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Phoenix Wright

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Everything posted by Phoenix Wright

  1. it didn't make sense; the band is from cali :p (altho tbh i thought they were canadian cause of weird al)
  2. what a week. feel bad for the niners. i don't want to play the seahawks in the playoffs. amazing upset from the giants. that was beautiful. lions played a great game. excited to see jackson play again next week. plus a good fight from the raiders, which was a surprise. oh yeah, and packers lost. and steelers lost lmfao
  3. what a sad, sad statistic. question: in practice, no. failure to acknowledge civil injustice is as bad as being ok with it. (because both will lead to the problem never being solved.)
  4. dude is looking decent. excited to see the falcons and chiefs game in the coming weeks.
  5. day rams had a horrible bye-week, but at least the packers lost, steelers lost, browns won
  6. aside: i'm not sure of the scale (i'm assuming it's linear, so 2 is twice as dangerous, 3 3x as dangerous, etc), but if i'm being honest i'm amazed that the u.s. is as safe as it is given all the factors involved. while i think we could do much, much better, being less safe than tiny countries (either by population or land area) doesn't really concern me much. i mean, say we somehow solved our mass shooting problem. that'd bring us down to what...2.2? 2.1? if that?
  7. i'm a city boy and never imagined this. good point!
  8. thanks. and also @eclipse: :D i mostly agree with shob but anyway: 1. the good ol AR-15! get that shit out of here! it's too efficient and reliable. there was so infographic that i saw on fb that noted many of our mass shootings are done using that rifle. that may not be true, and i would accept being wrong, but as it stands right now i want that gun out of civilian hands unless it's being used on a gun 2. nope. it doesn't make sense in any context. 3. ban them and advertise later. make people hate guns the way we do with tobacco. 4. at least a decade. 5. i think there's good evidence to suggest that we shouldn't be giving these gunmen the light of day. i feel like he should be banned from responding here tbh. or put this tangent in another topic. i got a sense of humor and all, but i'd like to honor these deceased and broken people with at least a mildly honest discussion.
  9. hell yeah brother, cheers from iraq this is a dumbass response lol. i legitimately don't understand any part of this. because they're d a n g e r o u s. yes. did you know that there are laws and regulations concerning vehicles? and not just the vehicles, dude! there are also laws concerning the operation of vehicles. they're called traffic laws! assuming there exists no arguments that could possibly refute the idea of gun freedoms. ooookay go you. based off of your post history this is demonstrably false. in fact, guns rights > people's rights. they're tools used to do so. and they're damn good at it too. first of all, apples to oranges. second of all, source. my best friend is a car, dude. have some respect. not ban, just tighter control. wait what? the united states is already tyrannical in a number of ways. i'd like to undo that. any argument that tries to argue something is un-american is un-american. ironically, it's you who's doing this. i'm assuming not much works for you. wow. flawless logic. spoken like a true american who's never gone farther than 5 miles from their house. what in god's name are you fucking talking about at this point? ohhhhhhhhh. you're trolling.
  10. to illustrate why your posts have not made much sense to this point: if we removed weaponry from the military would less, more, or the same amount of people die? how efficient would we be at killing? (hint: it's not a surprise that wars, on average, have been much shorter while simultaneously killing orders of magnitude more people with the advent of guns. guns were made to kill, dude.) your idealistic ravings don't reflect reality--made worse by the fact that your libertarian values are passed as fact with an argument with as strong a foundation as a house of cards (tm). lots of other countries have free speech lol. owning black people was a right of every citizen too. that's not an argument for why we ought to own slaves. likewise, that there is a right under the constitution to own firearms does not mean we ought own firearms, or that it is moral to do nothing in the wake of tragedy after tragedy after tragedy after tragedy after tragedy after tragedy after tragedy after tragedy after tragedy after tragedy after tragedy after tragedy after tragedy
  11. what a weird week. despite being terrible, i'm impressed they held the chiefs to the lowest score of the year. i hate the titans but not anywhere close to how much i hate the pats! very uncharacteristic of them. more rams defense woes. they've got a bad sense of "bend, don't break." edit: weird flex but ok.
