribly focused on Tenebria hiding behind her, attention on the haggling between the shopkeep and Nisha, but that changed rather quickly. "The Hel you mean 'handling' me, huh?" She suddenly interjected into the conversation with a huff, turning around enough to stare at Tenna with arms crossed. She probably hadn't meant it in the way her unfocused mind had immediately jumped to, but it would be far from the last time she misunderstood Tenna.

    "Clothes should be fun, get to see you in a bunch of new, things..." Sollowy's words slowly came to a halt as Thesephine stepped inside and revealed just how busy their group had made the vendor. She couldn't find herself disagreeing as Thesephine pulled out of there fast, heading off to get food instead. This was their first real date, away from the prying eyes of that stupid court of nobles and their nosy servants; she wanted it to be at least a little private. Thessy probably shared her desire for privacy a little, too.

    "Food sounds like it'd be nice while we wait for it to clear up, Thessy. Get a nice meal before we're back on the rations. I know you've been missing your castle meals. Even if inn food won't be able to compare to it, sharing a meal with you will be nice." She gave her snake a reassuring squeeze as continued to be 'tugged' along towards the inn, hoping the clothes shop hadn't been too much of a letdown.

  5. "Mhm. It's still nice to see you trying your best to better yourself, Thessy. A calm mind is a happier mind, or something. And hey, if you keep it up you can knock the socks off those stupid nobles when you get back. Make them look the child for trying to rile you up while you just sit there." Sollowy squeezed the Medusa tight. "But enough about that, lets get started on our date~ We only have so long before we're back to marching. I'm fine with wherever you lead, Thessy."


  6. Ember raised her fists, striking a victory pose to the crowd as her opponent fell to her second round of blows. She held it for a moment, soaking up the praise and adoration of the crowd. It felt good to be on top, even if she'd yet to hold her position for twenty-four hours. Grandstanding over and her ego fed, she approached the young beastman she'd laid out a moment ago, offering her a paw to help her stand up despite the glare on her face.

    "You put up a good fight, girl, and not just with me. I was watching the whole time, you got some serious skill and one hell of a swordarm. Keep training hard and I'm sure you'll be a force to be reckoned with in no time." She smiled down at Suki but resisted to urge to ruffle her hair. "C'mon and stand up and give the crowd a cheer. What you did was still impressive even if you didn't run the whole arena."

  7. Xalrei paused with Tenna's words, staring at the human and questioning whether she'd heard her correctly. "I... You really think so? I don't really feel all that strong. More like I have lot of help..." First it was Requiem, and now it was her father's former ring that sat on her claw whilst providing her strength at every hour of the day. Though the strength was technically hers, as the ring would let none other claim its power, it did nothing to assuage the damage that years of being called a runt had done to her self-confidence. "I probably should at least get it looked at. Doesn't really make sense to not get it fixed before running a gauntlet of fights. Even if it's crowded."

    Xal moves to 12,7 and enters the armory.

    True to Tenna's word the place was just about packed full of members of their group, the one at the counter being someone the dragon wasn't all that familiar with. She seemed to be talking business so all the dragon could do was wait.

    Sollowy sat on her perch quietly as Thesephine handled the matter with maturity that the Gathlain didn't in the least expect. It had only been a week since she'd come screaming onto the battlefield after all. Perhaps she'd been unfair to Thesephine by jumping to an undesirable outcome before she even had a chance to react. Floating along as they left Sollowy gave the Medusa a tight squeeze, smiling down at her once they were out of earshot of the humans. "I'm really proud of you, Thessy. Sorry for butting in ahead of you, especially since I didn't really help matters."

  8. Even as stuck inside her own head as she was, Xalrei was not oblivious to the crowd steadily forming around the woman that had emerged from the nearby building. Whatever the situation was, it was probably well under control between Amera and Nessraya and one of the newcomers. Slowly drifting away from that crowd, assuming that Tenna would continue to follow her, Xalrei continued to stew on an answer for the persistent human.

