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Posts posted by MacLovin

  1. On 11/17/2018 at 1:20 AM, Harvey said:

    Ok so I looked a bit of the discussion that Raven is either overrated or is just an average unit that isn't Marcus tier when seeing the 0% growth run. Even some of the members here say so. 

    I mean like really? How is that the problem. I mean when you consider that..

    1. Is the only unit that makes use of the hero crest

    2. Is your best axe user until lategame.

    3. Has really high bases for his join time.

    How can Raven still have problems for those saying he has problems? Like sure, he'll struggle a bit before promotion but its not like its hard to get him promoted...is it?

    and how can he perform so bad in a 0% growth run?


    1. I mean in LTC, he's probably the only efficient choice. For ranked, he's a contender for a later one since he doesn't need to promote to be a solid combatant.
    2. Not really. Hawkeye and Geitz are super solid. All the paladins are as well.
    3. Yeah the bases are what make him good.

    But the key thing to remember that Raven's durability is dependent on his bases and solid HP growth. Well, his avoid is decent enough, but don't rely on it.


    Also in 0% growths, Raven's average. He relies on growths to catch up. If we're just going by bases, his his durability will be shit forever. He's fast enough to double shit even when weighed down, but there's only so many times he can take a barrage of hits. One thing you'll notice is that when discussions on higher difficulty modes in FE games is that unit durability matters a hell of a lot. If someone's gonna be a glass cannon, they'd better be something like Ced with Forseti or something equally as goddamned ridiculous.  (Forsetti on it's own is stupid since it gives +spd which results in +avoid, but hey.)


  2. 29 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    When comparing units to everything else that exists, the size of their own class doesn't actually matter.

    well sure.

    but then it's the axe cavalier pool. When the best of the normal pool is Titania, there's something missing from it.

    I'd say that Groom Marth's statline is probably super good for merging. Idk about Walhart, but he gets a good prf +B slot at least.

  3. 6 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

    If you ignore armors, Masked Marth is probably the best grail unit. Aversa (once she's available), Kana, Azura (once she's available), Linus, and Ethlyn are also very good choices.

    I'm guessing that Valter/Michalis/Groom Marth/Walhart scale pretty well. The latter two being great since the axe horse pool is pretty small. 


    I think I'm going to grab a Finn copy first since I missed out on him. Then it's off to getting Aversa copies since her niche is pretty handy.

  4. 34 minutes ago, jeigansucksexp said:

    drafts are heavily skewed towards early joining units so i don't think reasoning involving drafts should really be used in any context outside of drafts

    she's as good of a taxi as an unpromoted cavalier. not that that's not _bad_ but it's not _good_ either since you have lots of other mounts that are better than her at doing so while taking less effort to train i.e. paladins & fliers. might be useful in a draft setting if you got fucked over and didn't get a lot of mounts, otherwise iffy at best

    i also don't think LTC should be used to rate units considering that rating units under an LTC setting uses a completely different criteria to judge a unit's performance (i.e. how many turns they save) than a regular playthrough (which is holistic and takes into account things like bases availability and all that)

    for example lilina is pretty much worthless in any regular playthrough but is good in LTC for the bolting crits

    i don't think i've seen a strat that uses longbow in the egg map

    by the time you get brave bow, the only flying enemies remaining in the game are gar/deathgoyles and they already get utterly smashed by the divine weapons meaning this utility is completely useless. the divine weapons have 30 uses each anyway which is more than enough for the rest of the game after you get them

    as for the thread question, innes is miles ahead of neimi since he actually has stats to work with. the benchmarks for fe8 isn't high but innes takes zero effort to get there while neimi only ends up maybe marginally better than innes once trained out of her shitty archer phase because she gets a horse. but between zero investment and getting a 7 mov horse i'll pick the zero investment any day, i have 8 mov units to taxi my lords to the seize point


    i mean sure, Innes is essentially a no-effort Nidhogg user and all.

    It's just that fe8's bar is so incredibly low. 

  5. 13 hours ago, Necrofantasia said:
    1. When you did you start to play your first gacha?
    2. Which game was your first gacha?
    3. How many gachas have you played / started yet?
    4. What's your favorite gacha?
    5. How many hours do you play gachas per day in average?
    6. Have you spent money in gachas yet?
    7. If you did spend it, was it a good pay off?
    8. What's your opinon about the the price for summoning material (orbs, quartz etc...)?
    9. How would you consider your general luck in summonings?
    10. What has been your best summoning / summoning session personally for you yet?
    11. What's your opinion of the droprates in general?
    12. Do you try to beat as many of these daily quests everyday, or do you rather only focus on quests with less time pressure?
    13. What do you like about gachas the most?
    14. What do you dislike about gachas the most?
    15. Any mechanics you would like to see introduced in the future?
    16. Any mechanics you would like to see dropped in the future?
    17. Any mechanics you would like to see transferred in the real series (like certain mechanics from Heroes in a future FE part)?
    18. Do you think gachas could endanger the videogame industry for being free?
    19. Any TV / videogame series you would like to see as a gacha?
    20. How you would describe your experience with gachas in three words?
    1. About 2 months into FEH's release
    2. FEH
    3. 7
    4. FEH>FGO>Dragalia/GBF>One Piece Treasure Hunt>All
    5. I think I play like 6 hours a week or more rn.
    6. I spent 200 bucks of google cash from a raffle all on FGO. Got me Nightingale/Rama/Stheno iirc.
    7. Rama was totally worth it.
    8. FEH has a good model for buying them, as does FGO. However FGO has the worst rates.
    9. 7/10 and usually off banner stuff.
    10. The time I got 6 SR/SSR things in one ten-roll in FGO.
    11. See FEH for good droprate mechanics with pity rolls. See FGO for balls to the wall painful.
    12. I do them when they pop up.
    13. The collect-em-all aspect.
    14. Droprates.
    15. Pity rates in FGO. 
    16. Current FGO gacha rates
    17. ~~FE Heroes mechanics should never be implemented in actual FE games unless you're a crybaby.~~
    18. Not really. If anything it draws attention to the franchise. I.E. FGO.
    19. Superhero Universes please.
    20. Don't spend money
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