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Posts posted by Refa

  1. :facepalm: Why does having blatantly broken people trivialise the entire game make it any better? :dry:

    And I know that you can't have everything completely balanced, but having GOOD balance means that the little ups and downs of everyone would generally roughly balance out, which is one of the core tenants of good game design, basically.

    You didn't answer my question. Balancing a game in and of itself does not equate to good game design, because that means that any game that isn't balanced is fundamentally flawed, which isn't the case. Sure, balance is incredibly important for SRPGs, but take Mario World for example. The cape isn't balanced, but it makes the game a lot of fun. Fun = good game design. If a FE game is horribly balanced, it may not be as fun, but again, balance is not one of the core tenants of good game design. It can help improve a game that could benefit from it, like FE or Starcraft, but it's not something that neccesarily needs to be taken into consideration for every game ever made.

    I couldn't even fathom the amount of bad Path of Radiance would be if at nearly every point in the story the player could make Ike give a "good" response, a "bad" response, or some kind of "neutral" response. It would make Ike himself a nonentity.

    ...Have Ike make the decisions? Clearly someone has never played Tactics Ogre.

    (in a less obnoxiously condescending way, TO is an SRPG where you can make choices as the main character at critical junctures in the storyline without making every decision for him, meaning he still had a personality)

  2. Not having done an FE4 draft before, I'm curious about how hard the game is going to be without any healers for two chapters. At least I get a...meh healer eventually, it'll be pretty hard for anyone who gets stuck without one.

    Also, for the Chapter 2 villages, do we just let all of those guys die? Seems like an unfair advantage for the person who gets Levin...

  3. It'd be interesting to see a main lord who was more of a leader than a fighter. I dunno, give him crappy growths and decent base stats, but a lot of leadership stars an maybe an uber weapon later on.

    Actually, I have to say that I disagree with you both. Blancing a game is just good game design, sure it's fine to have a couple intentionally over or underpowered things here and there but the majority of things need to be reasonably balanced, even if it IS only a single player game.

    Why does blancing a game = good game design?

  4. I really want leadership stars to be brought back in some way.

    I think 50-60 is a solid amount, I hope they don't give us 28 + bonus characters like in FE8.

    Yeah, that would be pretty good, although I wouldn't mind around 40 either.

    I actually disagree. This is a 1 Player Game, not a Call of Duty / Street Fighter. It also exists in real life war: no two people are likely the same on a battlefield, and there is more than likely one person better than the other. I mean, what is so awesome about balancing characters in a 1P game? Make them usable is fine...

    This. For example, FE4 has so many unbalanced elements, but that's what makes it fun IMO.

    With skills I think it's a lot easier to balance units (as opposed to simply making one unit per class), and also probably more interesting.

    Skills are awesome. Especially when it's done in the FE4/FE9 (maybe 10, never played it) sense. Much more to the detriment of FE8 for trivializing them and FE6/7 for removing them entirely (the latest 2 remakes didn't have them, but well...they're remakes).

    A different idea would be to make a pseudo-Jeigan who actually wasn't a prepromote but merely started out better than and ended up worse than your other available first-tier units, like Ruka from FE2 or an earlier joining version of Athena from FE11. What could be done is to give such a character better bases and weapon ranks (perhaps even a high enough weapon rank to wield a Silver earlygame like a "full-on" Jeigan!) but worse growths and a higher level. Then, even if they were more useful for efficiency and stuff, they wouldn't be as broken for those purposes as a strong "full-on" Jeigan would be and that's really what I'm wanting them to avoid: overpowered Jeigans.

    ...How is that different from a normal Jeigan? In fact, this unit is even better than Jeigan because he can benefit from promotion gains.

    I think I have the best idea ever: we implement no growths in the game. :D

    After seeing some of dondon's videos, I wouldn't mind an alternate mode where they did just that (of course, increasing units base stats to make them more useable is a must).

    Speaking of gender roles, how does everyone feel about the standard blue haired male hero and the frilly princessy support?

