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Phoenix Wright

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Everything posted by Phoenix Wright

  1. not a huge metal fan past the 80s/90s. i'm another one of those classics guys. sabbath, priest, maiden, rainbow. stuff like that. i also listen to bands that imitate that sound: the sword, freedom hawk, samsara blues experiment, etc. i like slow, heavy stuff mostly. priest and maiden are exceptions (and a couple other bands from the 70s/80s/90s).
  2. what is the point of having a statue (a symbol of praise and admiration) of a bad historical figure? what you're describing is a museum exhibit. you give the apollo 11 astronauts a statue, not the most prominent enemies of the united states.
  3. thank you identity politics for making it that much harder for humans to reason. life, the left and right are not sports teams. when your nfl team does something wrong (dirty hit or something) you can talk to me and say, yeah well the rams did such and such. that works. a nazi ran over a politically left-leaning woman because that's what they do. it is not surprising, though is plenty tragic. yes, violence came to the nazis as well. but no one was even beaten, let alone killed. they are not equal. you cannot aim to defend nazis because they are, at the end of the day, right-leaning. that is madness.
  4. sorry for putting words in your mouth. i blame my laziness and the fact that i'm on mobile rn. the solution is something we've yet to do: reject their beliefs at every level of government. if far right politicians say these beliefs are unacceptable, over time change will occur. but, as trump showed, as long as they're an important voting base, harsh reactions (politically speaking) to white supremacy from the right won't be seen as often as they should be. how long did it take trump to denounce duke? and even then it was a very weak. politicians need to forget about the office and think of the future. but our very system is setup in a way that makes that sort of thinking very hard to act on. not that i think we should absolve politicians of blame--worse, they're doing nothing to change it.
  5. eh, when it comes to flat earthers being deluded, it is indeed sad. but unfortunately ignoring science because it doesn't fit one's own narrative of the world is a practice common to 99% of the world population...including some folks here i won't name... in any case, what do you see as a justification for white supremacy beliefs??? further, your point about blame is just silly. white supremacists are wholly in the position of power every step of the fucking way. if they feel threatened it's because they have a victim complex. if they commit violence because of the perceived threat, they are wholly to blame. and always will be wholly to blame. i don't think people should be going around hitting these neonazis. that feeds a narrative i don't think anyone needs. but goddammit these people should feel shame from every facet of life--from the workplace to the highest levels of government. their beliefs should be treated as the nonsense they are and cast out. crimes committed in the names of these beliefs should carry sentences akin to hate crimes. we need to show these beliefs are neither okay to hold socially/civically or privately. we should always aim to progress our society.
  6. majored...in what with an emphasis in nuclear engineering? so far your claims don't lay credence to your credentials. japan had planes to bomb us with. not missiles. nk's missiles don't yet reach japan. short of a miracle invasion, how do you expect a nuclear warhead to make its way to the united states from north korea? north korea has fission nukes at best (uranium). not hydrogen bombs. i did read the first link. you ignored my point about it lol.
  7. not to sound like a dick, but i probably know far more accurately than you how a nuke works. and missiles. and planes, apparently. i've linked two things absolutely worth watching in this thread already: the oppenheimer doc and the short but sweet wwii info vid fallen.io. you might begin to understand both the physical difficulties in making a nuke and the political complexities surrounded by their manufacture and ''use.'' what's more--nk probably has no idea how to practically manufacture a hydrogen bomb. it being a bipartisan issue and whether or not you are fear mongering are wholly unrelated. your opinions are pretty hastily formed. what you have to say about un contradicts a previous article you linked concerning nk's own power lmao.
  8. 'more important'? nk more of threat than anyone else? nk literally cannot strike us. stop your fear mongering. http://www.fallen.io/
  9. sure he isn't the shining example, but that's missing the broader point. this 18 yo young man is being vilified by some of the public because he made a few mistakes. my brother was actually not very much different from lushen's view of michael brown when he was 18. my brother isn't a waste of space, and i'm not saying that from an emotional point of view--people can change. people can grow. 18 is so young to pass a sort of judgement like that. michael brown is as good an example as most. lethal force was used when it shouldn't have been. on a person that, perhaps given time to grow, could have become a real member of society.
  10. why should we lionize him? valid question. why are you vilifying him?
  11. there's a lot wrong with this post which raven thankfully already got to, but let me add that the mad scientist trope is fantasy. there are no such scientists lol. there are more complicating and interesting reasons why scientists commit some of the worst crimes in humanity. i mean, look no further than home (eg, the usa) to see likely the worst application of science. full doc: edit: hmm, i put the other spoiler tag immediately after the vid, but looks like something got fucked up and idk how to fix it. vid + rest of the post is in spoiler.
  12. science isn't a belief system, so the analogy fails. if you commit atrocities, it can't be in the name of science.
  13. i cant tell if this is a shitpost or not. if not, can you expand a bit on the obviousness of collusion and hacking?
  14. condolences. people shouldn't have to deal with that because of their political leanings. raven already said this, but nothing a grad student does alone gets published. at least not for a few years. it's not a sensible comparison in any regard. surveys done right are fact. i admit i don't hold much faith in a survey, but there's little else soft science people can do.