    She didn't know what she wanted to do, that how Tenna had managed to drag her along with Marina in the first place. Without something concrete to drive her forward Xalrei was quickly discovering that she was terrible at spending her idle time. Even as directionless as she felt it was easy to live in the moment if there was something to do, like scouting ahead, or fighting off their enemies, or mending her armor. Stuff to do like that. Stuff that really had no need to be done while they were within Border's walls.

    She didn't want to go shopping, at least not in any form of a group. She did want to look into a replacement for her armor. After all this time it was still a generic suit from Khach that didn't even fit her the best. Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to ask Dorian or Laselia to retrieve her custom suit from back home now that her identity, including her secret one, was thoroughly exposed. In the meantime she could hopeful get her current suit adjusted here in town, she'd completely forgotten when they were in Aensbrook with everything that happened. Though, looking back, it really was small time compared to everything that came after it. Speaking of, wasn't there an arena in Border too?

    "I guess I want to participate in the arena here, and get my armor fitted properly. I've been wearing this oversized suit for so long I almost don't here the clanking when I walk anymore."

    "Mmm. I'm sure we can find you at least something cute, Thessy. Wings and tails aren't that uncommon for monsters to have if our group is anything to go by." It felt like almost half of them had wings or a tail, both in more than a few cases. But alas, work always came before pleasure, Sollowy floating in cape formation even as Thesephine entered the inn and approached the counter.

    Business was concluded swiftly enough, Thesephine clearly in her element. It was nice to witness it without about fifteen nobles all trying to belittle her and push her around over things that, it felt like at least half the time, were out of the young Demon King's direct control. At least the commoners had respect for their ruler. Though, even out here, Thesephine still kept her penchant landing herself in hot water. Sollowy didn't know why her joke had set off the human, but it was clear as day it had. Hopefully Lucille's short fuse wouldn't in turn ignite Thesephine's. If she was quick on her feet she could maybe diffuse the situation, or at least defend Thesephine.

    "I'll admit I don't know what your circumstances are, Lucille, aside from your being native to Coteon, but Thesephine wasn't seriously accusing you. If she was, I wouldn't be perched on her back, for one. It's fine to request she not joke further, but to continue on to defend yourself as though it was serious, after acknowledging it as a joke made in poor taste... Well, it certainly does you no favors." Sollowy paused, unsure of her next words. She couldn't understand why such a small jest had provoked such a strong response from the human. It made trying act pre-emptively almost pointless, more likely to spread the fire than put it out.

  9. "It not like we have options. Would you prefer the wastes?" Sollowy huffed and pouted, but only slipped her arms over Thessy's shoulders to secure her position. "Mhm. That sounds nice. Maybe go do a little shopping too. It'd be fun to at least try on outfits with each other, even if we don't find something we like. Might as well enjoy our reprieve as much as we can, right?"

    Xalrei had expected at least one of them to go after her, not even surprised that it was Tenna who had. That didn't stop her from pulling her arm close and away from her touch, however. "It's... More than just that." She associated going out like Marina and Gabriela wanted to with her friends. The friends that were now dead or severely wounded because of her. Even if it was with just Taliyah, Gabi, and Bladen, Xalrei wasn't sure she'd be able to properly enjoy such an outing without getting depressed and feeling guilty. Nor did she want to admit such a personal thing to Tenna.

    "I... I guess, since you're just going to follow me anyway."

  10. "I don't know what sort of business I'd have here, I didn't even stop here last time. Just flew right passed..." Sollowy took advantage of being just behind Thesephine to rest her chin on the Medusa's head and float behind her like a cape. "We could go shopping after we're done with the wagons though. Have a tiny little date? That sounds like it'd be fun..."

    Sollowy to 9,9.

    Xalrei hadn't been too keen on being dragged along with Marina in the first place, so when Gabriela showed up for previous plans with Marina the dragon nearly let out a sigh of relief. Only for Marina, and then Gabi, to try to drag her and Tenna into their little outing. She couldn't picture herself having a girl's day out with this crowd, and not just because there were a couple of humans in the mix. She glanced between Marina and Gabriela, only hesitating for the sake of the Siren's feelings. Gaze cast aside, she answered, "You can go one without me. Girl's days out aren't really my thing..." A horribly concealed lie, but it was what she was going with as she awkwardly excused herself from the conversation and stepped away. 

