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Posts posted by Refa

  1. I wouldn't call it overpowered. Your HP has to be extremely low for it have much of an impact, and even then it only lasts for one turn.

    OK, it's not OP per say, but it's still pretty fucking amazing. It let Fin survive a 98% hit attack, that is...WOW. If it lasted for more than one turn, and used the GBA method of RnG, it would be overpowered.

  2. His point went way over your head didn't it?

    The art style used in this game is fine. The only complaints I think anyone can really have are that it looks more "generic anime like" (but so does every JRPG) and that there are no talking and blinking frames.

    Generic- "Characteristic of or relating to a class or group; not specific"

    Haha, this could possibly be the most redundant comment ever. "People complain about this game looking generic, but then again, every JRPG looks generic". I mean seriously. Seriously. That is why people are complaining about it in the first place.

    Anyways, I don't really like the new artstyle much at all. But hey, it's not...tooo bad, and even though I'd much rather have something along the lines of...really any of the past FE games, it's not going to stop me from enjoying the game. Hopefully the storyline isn't as overblown and convoluted as the art is, because that would suck.

  3. This game is nowhere near complete. While the current art might say something about the style being used, it's almost certainly not how it's going to look in the final game.

    Well, that's kind of what I'm upset about that. The character portraits. Everything else is perfectly fine (to me). The 3D graphics in particular are rather fantastic IMO. I'm just...not too keen on whoever is designing the characters.

  4. God damn it, that character art is very generic. Also noticed how they didn't have a generic soldier face portrait, although that's just a beta thing.

    I still want this to come out in the US. NoA, please release this game (...not actually addressing this to NoA, more of a figure of speech)!

    The character portraits in this game reminds me of the ones in Berwick Saga.

    Eh, looks a lot more generic than the more classy Berwick Saga portraits.

    Amen to that, getting sick of the jeigen/oifaye archtype in general.

    Maybe make him pull an Orson? Considering I've just recently learned about how Marcus is the greatest thing since sliced bread (well, I guess I always used Sigurd, but that's a different story), I'm not sick of the Jeigan, but I can see how others might be.

    I personally like the style. Some of it sorta reminds me of Valkkyria Chronicles. Anyways, this looks awesome. If NoA doesn't localize this...

    It does look like Valkyria Chronicles The Animation. Not quite as good as in game Valkyria Chronicles though.

    On a side note is it just me or are people already really critical and skeptical of this game?

    I mean I know people are fans and they want everything the very best but... can't we all just be excited we finally get a new Fire Emblem game before the world ends? at least for the first day? XD

    *runs for the hills*

    It's hard to be critical about the gameplay, but...I mean, you can see the art right in front of you. That's how it's going to look in the final game. And it is generic (not bad, just pretty generic, doesn't really have that je ne sais quoi I've come to associate with FE).

    For some reason the dual attacks remind me of the love-crits in FE4, maybe that's a new support bonus, its almost as plausible as David Icke's theories.

    Maybe the dual attacks will riff off of what Yggdra Union did.

    I'm saying she's the second lord, though I can't say for certain if she's going to be magical. I'd like another magic lord after we had Micaiah, since the variety was pretty good. :/

    I want the main character to be a female Valkyrie esque Lord/Jeigan hybrid (so...Sigurd with magic, basically), but that's not going to happen in a 1000 years.

    Just give me Lyndis back, and I'll be happy. That said though, more female lords would be good. I also think more female myrmidons would be good. Actually, let's make the entire cast female.

    Man, females are ALWAYS myrmidons. Need more female axe users.

    I'd say The Triangle Attack and FE4's Lovers and Sibling critical attacks count as 3v1 or 2v1 from the earlier Fire Emblem games than this one.

    The triangle attack was so impractical that noone used it.

    Hmmm...that makes me think of something completely unrelated though. How will supports work in this game? It better be better than the last 3 games and more like FE9. Or original. That works too.

    OK, I know I seemed down on this game from my post, but I'm REALLY looking forwards to this just as much as the rest of you and I really want NoA to release this game. I don't have a 3DS now, but I'd buy one for FE13.

  5. Path Of Radiance is amazing, don't listen to anyone who tells you otherwise. I'm not making the claim that it's the best FE, but it's certainly worth however much it's going for. You should buy it. I hear Radiant Dawn is quite good as well, I wish I had my Wii with me so I could play it. :(

  6. Hmm, this debating sounds like fun, even though I'm not sure how good I'll be at it. Let's see...

    How about FE7?

    I feel like defending any of the dudes I've listed below, but maybe we can work something else out if that's how you (whoever YOU is) want it.

    Eliwood, Marcus, Hector, Rebecca, Lyn, Lucius, Rath, Karel, Wallace, Geitz

  7. Plenty of earlygame chapters in FE7 can be solo'd by Marcus alone. In fact, I've done a prepromote playthrough where until I got Isadora I could only use Marcus, and I'd actually say it was easier to solo with him than it was to play the game normally.