    The princess has a really dumb hat.

    Or just look at the villains in general. Gharnef, Manfloy, Zephiel... The standard archetype of "madman bent on releasing the ancient evil". Nergal is the first point in the series where that madmen reveals himself to have depth beyond being simply a madman (and FE7 even retroactively gives Zephiel depth as well). Moving from there we get Lyon and Sephiran, who continue to move in the direction of conflicted, turmoiled people who were good and then corrupted in one sense or another (if we continue to look at the Radiance Saga as a deconstruction, Ashnard fills the standard villain role... except that the "ancient evil" he seeks to revive isn't all that evil at all). The post-Kaga era has allowed the Fire Emblem plot to evolve from the standard formula in many different ways. I'm especially interested to see who the villain of FE13 will be because of it. To say that "oh it'll just be noble x fleeing from villain y who seeks to unleash monster z" is stripping down what the recent FEs have been to a core and ignoring all of the advancements that the plots have made since FE6.

    You're wrong

    FE1 (Medeus)- Definetely the most "evil" one, but if you read into his backstory, he initially created the empire to stop persecutions against dragons

    FE2-...I dunno, never played this one

    FE3 (Hardin)- Typical "Madman bent on releasing the ancient evil"? I think not. He was initially a playable character, and he turned evil in the same fashion that Lyon did (yeah, Lyon wasn't the first).

    FE4 (Manfloy)- FE4 has so many more interesting villains than Manfloy, and to soley focus on him is...well, yeah, kind of ignorant. Also, Manfloy probably became twisted after spending years in the Yied temple.

    FE6 (Zephiel)- Totally tragic villain there, even before FE7

    Why are people hating on the characters of FE1-5 again? Or the Lords for that matter? This whole oversimplification of characters is incredibly narrow minded.

  5. I just noticed that Eliwood have the same possible couples than Roy.

    So, Did Roy have some Oedipus Complex. Let's see that.

    Eliwood possible mate: Ninian, Lyn, Fiora

    Roy possible mate: Thany, Sue, Lilina, Lalum, Cecilia, Sophia.

    1-Cecilia is Lilina and Roy teacher and above she is a motherly figure for them...

    2-Sue is a Sacaen nomade noble (chief grand-daughter), like Lyn.

    3-Thany is a Pegasus Knight for Illia, like Fiora.

    4-Lalum is a Dancer like Ninian (by the way it's said than Eliwood's mother is an excellent dancer too... double Oedipus!)

    5-Sophia is an half dragon, and Ninian too!

    6-Lilina is the best choise? Not so sure since Roy and Lilina should be 1st degree cousins!

    What do you think about it?

    No, because FE6 came out first, so all of your similarities are coincidences/laziness on ISs part.

    1. No, you just made that part up

    6. ..What?

    All of the choices in between don't make any sense and I don't think you understand what the Oedipus Complex really is.

    The possibility that Roy and Lilina are cousins still exists, though. Eliwood has the option of marrying Fiora, while Hector can marry Florina or Farina.

    Fire Emblem 6 came out before FE7 when you could theoritically make Roy/Lilina related. I'm pretty sure IS did not intend that to happen when they made FE6.

    You're talking about FE fans, Momo. They're fucked up.

    Honestly, what's up with the glorification of incest? The last time I checked, incest is not a good thing!

  6. Because thieves, that's why. We don't want undrafted units contributing at all, and Daisy would contribute almost as much undrafted as drafted if she could Give for free.

    Whoops, because of the wording, I thought Give was banned for ALL units, drafted or undrafted.

    Anyways, I'm in.

  7. Skills function the exact same way in FE4/5 and FE9/10 (or at least 4/9, never played the other 2 games). The only difference is that some have been buffed/nerfed or use slightly different calculations.

  8. Could give each character a unique skill, it's really the only way Eliwood and Eirika could be in the same game and still be unique. Alternatively, have only one Lord rep per continent, which means you could pull Hector, Ephraim, and Micaiah, and then you only have two (I think, could be missing a game) Lords left, but that's a bit less exciting.