    Xalrei to 7,6.

  11. Sollowy froze up as Lavinia zero'd in on her duty at lightning speed, wondering how in Yggdrasil's name she was supposed to get her to drop it. Thankfully Thessy had her back once again, somehow convincing Lavinia to leave with the promise of a future reveal, even if the vampire could have left less rudely. Sighing, she draped her arms around Thesephine's neck, floating behind her like a cape billowing in the wind. "Probably, but..." She did her best to smile, on the off chance Thesephine actually looked up at her. "You made me happy by standing up for m-- For us. If you can convince her, maybe there's a chance my mom can be convinced..."

    "Friends..." Xalrei had no recollection of ever agreeing to be Tenebria's friend, only recalling that the Princess had been pushing for it harder and harder every time she forced an interaction. Why she was so insistent Xalrei had no idea. "..." Sighing, and with a shake of her head, the dragonewt finally asked for an explanation. "Why are you trying so hard to be my 'friend'? The He-- Marina's probably right over there somewhere, and it's not like there's a lack of other humans for to bother." She huffed as she crossed her arms, awaiting reply. Was that too mean? Wait, why did she care about that? Was it just that she was so pitiful? Why did it have to be Coteon's princess of all humans who reminded her of a sad puppy...

  12. Sollowy felt a sudden chill as Lavinia's gaze zeroed in on her, asking a question that she didn't dare answer. Thankfully Thesephine was on point, despite her earlier betrayal, and was able to deflect the focus back on the vampire enough to where she was willing to drop the question. A breath she didn't realize she'd been holding escaped the fairy, sighing in relief as she narrowly avoided, what was probably going to be, another threat against her life.

    As the conversation turned towards Yggdrasil Sollowy's mood took a hit; it wouldn't be exaggerating to say the fairy wasn't looking forward to visiting her mother with her task not even half done and being actively shirked. "It will, certainly be eventful." Sollowy finally said. "Unless she treats Vaian royalty differently, gives you some benefit of doubt, you should expect her to be... difficult to deal with, Thessy. She's ancient and her roots go deep, in more ways than I'd like. And it's not like we'll have much to bargain with, aside from me fulfilling my duty..."

    Xalrei didn't think she'd ever get used to how quick Tenna was on the rebound, managing to perk herself up just because she'd been given a chance to try. As her claw was taken a second time, Xalrei had to actively stop herself from tearing her arm away from Coteon's princess. A shiver ran down her spine as she allowed the interaction to continue, it felt like her body itself was rejecting Tenna's touch, Xalrei waging a war against herself just to hold still long enough for this test to happen. Thankfully it didn't get any worse as Tenna's magic was introduced into her system, but the whole experience was unpleasant enough for the dragonewt to not want a repeat performance within the scope of her lifetime. "No thanks," came her flat denial as she finally took her claw back, involuntarily shivering one final time. "What makes you think I want this to feel better? I'll just stick with a monster healer, or at least a human that uses a staff..."

  13. "Mhhm. I guess I'll have to give that girl my thanks, then. We didn't get off on the right foot when we first met, but I'm willing to look past that if she helped keep you safe, no matter how passively. And you really gotta work on that anger, Thessy. It's worrying, for more reasons than just you possibly swinging at us." Sollowly couldn't help the small frown as Thessy offered more assurances about her anger issues. She was better than when they'd met, but now her judgement was biased; there was now much more concern on her own end on what sort of trouble that uncontrollable anger would land Thessy in. "Mn. M-- Hwha!?"

    Sollowy was just as surprised as Thesephine, possibly more, as Lavinia all but ambushed the two of them. The fairy still didn't quiet feel at ease around the vampire; Thesephine's mother in all but name hadn't been pleased to learn that the one thing she had explicitly warned Sollowy from doing, laying hands upon the Medusa, had occurred regardless of said warning. Between her and Nessraya's father, that was two mortal threats before the upset nobles were even accounted for. And now Thessy was putting her on the spot! She'd pay for that later...