  15. apologies for the length of this post i'm not saying free trade is wholly bad--admittedly i don't know enough about it to conjure up an opinion more nuanced than, "we should be judging our agreements on a case-by-case basis." it might be true that nations whose workforce is treated poorly is better than no workforce at all. but that very exploitation should be seen as inexcusable. i mean, these are human lives we're talking about here, right? we can't control how china treats their factory workers, but we can surely influence it through trade practices and agreements, no? it's not only about the economic principles--getting stuff cheaper and divvying up work amongst nations, or political principles--becoming dependent on one another increases the likelihood of lasting peace, it should also include a social aspect of making sure workers are respected and safe. but it isn't. i personally don't really care if my goods are made in america or made in china--but at least a made in america tag includes (some) confidence that the people who made it didn't have to suffer. i don't wanna sound social justice-y so i wanna emphasize that i think free trade done right is very good. excuse my confusion then. you went into little detail of the threats you received as a result of voting for trump, when in actuality you meant supporting trump. your views on voting are dangerous, though, and also seemingly very conflicting. you place trust in these "talented" lawmakers to draft laws that the people support, but believe their campaigns to be merely vote-grabs? let me be blunt: the american system is not as corrupt as people might think it is. so much shit is actually legal that it doesn't need to be! but there's good that comes from this, including the fact that votes matter. political involvement matters in this country, and that is a beautiful thing. so much so that it's taken completely for granted. to say that your vote doesn't matter is to throw away the very power granted to you by your own government. you are not a victim. it is not hard to argue as a conservative or a liberal. all most people do is fling shit at each other. you're comparing undergraduate "research" assignments to actual funded science? any stance you take on the validity of research whilst comparing these two together is absolutely doomed to make no sense. real research is invaluable so long as the experiments are reproducible. funny that you think research is a joke but cite a phenomenon that could only be known to (possibly) exist through experiment. the cognitive dissonance that you exhibit is alarming. you are cherrypicking when something is valid or invalid based off of how you feel about it going in. this is very frustrating because your arguments fall apart from the foundation. it's impossible to talk to someone who feels they are right and are unwilling to consider alternatives. well, the biggest issue with the conservative parties of the world is that they lack basic human decency when generalized to more than the people they know personally. they are unable to see the forest for the trees. pulling oneself up by the bootstraps is a nice sentiment, but in reality is hogwash. conservatives aren't unwilling to help people, they're unwilling to help people they don't know. doesn't really matter if they have a face or not. one of my good friends, who at this point is annoyingly conservative, has paid for vacations, meals, alcohol, you name it, for me without expecting a dime because he knows i'm broke. he doesn't complain because he knows i'm broke. he's a great friend. the issue that he and many other conservatives fail to see is that there are millions and millions of people just like me. people who need help to get to a comfortable spot in life.
  16. for someone who voted trump, the man who claimed to drain the swamp, you sure have a ton of trust in the very individuals who trump claims we have every reason to distrust. unfortunately congress spends much of their time...fundraising. for the next election cycle, of course. we have issues that are deeply rooted in the political system, and i don't think republicans are particularly bent on changing that (or dems). colbert isn't even on anymore lol. is it possible, perhaps, that trump's policies really do not have depth or logic? why is the conclusion simply that if one can't see why his points make sense, one hasn't looked hard enough? this already assumes your side is correct--but what about the strong possibility that it isn't? ya see, i don't think a lot of important legislature is subjective. how a government should run, what the structure of a government should be, etc, those are fit well within subjective political philosophy. but what a government ought to do is more objective to me: make it possible for all citizens to be safe, successful, and happy to the best of the state's ability. treating our climate like a political ballgame, juggling life and death for millions to create a narrative on us v them in healthcare, these are simply incorrect positions. whether morally or factually, holding these beliefs places you on the wrong side of not only what will eventually be history, but the wrong side of reality.
  17. that's a surface level analysis of free trade. it breaks the number one rule of economics right off the bat: scarcity. it is absolutely impossible for everyone to be successful, because there aren't enough successful places to be. not everyone will get to do what they want for a host of reasons. on the international level, getting to do things cheap because of a lack of worker protection laws puts you quite a ways ahead........
  18. i haven't read much ff, but i've read better than that! haha, that is something that shouldn't have been published.
  19. firstly, my definition of fan fiction is when a fan takes a story and manipulates it to fit whatever their creative minds can think up. so professionally made spin-offs or non-cannon stories aren't fan fiction to me. fan fiction has the potential to be engaging and creative, but is often not. i feel like the reason for this is simple: why limit yourself to the framework of another's vision of a universe when you can create your own? it's certainly a creative outlet, and people are free to do it, but i don't think it's...like...a "printable" or "publishable" form of writing.
  20. i was also looking at it from that perspective.
  21. both parties should be blamed, but naturally we need to find the balance of blame such that political efficacy can be restored and that congress feels a fire under their ass. right now we've got maybe 20% of the american populace (probably much lower) that thinks their vote does anything (ie, those that vote in local/county/state elections), which is a disaster for democracy. your particular outlook is alarming because it assumes we should absolve voters of all transgressions. this is simply not true. each and every citizen's lack of being informed is an additional way to limit your own power. if people actually cared, things would be far different than they are today. far different. of course your (royal you) vote doesn't matter in the general election--it's statistically logical. it's you v. millions of voters. the best way to influence change is locally and letting that ripple out. letting congress know they have a population that is serious about their elections is an invaluable tool. it will improve our situation greater than i think i could ever imagine. i mean let's be real: if i were a senator, why in the fuck would i care (instead of pretend) what people think if i knew they weren't going to try to do anything to keep me in line? but if my constituents were active at even a local level, i'd think long and hard before i make a decision that works for me and not those i represent.
  22. yeah, i understand. thank you both for the prompt replies! :)
  23. ...oh. cool. :) that is a better idea! the button itself is fine, but still makes it a minor hassle to find old news that i'd like to see (something like vestaria saga just as an example). although i guess that's precisely what the search function is for... eh. looks like this issue is pretty much dealt with haha. thanks, vincent.
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