    ...Eliwood and Lyndis are in the same game and they are quite different and would still be pretty different even if Lyn got a Rapier. Manni Katti is just a better Rapier anyways.

  9. I've been thinking about this. In FE4 pairings are always debated statistically. I was just wondering what pairs make the children look the most like the parents.

    For example, Lachesis/Fin is good in my opinion but Delmud and Nanna look nothing like Fin.

    Maybe blue hair is a recessive gene in Fire Emblem. laugh.gif

  10. The thing is that there's already a really strong reason to stick with just a certain set of classes through weapon rank.

    And in FE12, the caps of mounted classes often make them unviable. The 23AS of Dracoknight, for example, is simply unusable later on in Lunatic. I think that dondon is right; characters should have the opportunity to reclass, but many reclassing options are just completely unusable for certain characters and just aren't needed. Who is going to reclass say, Etzel to a Berserker?

    I think reclassing is cool because while most of us can agree that it's not practical to reclass Etzel as a berserker, it sure is fun(ny) to reclass someone like him, or say Wrys, into a Myrmidon (or any class they're not suitable towards, really).

  11. ...You guys know this game will likely have different characters, assist trophies, and well...pretty much everything, right? Ike might not make a comeback, same goes for Lyn (as an assist trophy).

    It's no surprise that SSB has a mostly male cast, because the target demographic of most video games is male (especially those created when Nintendo was establishing its mascots).

    Someone here has never heard of Dead Or Alive...

  12. So what you want is a bow using lord, without the defining characteristic of bow users, that is, attacking at 2 range only. I would go so far as to say that you merely want a lord that looks like he is using a bow.

    Yup, that about sums it up. I want a Lord that can only use Staves, but can also attack people at a range of 1~2 with them. gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

  13. I want the Lord to be a badass, Sigurd style. Screw babying him around for more than half of the game.

    Get rid of the different magic types; the magic triangle is almost never in play, and it's typically useless since magic users have so much difficulty doing damage to each other anyway. The purpose of the weapon triangle is to make the game simpler for new players, but I don't get the impression that the magic triangle does the same.

    Haha, you just made that up.

    On healers, give them double the amount of EXP, based on the DS Fire Emblems. Alm staff stays at 100, but everything else should double. They gain levels the slowest, but don't fight at all.

    So like FE4?

    I thought of another thing I'd like: Universal caps!

    Too many times, a Class's stat caps (which I can only presume as designed to be insignificant since you barely ever reach them) end up being counted as being FAR too important (Like in FE10), making them the same would eliminate this problem. Though I think it should be one set of caps for 1st tier units, and another for 2nd tier.

    Ugh, no. Horsemen are overpowered enough, we don't need to give them better stat caps too.

    Some other ideas are kind of bad. Universal caps don't mean anything unless units can reach the caps in the first place. If the units can't reach some of their caps, then there's no point in having those high caps. If the units can reach some of their caps, then individual caps are necessary for differentiation. Either way, universal caps lose.

    This man gets it.

    This won't happen, but the visual that came to my head is a GBA swordmaster shaking his head in disapproval, then quickly thrusting the sword into the enemy (instead of the usual uppercut-like strike). Like Eirika's, but more badass.

    Like this?

    Then you look at the difference between, say, female/male swordmaster caps. -2 str for 2 points of res they'll never hit. same speed. a massive 3 con difference. There is no question who's better. People probably only use female swordmasters in GBA for their pretty legs.

    At least FE4 got it right (not part of what you're complaining about, just saying).

  14. This is a remastered version. The old one was only for an American release. Here, we beg for an American and an European release. We see with Xenoblade Chronicles, The Last Story and Pandora's Tower that a petition could work. We have to include Nintendo of Europe in this procedure. This increases our chances of success.

    No, that's a bad example because none of those games have been released in the US. Petitions NEVER work (well, online petitions).

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