    "A-Ah, uh, y-yeah!" Came her shaken response. She gulped, nearly audibly, before continuing. "She's been, working on it with me. She can at least spar with me without going wild, even if she still doesn't take missing me that well, either..." There was no point in trying to lie to Lavinia, the vampiric caretaker would either see through her on the spot, or would if given any time to inspect Thesephine's sparring habits.

    Xalrei had torn her claw back from Tenna nearly the instant it had been grabbed, much more a visceral reaction to the touch of the human princess than any intentional mean-spiritedness on her part. Though, that didn't mean she was above behaving in such a way. "If you ever do work up the courage to fight with a bunch of monsters I'm going to do my best to avoid you. Just having you nearby would make me fight worse." Though it was true, in that it would nag at the back of her mind just like being near any other human did, directing it solely onto Tenna was perhaps a bit harsher than even she had intended. Not willing to offer an apology, but also feeling like she'd accidentally stepped on a puppy, Xalrei at least conceded to Tenna's plea. "But if you think you can prove me wrong, go ahead and try, I guess."

  14. Her sister's words still occupied the majority of Xalrei's attention, stewing over her actions that had preceded her finishing blow against Ithraxl. Was there no outcome that didn't see Taliyah devastated by tearing her father away from her? It was too late to think about it now, once everything was already said and done. As she'd told Bladen in her rare bout of maturity, all everyone involved could do was learn to live with it. Nevertheless, it opened her eyes to a responsibility she'd never considered, never learned. Securing the good of many no matter the cost, even to those she held dear. Could she continue to make those decisions?


    As Thesephine dragged everyone out of the fort Xalrei had left her sister's side to do her best to conceal her no-longer-that-secret identity. Most in the group probably knew if they'd payed the slightest attention to her shouting match, but if the commoners remained in the dark would much really change? Maybe some peoples' opinions would, but, well, there was no helping that now. Now on the outskirts of the gathering, she awaited her sister's speech for a job well done... or whatever it was that needed to be said at the end of a weeks long campaign. Thesephine started talking, Xalrei perked up--

    "But they aren't mine to make. Marina!" Instantly a scowl was on her face, none to pleased by the sudden twist. Marina was ultimately the reason why this had even been a problem in the first place! If anyone aught to be making a speech it should've been Nessraya, or at least someone who'd actually fought Ithraxl in combat. Marina might be their leader in name, but she'd still yet to earn her title in this princess' eyes.

    She tuned out the speech as best she could, letting it go in one ear and out the other without letting herself think about the words being said. She didn't have to keep it up for long before a distraction, Xalrei unsure of how welcome it was, in the form of Coteon's own princess approaching her. She was too exhausted to work herself up for a random piece of vitriol to throw at Tenebria, at least right now. "...I was already healed back in the fort. Not like you'd have been able to heal me that well, even human magic and I don't mix."

    A sigh of relief had left the fairy when Thesephine had emerged from that dreaded hallway none the worse for wear, taking pace behind her as she led everyone out of the fort. She wanted to just hug her and not let go, but she knew there was still work do be done. A closing statement or speech, something to boost the morale of their troops after the nightmare the battle had nearly turned into. She took her place off to the side as Thesephine climbed up the table, knowing it was important to let her have her moment as King. Instead, she passed it over to the human known as the 'Hero'. Well, she hadn't gotten along with the girl a few weeks ago during their brief meeting, but maybe she'd grown some over that time?

    She made an alright speech in that Sollowy had none to compare it to, at least touching on, probably, the most important parts of a campaign ending speech. An interloper jumped on the Hero's and Thesephine's 'stage', offering a much more subdued version of her words. Thesephine looked ready kill, or at least maim, her but the moment passed and she ended everything on as good of a note as was reasonable given the circumstances.

    "Mhhm..." Sollowy 'caught' Thesephine with a hug, wrapping her arms around her as the Medusa leaned against her. She was exhausted as well from her own magic expenditures, but she could buck up for Thessy. "I'm just glad you're okay, Thessy. Between you charging into the knights and screaming murder the whole time and whatever happened with Ithraxl, I was really worried about you today. You gotta be more careful in the future..."