    However, I'm going to say that exploitation of the Jeigan was not what the developers intended when they made these games. I'm also gonna say that they probably didn't intend for playing the game efficiently. For instance, the best possible in-game rank you can get for FE7 HHM is some 200 turns slower than one of this community's standard "efficient" run. And in FESS the game encourages you even in HM to go visit the tower when it first becomes available. Traditionally the Jeigan has meant to be a unit you avoid; where reliance on them instead of your other units will screw you over in the long run. Since after the NES era people started to get sick of annoying deathtraps like that in games, the developers began to make the Jeigan better and better so that exploiting them will not necessarily make the game unbeatable. This comes with the double-edged cut that hardcore fans, who are quite excellent at this game, are able to exploit the Jeigan beyond his intended use, the same way the warp staff is exploited to completely skip chapters.

    While I agree about the Jeigan thing, Intelligent Systems was just asking for it with the Warp stuff. What else are you going to do with it besides skip entire chapters?

    Although I do like how Seth is a GOD. Wierdly enough, I didn't even use him the first time I played because he was eating up my EXP, and I wasn't aware that you could even promote units (first FE game card).

    Fuck this shit, I'm soloing HHM with Wil.

    Haters gonna hate.

    Only problem being you get him at Chapter 15, so you'll have to play some chapters without him. But after that? Wil is going to kick some ass.

  8. Chances are that the topic title means little more to you than "I Joined Serenes Forest", but I just wanted to have my (user)name in the thread topic. I dunno, makes it more personal, I guess.

    So obviously I like Fire Emblem, and seeing how this is a forum about the series, I thought I'd just talk about my personal history with Fire Emblem.

    The first Strategy RPG I played was Shining Force (on Sega Smash Pack 2 for the PC), which is what I'd say is the spiritual sequel to Fire Emblem Gaiden. I loved it at the time because I really sucked at pretty much every other game I played (except Jazz Jackrabbit 2, funnily enough). So I'm sure I would've been interested in Fire Emblem 7 when it came over here, but I didn't own a Game Boy Advance. However, I did watch friends play it at school and heard about the series (Me: " Oh, so it's kind of like Shining Force. That's pretty boss." Friend (obviously confused): "Shining what?"). While I didn't get the Game Boy Advance, I did manage to pick up an original DS in 2006, while they were still selling new GBA games, and the first game I got for my DS was Fire Emblem Sacred Stones.

    While I look back on it fondly, it obviously wasn't the greatest Fire Emblem game. Still, what better to start off the series than with the easiest game in the series? I still had quite a bit of trouble with the game, but I managed to beat it multiple times, and I loved it. Later on, I found a used copy of FE7, which I played and loved even more. Something about how it was the right combination of challenge and addictive gameplay. So even though the Wii was going to come out in 2007, I had to get a GameCube to play Fire Emblem Path Of Radiance, which I was super hyped up about. Ever since then, I've been in love with the series.

    As far as games I've played, here's a quick rundown;

    Fire Emblem Dark Dragon & Sword Of Light- After reading one of the greatest LPs of this game on the SA forums, I tried it out and found up that it's aged rather well for an SRPG on the NES. Still pretty dated, but not as bad as one would think.

    Fire Emblem Gaiden- I played this a long time ago before the fan translation was available, and didn't get very far.

    Fire Emblem Genealogy Of The Holy War- I love this game so so much, but I can't seem to get very far at all (Chapter...3, I think) because of just little issues that really bother me. I WANT everyone to double attack! I WANT people to trade items! I WANT a remake of this so badly, because it'd probably be the greatest thing ever (I'm interested in that FE4 GBA fan remake, but I'm talking about big budget remake by Nintendo).

    Fire Emblem Thracia 776- Putting for the sake of completeness, I never really made a real attempt to play this game.

    Fire Emblem Sealed Sword- I haven't gotten very far in this one at all. Only a few chapters really, still would like to finish it sometime in the future.

    Fire Emblem Blazing Sword- Have completed many times over (but never on HHM, wierdly enough) and am well versed in it.

    Fire Emblem Sacred Stones- Played a lot when I was younger, but after I traded it (which was dumb of me, but at least I got Phoenix Wright III and EOII in return, one of which I love and the other is a dungeon crawler), I've become less knowledgable about this game.

    Fire Emblem Path Of Radiance- I love this game (may be my favorite, 4 doesn't count because I haven't beaten it and I just put it as my favorite because I'm pretentious, and it's in competition with 7) and my lifelong goal is to complete this game 100%.

    Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn- I put this here despite never playing it because I own a sealed copy of the game, really really really want to play it, and my Wii is broken.

    Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon- I actually enjoyed this one quite a bit, although I can see why other people don't like it as much.

    Fire Emblem New Mystery Of The Emblem- I would've played it if NoA localized it.

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