  12. well, the game was disappointing, but i think the most important thing is that i definitely saw the potential for a win from the rams there. the last 3 weeks could've gone either way, and it's because of our defense this time. peters needs to be better. our offense was on fire. i don't mind a loss. it's ok for a superbowl-bound team to not look on top of things every once in a while. and tbh, this wasn't that bad a showing by the defense. they gave the saints a 21-point head start after all... i wanna see a first round bye. i don't care how the season goes as long as we get that. when we meet the saints again we're taking the w. i'm confused by what happened in the 4th quarter. the packers were playing pretty amazingly up until 11 minutes left to the game. i don't follow the packers too closely, but that's pretty atypical, right?
  13. i dunno, looking at it holistically, packers are too reliant on one or two players (you know who they are). even with 2 weeks of prep, they still weren't able to dominate once we got the safety. i don't have high hopes for them against the pats, despite how badly i want the pats to lose. i think each the nfcn doesn't know who the hell should be dominant. it seems to change week to week.
  14. i didnt realize green bay sucked so much. :/ this browns drive is fucking hilarious. browns showing lack of football knowledge by not getting an immediate touchdown tho.
  15. is it? is that really saying something? is saying a man belongs in prison for mailing bombs to political opponents of your enemies really something to be applauded in your mind? do not lower your standards of morality because it's trump. demand better. fuck that guy, fuck trump, and fuck any politician that tries to vilify the left in light of this. this is absolutely insane.
  16. you see? even now you refuse to see that anyone besides you might have a point. you shift the goal posts in order to tell yourself you're still rational. i cannot stand to see this shit because this board is full of people like this. you're not offending anyone; in fact, what you're doing is a disservice to yourself.
  17. you're not being rational. to be rational isn't the same as being centrist, or contrarian, or whatever. it is both accepting truth and understanding what truth looks like. what you are doing is very irrational--you ignore facts for your own worldview. to assert that false rape allegations are as high as 40% is absolutely preposterous to the point where something in your brain should be yelling at you after reading something like that. if it were really as high as 40%, life would look a lot different in the united states. indeed, if you had read the source, as time the crestfallen has pointed out, you'd know that it's not actually the case. moreover, no one would ever assert it as the case. now, i don't think psychology today is america's #1 source or anything, so i don't blame you if you'd like to see a quantified explanation for such a high variance. but, you're simply not thinking about the issue as rationally as you might have convinced yourself you are.
  18. http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2017/12/28/10-things-we-learned-about-gender-issues-in-the-u-s-in-2017/roughly-four-in-ten-working-women-say-theyve-experienced-gender-discrimination-at-work/ https://www.rainn.org/statistics/victims-sexual-violence
  19. yes, but to remain consistent with your earlier argument: 'Living with the trauma is like dying on the inside. People can overcome it, but it is like living with all your limbs chopped off being bound to wheelchair. Not everyone wants to live through that kind of crap. Obviously, most victims are not going to go kill themselves since living is strong [sic] pretty strong instinct, but between dying via head shot and living through hell, I would pick head shot.' i don't see the parallels. fair enough and i agree. didn't mean to misrepresent your argument. some argue that it is strictly worse, so that is what i was responding to. i probably should get back on topic...
  20. ? i don't understand why you'd say this. moreover, in the literal sense, is having a limb removed reason enough to stop living? should cutting off someone's arm or leg be treated harsher than murder? ok sure, but this is present throughout all forms of trauma. i don't understand why this means rape is worse than murder. i am sorry to hear that. truthfully, i am the same way. but there's never been a point where i'd have rather died. but that's not an issue for crimes that cause severe trauma per se, it's a result of a terrible aspect of our current culture--it needs to change. we can never rid the world of any one violent crime, but we can definitely improve the ways we help people deal with them. that the current response in our aid to victims of said crimes is extremely poor isn't evidence that rape is strictly worse than murder.
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