  15. "RRRRAAAGHHH!" Even as the dragon's breath ate away at her life Xalrei tore the dragon spear out of Ithraxl's chest and, with a final cry, speared the monster through its maw! Disengaging as the beasts' form became unstable Xalrei landed, staring, watching, waiting for Ithraxl's next trick. But there was none, the lizardman finally crumpling to the floor. For a brief moment Xalrei felt nothing but peace; the man threatening her sister's title was finally defeated. Then came Taliyah's cry, Xalrei's core freezing as guilt just as quickly gripped at her heart. She had entirely forgotten about her tiny half-dragon friend during the fight, driven into a rage by her father's words. She knew there was no other way, the man was too steadfast in his path --his words even as he slowly bled out proved that point-- but it was her motives that burdened her conscious now more than her actions.

    Part of her wanted to try to console Taliyah, but, with her father's blood still literally on her hands and clothes, she instead slinked off towards Thesephine, collapsing against the wall as she let the dragon spear slip out of her grip. "We, We won, right? We saved our country from civil war, your right to rule is safe..." A long pause, Xalrei's gaze lowering to her feet then back up towards her sister when she finally spoke. "Why do I feel so bad, then...?"

  16. As Nessraya's magic tore Ithraxl to shreds and the loud-mouthed traitor collapsed into onto a knee, Xalrei couldn't help but feel like it had ended without a proper climax. All that bluster for nothing? A single spell from the general and he was just defeated like that? No, it wasn't that easy. Xalrei would get her unwanted wish as the traitor made one final act of defiance, crushing his ring to-- "What the..." Xalrei stared up in disbelief as the dark dragon began to take shape in the cramped corridor, Requiem held in a death grip.

    People were already turning tail just at the sight of the monster, but not her. Teeth grit and with a snarl on her face she stood her goddamn ground even as the sensible side of herself told her to run, at least to regroup. She was not going to turn her back on this excuse of a usurper! As Nessraya roared and charged Ithraxl, someone, one of the oni, shoved a spear into her hands the shiver it sent down her spine told her was the dragon spear in their possession. Bladen wasn't long behind, understanding her with a look and offering her his shield. She nearly tore it out of his hands as she started her charge at the dragon as Nessraya demanded, wings flaring out as her magic electrified her limbs.

    "I SAID I"D SHOVE MY SPEAR DOWN YOUR THROAT AND I GODS DAMNED MEANT IT!" She roared as she flew down the down the hall, spear aimed at the foul dragon's heart!

    Xalrei to 11,22 finish the wannabe dragon!

  17. "Tch..." Xalrei recoiled slightly from his use of runt, hitting suppressed trauma hard with a single word, unable to deny at least that part of herself. A shake of her head and she was back to snarling at him, however. "Kill us and Ralsvelgr will march down to Vaia himself and rend your head cleanly off your shoulders! You've lost, one way or another, so give up this farce you scum!"

  18. "You do not get to decide who or what is traitorous you stupid lizard!" Xalrei roared from outside the hallway, unable to approach any further with all the congestion happening. "He's leagues above you simply by being able to face himself! Unlike you, throwing a gods damned temper tantrum and wasting lives that weren't yours to begin with because you didn't get your way!" Between Ithraxl besmirching Bladen, her father, and her sister all in about thirty seconds Xalrei was seeing red, Requiem gripped tightly in her claws.

    "And you dare talk ill of our father even though you're nowhere close to even half the man he was! You couldn't even care for your own daughter, let alone lead this country! What makes you think you can handle a country if you can't even handle your own kin!? The only thing that's worthless here is you and your gods damned rebellion! You will be stopped, one way or another!"

    Xal to 15-22 

  19. "Big talk from a soon to be dead man," Sollowy jeered at Ithraxl in between patching up Bladen for the umpteenth time today. Honestly, with how important Sollowy's magic was to herself, she should probably be charging him something for how much she'd expended on him alone. Seriously, it was like he had a sigh on his back saying 'kick me'...

    Sol to 16-22, heal Bladen

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